ACE Fall-Out Press Conference - 9/29/24


ACE Fall-Out Press Conference - 9/29/24

The press conference opens with Commissioner Conway Marshall stepping up to a podium adorned with the ACE logo, the tension still in the air from the evening’s chaotic events at ACE Fall-Out. He takes a sip of water and smiles at the gathered journalists.

“Good evening, everyone. First of all, thank you for coming out tonight and supporting another thrilling edition of ACE Fall-Out. What a show, huh? We saw some incredible action, from the brawl between Himalaya and Beulah Roy to the instant classic that was Keme Dakotah versus Belial Fish. And, of course, our main event was nothing short of spectacular. Hats off to Johnny Roach and Tavita Silk for putting it all on the line in the ring tonight.”

Marshall continues to recap the night’s events. “As always, ACE is about putting on the best show for the fans. And tonight, the fans got their money’s worth. We saw great wrestling, a few surprises, and, of course, some intense drama. It’s what ACE is all about.”

Then, the tone shifts as he addresses the more controversial moments from the night.

“Before we get to the questions, let me first address the situation involving referee Carl Simmons. I want to clarify that Simmons is under investigation for the recent allegations and questionable officiating, but at this moment, he is not being suspended. We are conducting a thorough investigation and reviewing all available evidence. We take these matters very seriously, but we also believe in due process. Simmons will continue to officiate until the investigation concludes.”

He pauses as the room buzzes with murmurs from the journalists before tackling the next major topic.

“Now, about Amir Fayez. What happened earlier tonight when Fayez attacked referee Simmons is completely unacceptable. Wrestlers cannot, under any circumstances, put their hands on officials, no matter how frustrated they may be. That is a line that we will not allow to be crossed in ACE. As of tonight, Amir Fayez is suspended indefinitely, effective immediately. He will be pulled from the 2024 Tournament of Aces, and a replacement will be named in due course.”

Marshall’s face is stern as he speaks. “We understand the passion that runs through this business, but rules must be followed. Actions have consequences, and a precedent has been set.”

The floor opens for questions, and the first is quickly directed toward Carl Simmons and the investigation.

“Mr. Marshall, does keeping Carl Simmons active as a referee during the investigation undermine the integrity of your officiating?”

Marshall responds firmly, “I understand the concern, but again, this is an investigation. Until we have concrete evidence that shows Simmons acted inappropriately, we believe in allowing him to continue working. If it turns out he’s in the wrong, we will take action. But until then, we must be fair and thorough.”

Another journalist presses, “What specifically triggered the investigation into Carl Simmons?”

Marshall sighs slightly, “There have been several complaints regarding his officiating in key matches, including inconsistent counts and perceived favoritism. We’re combing through those incidents now.”

The questions then shift to Amir Fayez’s suspension.

“Will Amir Fayez have a chance to appeal his suspension?”

“No appeal,” Marshall replies bluntly. “Not until we’ve completed a full review. The attack on Simmons was inexcusable. There’s no wiggle room when it comes to physical altercations with referees.”

A reporter chimes in, “Who will replace Fayez in the Tournament of Aces?”

“We’re still finalizing that,” Marshall replies, glancing down at his notes. “We’ll make an announcement before Marquee this Tuesday night. Stay tuned.”

With the more pressing topics covered, Marshall welcomes Johnny Roach to the podium, eliciting applause from the journalists as the ACE World Champion takes the stage.

Roach, wearing his ACE World Championship belt over his shoulder, looks exhausted but proud. He smiles and adjusts the title before speaking.

“First off, I just want to say what an absolute war that was tonight. Tavita Silk came in hot, and he’s one of the toughest competitors I’ve faced. The Sons of Samoa are no joke, and believe me, this feud with them is far from over.”

Roach fields questions about the match, starting with how he felt facing Silk and overcoming interference from the Samoan Warriors.

“Man, they’re relentless. When you’ve got Kimo and Tua out there, it feels like you’re fighting three giants, not just one. But luckily, I’ve got my boys, Mastadon and Inferno—the Chaos Riders—having my back. Those guys are like brothers to me. They made sure the playing field was leveled out there tonight.”

A journalist asks, “Do you feel like you’ve put the Sons of Samoa behind you after tonight’s victory?”

Roach shakes his head. “Nah, not yet. Not until I’ve beaten all of ‘em, and I know they’ll be gunning for me again. I might’ve proven tonight that I’m the best there is, but there’s no doubt in my mind that Tavita Silk and his crew will come back for more.”

The press follows up with a question about Roach’s feelings on being the reigning ACE World Champion amid all this chaos.

“It’s what I live for,” Roach responds. “Being champion isn’t just about holding this title; it’s about defending it against anyone and everyone. Whether it’s Silk, the Warriors, or anyone else they throw my way, I’m ready.”

After a few more questions, Conway Marshall returns to the podium to wrap things up. He thanks the journalists for their time and ends with a plug for Marquee on Tuesday.

“Thanks, everyone, for coming out. Make sure you tune in to Marquee this Tuesday, where we’ll have updates on the Tournament of Aces and more fallout from tonight’s epic show. Have a good night, folks!”


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