ACE Fall-Out - 9/29/24


ACE Fall-Out - 9/29/24

As ACE Fall-Out opens, the camera pans to the lively crowd at the Spectrum Center in Charlotte, NC. Fans hold up signs supporting their favorite wrestlers as Darrell Ryland and Ward Rees sit at the commentary desk, and Shania Wheatley stands ringside. The three run down the lineup for tonight’s big matches, creating buzz for the ACE World Tag Team Title defense by Arn Fargo and Jarvis Allen against the Nigerian Hit Squad. They also hype up the grudge match between Chase Barclay and Amir Fayez, the monstrous showdown between Beulah Roy and Himalaya, and the highly anticipated ACE World Championship match between Johnny Roach and Tavita Silk.

Shania Wheatley chimes in, “Speaking of Beulah Roy, I caught up with him earlier today when he arrived at the arena. He had some choice words for General Zhang and his giant, Himalaya. Let’s take a look!”

The scene cuts to a pre-taped segment of Beulah Roy standing in the parking lot, his signature street-tough attitude on full display. Dressed in a leather jacket and jeans, he stares intensely into the camera.

“You think you can send your big monster after me, Zhang? Himalaya may be huge, but I’ve taken down giants before. Tonight, that behemoth is gonna learn the hard way that I ain’t backin’ down. I’m coming for you next, Zhang. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about all the pain and chaos you’ve caused in ACE. Himalaya might be standing in my way tonight, but after I put him down, you’re next in line.”

The camera cuts back to the arena, and Ryland’s voice chimes in, “Beulah Roy is focused, and he’s got his sights set on more than just Himalaya.”

“We’ve got a lot to get to tonight, so let’s kick things off with the ACE Television Championship!” adds Ward Rees.

ACE Television Championship Match: Calgary Hart (c) vs. Cael Gardner (with General Zhang)

As Calgary Hart’s music hits, the young and vibrant technical specialist walks out to the ring, soaking in the cheers of the fans. He is determined and confident, wearing the ACE Television Championship proudly around his waist. Cael Gardner is next, accompanied by General Zhang. Gardner enters the ring, his face showing a mix of determination and arrogance, while Zhang stands ominously at ringside.

The bell rings, and the match begins at a fast pace, with both competitors locking up and exchanging holds. Hart’s technical prowess is on full display as he transitions into arm drags, wrist locks, and hip tosses, gaining an early advantage. Gardner, an Olympic gold medalist turned pro wrestler, counters with his own set of grappling skills, leading to a series of chain wrestling exchanges that leave the crowd cheering for more.

Hart takes control with a beautiful dropkick that sends Gardner reeling into the corner. Hart follows up with a series of knife-edged chops and a snap suplex. Just as it seems Hart is building momentum, General Zhang jumps onto the apron, causing a distraction. The referee’s attention turns to Zhang, allowing Gardner to land a cheap shot—a low blow behind the referee’s back—dropping Hart to his knees.

Gardner takes full advantage of the situation, aggressively working over Hart’s neck and back with a series of suplexes and slams. He locks in a waistlock, executing a devastating German suplex, but Hart kicks out at two. Gardner, now firmly in control, begins to taunt the fans, drawing boos from the Charlotte crowd.

Calgary Hart, feeding off the energy of the audience, begins to fight back. He dodges a clothesline from Gardner and nails him with a spinning heel kick, followed by a snap DDT. Hart climbs to the top rope, looking for his signature flying elbow drop. The crowd is on their feet as Hart soars through the air, but at the last moment, Gardner rolls out of the way, and Hart crashes hard onto the mat.

Sensing the opportunity, Gardner quickly picks up Hart and delivers the Olympic Slam, driving him into the canvas with precision. Gardner hooks the leg for the pin, and the referee counts the 1… 2… 3! Cael Gardner wins the ACE Television Championship at 9:55!

Winner and new ACE Television Champion: Cael Gardner

Gardner celebrates in the ring, raising the title high above his head as General Zhang applauds on the outside. The camera catches Zhang’s cold, calculating smile as he enters the ring to join Gardner in the celebration. Zhang whispers something in Gardner’s ear, and Gardner’s expression hardens. Without warning, Gardner grabs Hart, who is still groggy from the match, and drags him to his feet.

As Gardner prepares to attack a defenseless Calgary Hart, the crowd erupts with boos. Zhang is clearly commanding Gardner to do more damage, intent on making an example out of Hart. Gardner looks ready to inflict serious harm, but before he can act, Beulah Roy charges down the ramp, steel chair in hand!

The crowd explodes as Beulah Roy slides into the ring, swinging the chair at Gardner, who quickly drops Hart and bails out of the ring. Zhang and Gardner retreat up the ramp, glaring at Beulah, who stands tall in the ring. Roy checks on Calgary Hart, making sure the young star is okay, before turning his gaze toward the retreating Foreign Legion, shaking his head in disgust.

Roy grabs a microphone and shouts, “Zhang, I’m not waiting until later! You want to send your goons out here to try and cripple people? Not on my watch! After I’m done with Himalaya, I’m coming for the rest of your crew!”

The camera fades out as Beulah Roy helps Calgary Hart to his feet, the crowd cheering them on. The Foreign Legion may have claimed the ACE Television Title, but Beulah Roy has drawn a line in the sand for the night ahead.

After a commercial break, we’re treated to a promotional video recapping the intense, emotional feud between Reverend Elijah Cross and Ambassador Patrick Ford. The video highlights the relentless beatdowns Cross and his ally, Simbi Loa, have inflicted on Judge Joe Ridge, leaving him battered and bruised on multiple occasions. We also see the mind games Cross has played with Ford’s longtime friend, Rebel Jimmy Lee, manipulating Lee at every turn. Cross’ villainous sermons are spliced with scenes of Ford vowing to put an end to Cross’ reign of psychological torment.

Reverend Elijah Cross vs Ambassador Patrick Ford

As the video fades out, we return to the live broadcast. Reverend Elijah Cross makes his way down the aisle, dressed in his preacher’s robe, carrying a large wooden cross. He raises his arms toward the crowd, delivering a twisted, false sermon, speaking about how he’s been chosen to “cleanse” Atlas Championship Entertainment. The crowd boos mercilessly, but Cross remains unfazed, his confidence radiating as he steps into the ring, a smug smile plastered on his face.

Darrell Ryland is on commentary, shaking his head. “Reverend Elijah Cross has done nothing but spread hate and manipulate everyone around him.”

Ward Rees adds, “He’s gotten into people’s heads, Darrell, and done damage to the body of Judge Joe Ridge. Let’s just hope Ambassador Patrick Ford can put a stop to this tonight.”

The camera shifts to the entrance as Ambassador Patrick Ford appears, greeted by a huge ovation from the crowd. Ford is dressed in his signature red, white, and blue ring gear, and he marches to the ring with purpose, his eyes locked on Cross. He slides into the ring, but before he can even get to his feet, Cross smashes the wooden cross across Ford’s back, sending him crashing to the mat. The referee tries to restore order, but Cross doesn’t care, pouncing on Ford before the match officially begins.

The bell rings, and Cross continues his assault, using underhanded tactics and illegal moves to maintain control. Cross chokes Ford on the ropes, delivers cheap shots while the referee’s back is turned, and uses his robes as a weapon, wrapping them around Ford’s neck. The crowd boos, but Cross just smirks, reveling in their hate.

Ford starts to fight back, using his power and smarts to slowly turn the tide. He blocks one of Cross’ punches and counters with a series of hard right hands, followed by a huge belly-to-belly suplex that sends Cross flying across the ring. The crowd roars as Ford gains momentum, landing a running clothesline that sends Cross to the mat. Ford then signals for his finishing move, The Diplomatic Immunity (a high-angle spinebuster).

Just as Ford looks ready to finish Cross off, Simbi Loa appears at the top of the ramp, drawing the referee’s attention. The crowd boos loudly, knowing this is a setup. Ford glares at Loa, pointing at him and shouting warnings, but the distraction is enough for Cross to recover.

Suddenly, Rebel Jimmy Lee runs down the ramp, looking like he’s coming to help. The crowd cheers, thinking Lee is here to even the odds. Ford turns his back to deal with Cross, unaware that Lee has slid into the ring behind him.

Then the unthinkable happens—Lee grabs Ford by the shoulder, spins him around, and delivers a vicious forearm to the back of his head! The crowd gasps in shock as Ford stumbles, confusion and betrayal in his eyes. The announcers are beside themselves, shouting in disbelief.

Ward Rees exclaims, “What?! What is Rebel Jimmy Lee doing?!”

Darrell Ryland responds, “I—I don’t believe it! Rebel Jimmy Lee has just turned on his friend! This is despicable!”

Ford, dazed from the unexpected attack, struggles to his feet, but Cross is already poised to strike. Cross hits Ford with The Salvation (a modified spinning neckbreaker), planting him in the center of the ring. The referee turns around just in time to make the count as Cross hooks the leg.

1… 2… 3!

Winner: Reverend Elijah Cross (14:17)

The crowd explodes into boos as Cross kneels beside the fallen Ford, raising his arms and giving a twisted “blessing” to the crowd. Rebel Jimmy Lee stands in the corner, a conflicted look on his face, but it quickly fades as Cross approaches him with open arms. Cross places a hand on Lee’s head, as though “anointing” him.

Ryland can’t believe it. “This is disgusting! Rebel Jimmy Lee has been completely brainwashed by Reverend Cross!”

Lee and Cross embrace in the center of the ring as the boos from the crowd reach a fever pitch. Cross raises Lee’s hand in the air, the two standing tall over the defeated Ambassador Patrick Ford. The camera captures the look of satisfaction on Cross’ face—his mind games have paid off in a big way.

As Cross and Lee make their way out of the ring, the camera zooms in on Ambassador Patrick Ford, still lying on the mat, his face a mix of pain and betrayal. The crowd remains in shock, unsure of what’s next for Ford after this crushing loss and Rebel Jimmy Lee’s stunning betrayal.

The segment ends with a shot of Reverend Elijah Cross and Rebel Jimmy Lee walking up the ramp together, united in their twisted partnership, while Simbi Loa stands ominously behind them, signaling that the power of Cross is growing stronger in Atlas Championship Entertainment.

As we return from commercial, Shania Wheatley is standing by with the ACE World Tag Team Champions, Arn Fargo and Jarvis “The Genius” Allen, along with Miss Cavendish backstage. The trio is dressed to the nines, Fargo and Allen in their matching gold-and-black ring gear, the glistening tag team titles slung over their shoulders, and Miss Cavendish standing confidently beside them.

Shania, with microphone in hand, asks, “Arn, Jarvis, tonight you face a tough challenge in the form of the Nigerian Hit Squad—two-time ACE Tag Team Champions and Atlas Cup winners. What are your thoughts going into this match?”

Jarvis Allen steps forward with a smug grin. “Tough challenge? Please, Shania. Let’s be real for a second. You’re looking at the greatest tag team in wrestling history. The Barclay Investment Group doesn’t just win, we dominate. Fargo and I have held these titles longer than anyone else in ACE, and defeating the Nigerian Hit Squad tonight? That’s just another checkmark on our already legendary résumé.”

Arn Fargo chimes in, holding his title close to his chest. “You see, Shania, Rhino Rafiq and Midnight Panther are good, no doubt about it. But good isn’t good enough. We’re not just champions, we’re investors. We invest in victories, in dominance, and in making sure the Barclay Investment Group stays on top. Beating the Nigerian Hit Squad tonight is just business as usual for us.”

Miss Cavendish, with a sly smile, adds, “Tonight, we show the world—once again—that money, power, and brains win championships. The Nigerian Hit Squad? They’ll wish they’d stayed in the past where they belong.”

With that, the trio walks off, exuding confidence bordering on arrogance, as Shania signs off, “The champions are certainly not lacking in confidence, but will they back it up in the ring?”

We head back to the arena as the Nigerian Hit Squad—Rhino Rafiq and Midnight Panther—make their entrance, receiving a loud ovation from the fans. Dressed in their signature green-and-gold ring gear, they’re all business as they step into the ring, ready to reclaim the titles they once held.

Ward Rees, on commentary, quickly notes, “It looks like Carl Simmons is officiating this match, and there’s been a lot of talk lately about his questionable calls. Some even say he’s been bought by groups like Barclay Investment Group.”

Darrell Ryland responds, “Well, if that’s true, Rhino Rafiq and Midnight Panther have an uphill battle tonight.”

The champions, Arn Fargo and Jarvis Allen, make their grand entrance next, flanked by Miss Cavendish and Chase Barclay. They take their time, soaking in the boos from the crowd, their smugness apparent as they stroll to the ring. Fargo and Allen hold their titles high, taunting the Nigerian Hit Squad.

The bell rings, and the match kicks off with Rhino Rafiq and Jarvis Allen starting things off. Rafiq explodes out of the gate, taking the fight directly to Allen with a barrage of powerful strikes. Rafiq slams Allen with a devastating powerslam, and the crowd roars as the Nigerian Hit Squad takes control early.

Allen, clearly caught off guard, scrambles to tag in Arn Fargo. Fargo, the more experienced of the two, slows the pace down, using his technical skills to gain an advantage. A well-timed thumb to the eye of Rafiq behind the referee’s back allows Fargo to seize control. Fargo and Allen begin to work as a well-oiled machine, cutting the ring in half and isolating Rafiq.

Ward Rees comments, “Classic tag team strategy by the champions, but it’s clear Carl Simmons is letting them get away with a lot.”

The champions begin to use every dirty trick in the book. Miss Cavendish distracts the referee, allowing Fargo and Allen to double-team Rafiq. Allen chokes Rafiq with the tag rope while Fargo delivers vicious stomps. Simmons seemingly turns a blind eye to the blatant cheating, drawing more ire from the crowd.

Despite the odds, Rhino Rafiq fights back, hitting a powerful back suplex on Fargo and making the hot tag to Midnight Panther. Panther comes in like a house on fire, delivering high-flying moves and quick strikes to both Fargo and Allen. The crowd is on their feet as Midnight Panther takes control of the match.

Panther goes for his finishing move, The Midnight Strike, but just as he’s about to connect, Miss Cavendish hops onto the apron, causing a distraction. The referee, Carl Simmons, is too focused on Cavendish to notice Arn Fargo slip in behind Panther and hit him with a low blow.

Ward Rees exclaims, “You’ve got to be kidding me! This is ridiculous!”

Fargo capitalizes on the dirty move, hitting Midnight Panther with a devastating DDT. He covers Panther, and Simmons drops for a lightning-fast count.

1… 2… 3!

Winners and still ACE World Tag Team Champions: Arn Fargo and Jarvis Allen (6:43)

The crowd is irate, booing loudly as the champions celebrate in the ring, acting as if they’ve won the match cleanly. Miss Cavendish claps from the outside, a smug grin on her face as she joins Fargo and Allen in the ring. The trio revels in their victory, despite the underhanded tactics they used to win.

Ward Rees shakes his head, “Carl Simmons has struck again. There was nothing fair about that match.”

As Fargo, Allen, and Miss Cavendish continue their celebration, Amir Fayez comes charging down the ramp. The crowd erupts as Fayez slides into the ring, clearly furious about what just transpired. Fayez gets in Carl Simmons’ face, shouting at the crooked referee, accusing him of corruption.

Suddenly, Fayez snaps and decks Carl Simmons with a hard right hand! The crowd pops as Simmons crumples to the mat, holding his jaw. Fayez isn’t done yet, though, as he quickly turns his attention to Fargo and Allen.

Before the champions can react, Rhino Rafiq and Midnight Panther recover and join Fayez in the ring. The three men take the fight to Fargo and Allen, knocking them out of the ring with a series of hard-hitting moves. The crowd is on their feet, cheering as the Nigerian Hit Squad and Amir Fayez stand tall in the ring.

On the outside, Miss Cavendish helps the stunned Fargo and Allen to their feet, and the three of them retreat up the ramp. Chase Barclay, watching from the entrance, motions for them to join him as he backs away to the locker room, clearly wanting no part of the fight.

The camera captures the intense looks on the faces of Fayez and the Nigerian Hit Squad as the champions make their escape. The fans are still buzzing from the chaotic scene as the announcers speculate about what’s next for the corrupt Carl Simmons and the Barclay Investment Group.

We continue with the great action and up next is Beulah Roy taking on Himalaya!

As Himalaya makes his entrance, the crowd’s disdain is palpable. The hulking giant from Nepal is accompanied by his ever-scheming manager, General Zhang, who shouts angrily at the fans lining the ramp. Himalaya, towering over everyone, strides confidently down to the ring, laughing as fans throw cups, popcorn, and drinks in his direction. He swats them away as if they’re nothing more than minor annoyances. General Zhang, seething with anger, shakes his fist at the fans and berates them, threatening them with “dire consequences” for disrespecting his monstrous client.

Himalaya steps into the ring, raising his arms high and flexing his massive frame as the fans continue to boo. His intimidating presence fills the arena as he looks down the ramp, waiting for his opponent.

Then, Beulah Roy’s music hits, and the crowd erupts in cheers for the street-tough New Yorker. At 6’4” and 330 pounds, Roy is no small man, but next to Himalaya, even he looks like a David facing Goliath. Roy charges down the ramp, his eyes locked on Himalaya. He knows he’s in for the fight of his life, but the look on his face shows he’s not backing down.

The bell rings, and Himalaya immediately uses his monstrous size advantage to overpower Roy. He shoves Roy into the corner with ease and lays into him with thunderous blows. General Zhang is already barking orders at ringside, demanding Himalaya crush Roy. Himalaya responds by grabbing Roy in a bear hug, lifting him off the mat and squeezing the life out of him.

Beulah Roy struggles in the massive grip, his face contorted in pain as Himalaya continues to apply pressure. The crowd rallies behind Roy, clapping and stomping their feet, willing him to break free. Slowly but surely, Roy begins to fight out of the hold, delivering several elbow shots to Himalaya’s head. After what seems like an eternity, Roy manages to break free and drops to his feet, gasping for air.

Roy now goes on the offensive, using his strength and grit to mount a comeback. He hits Himalaya with several powerful strikes, rocking the giant but unable to knock him off his feet. Roy whips Himalaya into the ropes and catches him with a big boot, but even that only staggers the giant. The crowd is roaring as Roy tries to figure out a way to take down his monstrous opponent.

Just when it seems like Roy might gain the upper hand, General Zhang jumps onto the apron, distracting both the referee and Roy. As the ref is occupied with Zhang, Anastasia walks out, followed closely by Nikita Petrov and Count Hammerli von Fluker of the Foreign Legion, their presence adding to the already chaotic atmosphere. Petrov and von Fluker position themselves at ringside, menacingly watching the action unfold.

Back in the ring, the distraction allows Himalaya to regain control. He grabs Roy by the throat and throws him into the corner, delivering a series of punishing strikes. But Beulah Roy is tough, and he battles back, refusing to be dominated. He whips Himalaya into the opposite corner and charges in with a massive corner splash, shaking the ring with the impact. The crowd is electric as Roy has Himalaya rocked for the first time in the match.

Sensing that the tide is turning, Nikita Petrov rushes the ring. Before the referee can even react, Petrov charges at Roy, leveling him with a vicious clothesline. The referee immediately calls for the bell, disqualifying Himalaya as the match ends in chaos.

Winner by disqualification: Beulah Roy (10:38)

The fans boo loudly as Himalaya and Petrov begin a two-on-one beatdown on Beulah Roy, stomping him into the mat. General Zhang is shouting instructions, his face twisted in a malicious grin. Anastasia joins in, laughing as she points at the fallen Roy. Despite the rumors of dissension within the Foreign Legion, tonight they appear more united than ever.

Count Hammerli von Fluker climbs into the ring to join the assault, making it a full-on mugging. The three men continue to lay waste to Beulah Roy, who is completely defenseless at this point. General Zhang and Anastasia look on, delighted with the destruction their faction is causing.

Suddenly, the crowd begins to chant for reinforcements, but no one comes to Beulah Roy’s aid. The Foreign Legion stands tall, their dominance on full display as they leave Roy battered and broken in the middle of the ring.

Ward Rees on commentary sums it up, “This is just sickening. The Foreign Legion has made their statement loud and clear tonight. Despite all the rumors, they are stronger than ever, and Beulah Roy just found out the hard way.”

As Himalaya, Petrov, von Fluker, General Zhang, and Anastasia exit the ring, the camera focuses on Beulah Roy, lying motionless on the mat, bruised but not broken. The fans chant his name, trying to lift his spirits, but tonight, the Foreign Legion reigns supreme.

Backstage, Shania Wheatley stands in Commissioner Conway Marshall’s office, her expression serious as she holds the microphone out toward the authoritative figure of ACE. Marshall adjusts his tie and begins his official statement.

“After reviewing the events of tonight, and in light of the ongoing allegations surrounding referee Carl Simmons, I want to assure everyone that ACE is taking this matter seriously. We have launched a formal investigation into Simmons’ conduct and the explosive claims against him. However,” Marshall pauses for emphasis, his expression hardening, “what Amir Fayez did tonight, attacking a referee, is inexcusable.”

The gravity in Marshall’s voice makes it clear that he’s not taking the situation lightly.

“We cannot tolerate such actions, no matter the circumstances. A precedent must be set. Therefore, I am suspending Amir Fayez indefinitely, effective immediately. His match tonight against Chase Barclay is canceled, and he will be replaced in the 2024 Tournament of Aces.”

Marshall leans forward, looking into the camera as if addressing the entire locker room. “Let this serve as a warning to all ACE competitors. A wrestler attacking a referee, no matter the justification, will not be tolerated. Decisive action had to be taken.”

The camera cuts back to the announce table, where Darrell Ryland and Ward Rees sit in shock. Ryland is the first to speak, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Wow, what a bombshell decision from Commissioner Marshall. Amir Fayez, suspended indefinitely! I understand why Marshall made that call, but this is going to send shockwaves through the locker room.”

Ward Rees nods solemnly, his tone measured. “You know, Darrell, I get it. Referees are off-limits, no matter how much a wrestler might feel cheated. Amir Fayez let his emotions get the better of him, and now he’s paying the price. But I still wonder how this investigation into Carl Simmons is going to play out.”

Ryland adds, “Yeah, you can’t help but feel for Fayez, but attacking a referee… it sets a dangerous precedent if left unchecked.”

With the tension still high, Ryland switches gears. “But up next, we’ve got a match that promises to be an instant classic—Keme Dakotah takes on Belial Fish in what should be a true wrestling showcase.”

The arena lights dim, and Belial Fish makes his entrance first, slowly making his way down to the ring with his usual gothic swagger. The fans boo, but Fish pays no attention, his focus solely on the task at hand. As Keme Dakotah’s music hits, the crowd erupts in cheers for the fan-favorite Native American wrestler. Keme, all business, jogs down the ramp, his eyes locked on Fish.

The bell rings, and right from the start, it’s clear that this match will live up to the hype. The action is fast-paced and hard-hitting. Both men exchange holds and counters, with Keme Dakotah using his power advantage and Belial Fish relying on his technical prowess and agility. Every move is crisp, and the intensity only builds as the match progresses.

Fish manages to take control for a stretch, working over Keme’s legs to neutralize his power advantage. He locks in a series of submission holds, trying to wear down his opponent, but Dakotah fights through the pain, refusing to give up. Ryland and Rees praise both competitors’ tenacity and skill as the match goes back and forth, with neither man able to maintain the upper hand for long.

The crowd is on the edge of their seats as the action spills to the outside. Both men take turns slamming each other into the barricades and ring apron, but Keme starts to rally as the fans cheer him on. He tosses Belial Fish back into the ring and goes for a series of near falls, but Fish continues to kick out at the last possible second.

At the 20-minute mark, the fatigue is starting to show, but neither man is willing to back down. After a series of reversals and near falls, Keme Dakotah finally locks in his signature Indian Deathlock. The crowd roars in approval as Belial Fish struggles, his face contorted in pain, reaching desperately for the ropes. But after a grueling few seconds, Fish has no choice but to tap out.

Winner by submission: Keme Dakotah (21:46)

The crowd explodes in applause as Keme Dakotah stands victorious, raising his arms to the fans who have been behind him all match long. Belial Fish rolls out of the ring, holding his legs, clearly frustrated but knowing he just took part in a classic wrestling encounter.

As Keme Dakotah celebrates in the ring, his music is suddenly cut off, and the lights dim. The fans turn toward the stage as The Wild Stallion Cody Montana storms out, his signature bull rope in hand. The rugged cowboy from Wyoming looks furious, pointing at Keme and shouting insults as he marches toward the ring.

Montana’s eyes are locked on Dakotah, and as he reaches ringside, he twirls the bull rope menacingly above his head. Keme Dakotah stands his ground, ready for a fight. Montana climbs onto the apron, still hurling threats at Keme, clearly out for revenge after being defeated in short order on Marquee last week.

Ryland comments, “Looks like Cody Montana is far from finished with Keme Dakotah. That bull rope tells us everything we need to know—Montana wants a fight!”

Rees chimes in, “Keme may have won tonight, but it looks like he’s got a new battle brewing with The Wild Stallion.”

As the two men stare each other down, the tension is palpable. The fans are eager to see what happens next, but Cody Montana backs away, choosing not to engage tonight. He points at Keme, mouthing, “This ain’t over,” before heading back up the ramp, leaving the crowd buzzing with anticipation.

Back at the announce table, Ryland concludes, “It looks like this rivalry with Belial Fish might be behind him after tonight’s incredible match, but there’s might be another feud on the horizon for Keme Dakotah.”

The screen fades to black for a moment, and then the ACE World Championship graphic flashes on the screen, signaling the hype for tonight’s main event. The video package begins with a thunderous soundtrack, setting the tone for the brutal rivalry between Johnny Roach and Tavita Silk.

Footage rolls of the vicious attacks from the Sons of Samoa, starting with Tavita Silk, Kimo, and Tua ambushing Johnny Roach after his hard-fought victory several weeks ago. The video shows the Samoan Warriors double-teaming Roach, hitting their devastating Samoan Drop and top-rope splashes, leaving the ACE World Champion lying in a heap. The screen flickers with images of Roach fighting back in later weeks, only to be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of Silk and the Warriors.

Tavita Silk’s cocky voice echoes through the arena. “Johnny Roach… you’ve had your time. But this is my island now. You’re standing in the way of the Sons of Samoa, and we’re going to bury you in the ashes of your broken career!”

Clips of Silk in action play, showing his dominance, interspersed with backstage footage of the Sons of Samoa standing tall over a beaten Roach. The imagery is brutal—one of Samoa’s mightiest figures set on dethroning a legend.

The camera then cuts to The Chaos Riders, Mastadon and Inferno, storming to Roach’s aid on multiple occasions. We see moments where the duo brawls with the Samoan Warriors, showcasing their own brand of brutal offense, but the video emphasizes how the numbers game always plays to Silk’s advantage. Johnny Roach’s determination shines through in the next set of clips, showing him refusing to stay down despite the constant assaults.

A defiant Roach is heard speaking over these clips, his voice filled with passion and fire. “Tavita Silk, you wanna bring your army? That’s fine. But the thing you forget is that I’ve been through wars. I’ve been in battles where the odds were worse. And tonight… tonight, it’s me and you. One-on-one. No more sneak attacks, no more backup. Just two men, fighting for the ACE World Championship. I’ve been the champ, and I’m going to prove that I’m the champ again tonight!”

The final sequence of the video is filled with rapid-fire highlights of Roach delivering his Tarantula DDT on various opponents, while Silk devastates others with his Samoan Spike and the Tidal Wave. The video ends with a split screen of both men staring each other down from their most recent confrontation, the title belt held high above them as the screen cuts to black.

The ACE World Championship logo returns to the screen as the ominous final words from Tavita Silk echo through the arena: “Tonight, Roach… your reign ends, and the island belongs to me.”

With that, the video fades, leaving the audience in anticipation of what promises to be an explosive showdown for the ACE World Championship.

As Tavita Silk and the Samoan Warriors—Kimo and Tua—make their entrance to the thunderous beat of a Samoan war chant, the atmosphere becomes electric. The trio performs the Siva Tau, a fierce traditional war dance, their faces painted with intensity and purpose. The crowd, though vocally hostile to the Sons of Samoa, can’t help but be captivated by the raw power and aggression in their movements. The sound of drums fills the arena, setting the stage for what feels like a monumental clash.

Then, the lights go out.

Suddenly, the arena is bathed in a dark brown hue, and eerie, crawling roach projections swarm the ring and the entrance ramp, matching the haunting intro to Johnny Roach’s entrance theme. The crowd roars to life as the ACE World Champion makes his way out, his silhouette outlined against the eerie, almost apocalyptic scene. Roach pauses for a moment at the top of the ramp, the championship belt gleaming in the low light before he charges to the ring, his energy matching the intensity of the moment.

Once in the ring, Roach raises his title high as the crowd chants his name. Tavita Silk, unfazed, stares down the champion, determined to assert his dominance. The bell rings, and the match begins.

Silk explodes out of his corner, launching an early assault on Roach. His powerful strikes and savage headbutts force the champion back, and Silk seems intent on ending things quickly. But Roach, ever the resilient champion, fights through the barrage. Ducking a wild lariat from Silk, Roach suddenly ascends the turnbuckle and shocks the crowd with an early high-flying move—a 450 Splash—that lands perfectly. He hooks the leg for a quick pin, but Silk kicks out at 1, showing his own resilience and strength.

The early scare enrages Tavita Silk, who now goes on a rampage. After planting Roach with a brutal scoop slam, Silk takes the fight outside the ring. The two men brawl at ringside, but the numbers game comes into play as Kimo sneaks in a nasty cheap shot, leveling Roach with a running knee to the back. The crowd boos furiously as Silk rolls the weakened champion back into the ring.

As Silk continues his assault, delivering a series of vicious kicks, the Chaos Riders—Mastadon and Inferno—rush down the ramp. A wild brawl breaks out between the Chaos Riders and the Samoan Warriors at ringside, with fists flying and bodies crashing into the steel barricades. The crowd is at a fever pitch as these two teams wage war outside the ring, completely ignoring the referee’s warnings.

Back in the ring, Silk capitalizes on the chaos. He sets Roach up and launches himself off the top rope, landing a perfect Superfly Splash that crushes the champion beneath his weight. Silk hooks the leg, and the crowd gasps, thinking the match could be over. But Roach digs deep and kicks out at 2.9! The fans explode with relief as Silk pounds the mat in frustration.

The match swings back and forth for the next several minutes, with both men digging into their reserves. Roach manages to land his signature fast-paced offense, including a flurry of kicks and a springboard clothesline that brings the big man down. But Silk, ever resilient, answers with power moves, including a massive spinning back kick that nearly takes Roach’s head off, again earning a close 2-count.

In the final stretch, the brawl outside the ring between the Chaos Riders and the Samoan Warriors intensifies, with both teams using everything they can get their hands on—chairs, the steel steps, and even the timekeeper’s bell. Security rushes down to break them up, but the chaos only fuels the atmosphere in the arena.

In the ring, Tavita Silk goes for one final Tidal Wave splash, but Johnny Roach moves at the last second! The challenger crashes into the mat, winded and stunned. Roach seizes the moment, bouncing off the ropes and hitting The Infestation—his brutal springboard DDT! The crowd rises to their feet as Roach hooks Silk’s leg for the pin.

1… 2… 3!

At 18:35, Johnny Roach retains the ACE World Championship! The crowd erupts, celebrating their champion’s hard-fought victory.

But the celebration is short-lived. Kimo and Tua—seeing their leader defeated—rush the ring, intending to ambush Roach. Before they can strike, though, the Chaos Riders dive into the ring, and another wild brawl erupts! The fans are on their feet as punches fly, and the champions fight back against the marauding Sons of Samoa.

Finally, Roach and the Chaos Riders stand tall, fending off the attackers and sending Kimo, Tua, and Silk retreating up the ramp. The show closes with Johnny Roach raising his ACE World Championship high in the air, standing triumphant alongside his brothers-in-arms, Mastadon and Inferno.

As Darrell Ryland and Ward Rees sign off, they thank the audience for tuning in to ACE Fall-Out, promising more action in the weeks to come!


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