ACE MARQUEE - 10/1/24


ACE Marquee - Greensboro, NC - 10/1/24

As Darrell Ryland and Ward Rees welcome the viewers to ACE Marquee live from Greensboro, NC, the energy in the arena is palpable. The commentators hype the fallout from the explosive ACE Fall-Out event and the packed card for the night.

Darrell Ryland:

“We are fresh off the heels of one of the most intense ACE Fall-Outs in recent memory, and tonight, right here in Greensboro, we’ve got so much to get through!”

Ward Rees:

“That’s right, Darrell. And we’re kicking things off with some real bad blood—Beulah Roy takes on Nikita Petrov, and there’s no love lost between these two after what went down at Fall-Out!”

Beulah Roy’s music hits, and the veteran wrestler marches down the ramp, his eyes burning with intensity. The crowd cheers as they notice the Billy club in his hand, his equalizer for tonight’s encounter with the Foreign Legion’s Nikita Petrov. Roy is clearly still furious from Sunday night, and the fans are behind him as he steps into the ring, ready for revenge.

Before the bell even rings, Anastasia, standing at ringside, snatches the microphone and begins berating Beulah.


“You’ve got some nerve showing your face again, Roy! You should’ve learned your lesson at Fall-Out when the Foreign Legion beat you into the dirt! But no, here you are, thinking you can waltz in with a billy club and take down Nikita Petrov! Well, tonight, we finish what we started!”

Anastasia’s venomous words do little to intimidate Beulah, who simply smirks as she finishes her tirade. The bell rings, and as soon as it does, Beulah Roy charges at Petrov, unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks, clearly intent on paying him back for the attack at Fall-Out. The crowd is on fire as Beulah goes wild, backing Petrov into the corner with a relentless assault.

Darrell Ryland:

“Look at Beulah Roy! He’s taking all that frustration from Sunday night and unleashing it on Petrov!”

Petrov struggles to find his footing, managing to land a few powerful blows, but Beulah is unrelenting. Every time Petrov tries to mount any offense, Beulah quickly counters, slamming him to the mat with a series of suplexes and strikes. The match remains firmly in Beulah’s control, much to the delight of the Greensboro crowd.

Seeing Petrov in trouble, Anastasia once again tries to interfere, climbing onto the ring apron to distract Beulah. The referee is caught up with her, and Petrov tries to capitalize. But this time, Beulah Roy is ready. He slides out of the ring, grabs his Billy club, and, while the referee’s back is still turned, cracks it across Petrov’s head!

Ward Rees:

“Oh! Did you hear that?! Beulah Roy just leveled Petrov with that billy club!”

Petrov crumbles to the mat as Beulah tosses the club out of the ring. Without missing a beat, he scoops up Petrov and slams him with the Beulah Bomb, driving him hard into the canvas. Beulah covers Petrov for the pin.


Darrell Ryland:

“Beulah Roy picks up the win! What a statement!”

The crowd erupts as Beulah Roy stands tall over the fallen Petrov. But Beulah isn’t finished. He grabs the microphone, looking down at Petrov and then over to where General Zhang and Anastasia are standing at ringside.

Beulah Roy:

“You thought you could put me down at Fall-Out, huh? Well, guess what, Petrov? I’m still here, and I’m still standing. But you know what? I’m tired of kicking the Foreign Legion’s ass! It’s time I moved on to bigger and better things! So, consider this the last time you see me wasting my time with the likes of you.”

The camera cuts to General Zhang and Anastasia, who are both absolutely livid at Beulah’s comments. Zhang barks orders at Petrov to get up, but Petrov remains motionless in the ring. Anastasia glares daggers at Beulah, but he simply drops the mic and exits the ring, walking up the ramp with a satisfied look on his face.

Ward Rees:

“Beulah Roy has had enough of the Foreign Legion! What’s next for this street-tough veteran?”

Darrell Ryland:

“He sent a loud and clear message to General Zhang and his crew, but you’ve got to wonder, what bigger and better things does Beulah Roy have in mind?”

As Beulah makes his way backstage, the camera lingers on General Zhang and Anastasia, who are clearly plotting their next move. The Foreign Legion may have taken a hit tonight, but it’s obvious that Zhang won’t let this disrespect go unanswered.

Ward Rees:

“Something tells me the Foreign Legion won’t forget this anytime soon, Darrell. Beulah Roy might want to watch his back.”

Darrell Ryland:

“But for now, he’s got the last laugh, and we’ve got a whole lot more action coming up tonight!”

The show cuts to a commercial as the commentators tease the upcoming matches for the night.

As we return from the commercial break, Shania Wheatley is backstage, catching up with the Sons of Samoa—Tavita Silk standing front and center, flanked by Kimo and Tua. The tension is palpable as Shania holds the microphone, knowing that these men are still fuming after their defeat at Fall-Out.

Shania Wheatley:

“Tavita, you came up short at Fall-Out against Johnny Roach for the ACE World Championship. What’s next for you and the Sons of Samoa?”

Tavita Silk, eyes burning with intensity, steps forward, his voice low and dangerous.

Tavita Silk:

“Short? You think that was the end? Johnny Roach might’ve gotten lucky, but I don’t deal in luck, Shania. This war is far from over. Roach is still living on borrowed time, and I’ll collect what’s mine sooner rather than later.”

He sneers into the camera, sending a direct message to Johnny Roach. Then, Kimo and Tua step in, exuding arrogance and menace.


“The Chaos Riders? They think they’re tough. They think they can stand up to the Sons of Samoa? Tonight, we’re gonna wreck them. We’re gonna show them what real destruction looks like.”


“Mastadon, Inferno, you ain’t walking out tonight. We’ll make sure of it.”

With that, the Sons of Samoa walk off, their confidence and aggression seeping through every step. The camera cuts back to the arena, where the crowd is buzzing, knowing what’s about to go down.

Darrell Ryland:

“Strong words from Tavita Silk and the Samoan Warriors, but can they back them up against The Chaos Riders tonight?”

Ward Rees:

“The Chaos Riders have been one of the most dominant tag teams in ACE history, but Kimo and Tua are no pushovers. This one’s going to be a war!”

The camera pans to the ring as the Samoan Warriors make their entrance, looking as menacing as ever. Kimo and Tua stalk down the ramp with cold intensity, ready for battle. As they climb into the ring, they stand tall, awaiting their opponents.

The lights dim, and the familiar sound of revving engines fills the arena. The crowd roars as Mastadon and Inferno, the Chaos Riders, ride down to the ring on their motorcycles, their entrance oozing confidence. They dismount, entering the ring with their eyes locked on Kimo and Tua.

Darrell Ryland:

“This one’s going to be a slugfest, Ward. Both of these teams are known for their hard-hitting styles, and they won’t back down easily.”

The bell rings, and the match begins at a slow, methodical pace, both teams feeling each other out, testing their strength. There’s a lot of collar-and-elbow tie-ups, with Mastadon and Kimo exchanging powerful blows, neither man giving an inch. Eventually, The Chaos Riders start to take control, using their superior teamwork to isolate Tua and keep him grounded with frequent tags and punishing strikes.

Ward Rees:

“Classic tag team strategy here by Mastadon and Inferno, cutting the ring in half and keeping Tua from his partner.”

Just as it looks like the Chaos Riders are in firm control, Kimo storms back into the ring, leveling Inferno with a thunderous clothesline, shifting the momentum. The match breaks down into a fast-paced, back-and-forth brawl, with both teams landing heavy hits. Tua and Kimo show off their brutal power, while Mastadon and Inferno fight back with their grit and veteran experience.

The match hits its boiling point when Tavita Silk tries to get involved from the outside, looking for a chance to help his brothers-in-arms. As the referee’s attention is drawn away, Silk climbs onto the apron, clearly ready to interfere. But before he can do anything, the crowd erupts as Johnny Roach sprints down the ramp, charging at Tavita!

Darrell Ryland:

“Here comes Roach! He’s not letting Tavita Silk get away with anything tonight!”

Roach and Silk start brawling at ringside, fists flying as the crowd goes wild. The two men tear into each other, with Roach sending Tavita crashing into the barricade. Meanwhile, inside the ring, the action continues to escalate.

With the referee distracted by the chaos outside, the Chaos Riders see their chance. They hoist Tua onto Mastadon’s shoulders as Inferno climbs to the top rope. In perfect unison, they deliver the devastating Doomsday Device, flattening Tua!

Ward Rees:

“Doomsday Device! It’s over!”

Mastadon covers Tua for the pin.


The bell rings as the Chaos Riders score a hard-fought victory at 12:06. The crowd explodes in cheers as Mastadon and Inferno stand tall in the ring, celebrating their win. Kimo is still down on the outside, and Tua is motionless on the mat, clearly feeling the effects of the Doomsday Device.

Darrell Ryland:

“The Chaos Riders just proved once again why they’re one of the toughest teams in ACE!”

Ward Rees:

“What a match! And look at Johnny Roach—he’s not done yet!”

After the match, Johnny Roach grabs the microphone, his chest heaving as the adrenaline pumps through his veins. The crowd is roaring in approval as Roach paces around the ring, his eyes locked on Tavita Silk, who stands outside with Kimo and Tua, seething after the defeat. Roach wipes his face with his arm, then points at Silk.

“You think you can just come after me, after this title, and take me out like I’m some kinda stepping stone?” Roach shouts, raising the ACE World Championship high in the air. “Tavita Silk, you listen to me, and you listen good! I’ve worked too damn hard to get here, to be your champion, and I’m not going anywhere!”

The crowd pops, chanting Roach’s name as he continues, his voice filled with intensity. “You threw everything you had at me at Fall-Out, but guess what? I’m still standing! I’m still the champ! And if you think that’s gonna change anytime soon, you better think again.”

Roach steps closer to the ropes, leaning over as he glares at Silk. “You know where to find me, Tavita. Anytime you want, anywhere you want, I’ll be ready. Because this title—” Roach holds up the championship belt again, “—this stays with me! And there’s nothing you or your boys can do about it!”

Silk glares back, but Roach doesn’t back down. The intensity in the arena is palpable as the champion drops the mic with a thud, holding the belt high as The Chaos Riders stand beside him, while Tavita Silk and the Samoan Warriors retreat up the ramp, plotting their next move.

As we come back from commercial, the stage is set for another Crossfire Sermon, with Reverend Elijah Cross walking out to a sea of boos from the crowd. The arena is filled with jeers, but Cross seems unfazed as he stands behind his pulpit, smiling smugly. He opens a worn Bible, but as usual, he twists and manipulates the verses to suit his own agenda.

Cross raises his hands to quiet the crowd. “Brothers and sisters, I come before you today to offer praise. Not for myself, but for someone who has finally seen the light. Someone who has chosen the righteous path, not out of fear, but out of acceptance of the true power of the good book.”

The boos intensify, but Cross presses on. “Many of you would call what happened at Fall-Out a betrayal. You’d say that Rebel Jimmy Lee turned his back on his friends. But I say it was the ultimate act of faith, an act of acceptance! Jimmy Lee has embraced the teachings I’ve been sharing with you all, and today, we welcome him into the fold!”

Cross gestures to the stage. “Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm, holy welcome to my guest… Rebel Jimmy Lee!”

The crowd’s reaction is hostile, with boos raining down as Rebel Jimmy Lee walks out. He looks conflicted, visibly disturbed by the crowd’s negativity, but Elijah Cross quickly intervenes.

“Shame on all of you!” Cross scolds the audience. “How dare you boo a man who has found the light? How dare you turn your backs on someone who has accepted redemption?!”

Lee approaches the pulpit, his head down. Cross pulls him into a big, dramatic hug. “Thank you, Jimmy,” Cross says. “Thank you for seeing the truth. You’ve made the right choice.”

Lee finally speaks, his voice low but filled with emotion. “You were the only one who ever saw the good in me, Reverend. Ford, Ridge… they never spoke like that about me. You spoke truth to power. You told me I could be better, that I could live the right way, and you were right. They never believed in me the way you did.”

Cross beams with pride. “It’s because I know what the good book says, Jimmy. I see the truth in you, and now, we stand together, ready to punish the non-believers.”

Suddenly, the music of Ambassador Patrick Ford hits, and the crowd explodes with cheers. Ford, along with Judge Joe Ridge, marches down the ramp with purpose, trying to appeal to their former ally.

“Jimmy, listen to me!” Ford shouts, looking genuinely concerned. “This isn’t you, man! This isn’t the Jimmy Lee we know. Don’t let Cross twist your mind.”

Judge Joe Ridge steps forward. “It’s not too late, Jimmy. You can still come back to the people who actually care about you!”

But Lee shakes his head, stepping closer to Cross. “It is too late,” he says coldly. “I’ve seen the light. I’ve been redeemed, and now… it’s time to punish the non-believers.”

Ford and Ridge look at each other, realizing their words aren’t reaching him. Just then, Jimmy Lee points at Judge Joe Ridge. “I want you, Joe,” Lee declares. “I want to show you just how far I’ve come. Let’s settle this, right here, right now.”

Ridge doesn’t hesitate. “You want me? Fine. Let’s do it, Jimmy. Right here, right now!”

The crowd roars as the challenge is laid down. Elijah Cross smirks from behind his pulpit, clearly pleased with how everything is unfolding, as the tension between Lee and Ridge builds toward an impromptu clash. The officials rush down to prepare the ring, setting the stage for a match that promises to be personal, intense, and emotional.

As we return from commercial break, the stage is set for a grudge match between Rebel Jimmy Lee and Judge Joe Ridge. The tension is palpable in the arena as Rebel Jimmy Lee stands in the ring, pacing with an air of newfound arrogance, a sharp contrast to the conflicted man from earlier.

Suddenly, Judge Joe Ridge’s music hits, and the crowd erupts in cheers. Ridge emerges from the curtain, wearing his signature judge’s robe and carrying his gavel. He makes his way to the top of the ramp, but instead of heading straight to the ring, he grabs a microphone. The crowd grows quiet in anticipation.

“Jimmy,” Ridge begins, his voice full of conviction, “you’ve turned your back on everything you once stood for. But you know what? You’re not the first to fall under the influence of evil. Reverend Elijah Cross, Simbi Loa, and now, you? You’re all the same—lost souls who think power comes from deceit and manipulation.”

The crowd cheers wildly, fully behind Ridge. He continues, his voice rising with intensity. “Elijah Cross preaches redemption, but all he does is twist the truth. Simbi Loa hides behind his voodoo, but the only power he wields is fear. And you, Jimmy… you’ve sold your soul to stand with them, but I’m here to tell you—you can’t escape justice forever!”

The crowd chants, “Ridge! Ridge! Ridge!” as he finishes his scathing promo, pointing his gavel at Rebel Jimmy Lee, who looks agitated inside the ring. Ridge tosses aside his robe and gavel, ready for the fight ahead, as the match gets underway.

The Match:

The bell rings, and Judge Joe Ridge quickly takes control, wrestling with the kind of fire and technical precision he’s known for. He hits a series of suplexes, grounding Lee early and keeping him off balance with a mix of holds and strikes.

But Lee, under the influence of Cross’s teachings, resorts to cheap tactics—pulling hair, gouging eyes, and using the ropes for leverage when the referee isn’t looking. The crowd boos louder with each act of cheating, but Lee doesn’t care, feeding off the negativity.

Around the five-minute mark, Reverend Elijah Cross begins making his way down to the ring, arms crossed and smirking. His presence only emboldens Jimmy Lee, who continues to bend the rules in his favor.

Ward Rees on commentary quips, “It’s not even that crooked ref Carl Simmons in the ring, and yet, somehow, all this cheating goes unnoticed!”

With Cross’s distractions, Lee regains control of the match, hitting Ridge with a low blow behind the ref’s back. He then plants Ridge with a Georgia Bulldog, but Ridge kicks out just before the three-count, sending the crowd into a frenzy of support for the judge.

Lee, undeterred, climbs to the top rope and signals for his finisher, the Top Shelf flying elbow drop. He leaps, crashing down on Ridge, and the referee counts to three, giving Rebel Jimmy Lee the victory at 9:33.

The crowd erupts in boos as Jimmy Lee stands tall, soaking in the jeers. Reverend Elijah Cross climbs into the ring, applauding Lee’s performance with a smug grin on his face. Cross pulls Lee into a congratulatory embrace as Ridge writhes in pain on the mat.

But the celebration is short-lived. Suddenly, on the stage, Simbi Loa, the Voodoo Priest, drags out a bloodied and beaten Ambassador Patrick Ford, eliciting gasps from the crowd. Ford’s arms are limp as Loa cruelly drags him toward the ring, displaying him like a trophy.

Inside the ring, Elijah Cross grabs a microphone. “This is what happens to the non-believers!” he declares, his voice oozing with contempt.

Rebel Jimmy Lee, now fully under Cross’s spell, joins in the assault on Judge Joe Ridge, stomping him viciously while Cross eggs him on. The scene is chaotic, with Ford laid out on the ramp and Ridge being pummeled in the ring.

Ward Rees on commentary shakes his head in disbelief. “Something must be done about these gang warfare tactics in ACE. This is getting out of hand!”

The crowd screams for help, but no one comes to Ridge or Ford’s aid. The three men stand tall over Ridge and Ford, with Jimmy Lee having fully crossed over to the dark side. We head to commercial on the image of Cross, Lee, and Simbi Loa standing triumphant, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

We return from commercial to find Commissioner Conway Marshall standing in the middle of the ring, his demeanor proud and authoritative, as he prepares to address the crowd. The arena in Greensboro, NC, is packed, with fans buzzing in anticipation. Marshall, dressed in a sharp suit, grips the microphone with a smile on his face.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Marshall begins, “we are just weeks away from one of the most anticipated events of the year—the Tournament of Aces!”

The crowd cheers as Marshall continues, reminding everyone that this tournament is the proving ground for the best of the best in professional wrestling. “For those of you who may not know, the winner of this prestigious tournament will face the ACE World Champion at ACE Parade of Champions in December. And let me tell you, the road to get there is no easy feat.”

Marshall then shifts the focus to the tournament’s rich history, painting a picture of past champions who went on to legendary careers in Atlas Championship Entertainment. He hypes up the format of the tournament, particularly the best-of-three falls match that will determine the winner at November Reign. The audience is hooked on his every word, the gravity of the tournament setting in.

“And without further ado,” Marshall says with a grand gesture, “let’s take a look at the bracket for this year’s Tournament of Aces!”

The AtlasTron lights up with the tournament bracket, and Marshall begins detailing the first-round matchups. The fans react loudly as familiar names flash across the screen.

“Starting next week in San Antonio, Texas, we will see Belial Fish take on Tanji Michio in what is sure to be a hard-hitting contest. And the winner of that match will go on to face the winner of Reverend Elijah Cross and Ambassador Patrick Ford, set to take place on October 15th in Quebec.”

Marshall pauses as the crowd murmurs in excitement over potential second-round matchups.

“Also in Quebec on the 15th, Keme Dakotah will take on Slim Elroy in another first-round battle. The winner of that match will face either Simbi Loa or Asombrosa, who are scheduled to square off on October 22nd in New Orleans.”

The anticipation grows as Marshall moves to the other side of the bracket. “Next week in San Antonio, The Wild Stallion Cody Montana will go toe-to-toe with Obsidian Black. And the winner there will face either Calgary Hart or Rebel Jimmy Lee, who meet on the 22nd in New Orleans. This side of the bracket is stacked with talent, folks!”

The crowd is fully engaged now as Marshall outlines another match set for next week. “Also in San Antonio, our newly crowned ACE Television Champion will take on Gentleman Geoffrey Hastings, with the winner advancing to face the victor of another first-round contest in Quebec.”

Marshall’s expression then shifts, growing more serious. “Now, as many of you are aware,” he begins, “there has been a change to the tournament. Due to his actions at Fall-Out, Amir Fayez has been suspended indefinitely. He was slated to compete in the Tournament of Aces, but we absolutely could not allow him to participate after what took place.”

Boos rain down from the crowd at the mention of Fayez’s suspension, but Marshall quickly pivots to more positive news.

“However,” Marshall says with a grin, “I am proud to announce his replacement. In Quebec, Sammy Vice will face off against a man I’m thrilled to welcome here to Atlas Championship Entertainment. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the one, the only, Austin Adonis!”

The arena lights up, and the sound of electric guitar rips through the speakers as Austin Adonis emerges on the stage, clad in his signature purple robe with silver stars. The former American Pro Wrestling World Champion stands tall, looking out at the sea of fans, soaking in the deafening cheers.

With the fans roaring, Adonis struts down the ramp, pointing to the crowd, cupping his ear, and flexing his biceps with exaggerated flair. The energy in the arena is off the charts as Adonis steps into the ring, bouncing off the ropes before ripping off his purple robe, revealing his chiseled physique.

Commissioner Marshall hands him the microphone, but Adonis holds up his hand to silence the crowd.

“Well let me tell ya something, bro!” Adonis booms, pacing around the ring with his wide, powerful strides. The crowd is eating it up, cheering louder with every word. “I’ve been all over the world, Jack! I’ve slammed giants, I’ve won titles, and I’ve fought in front of millions and millions of the fans, bro!”

Adonis pauses, lifting the mic to his ear to soak in the crowd’s adoration. The fans are chanting his name as he puffs out his chest, flexing his muscles.

“But there’s one thing that’s been missing, dude!” Adonis continues. “I’ve been watchin’ from the sidelines, and I knew that the time was right to come to the biggest and baddest wrestling promotion on the planet—Atlas Championship Entertainment, brother!”

The crowd explodes into cheers as Adonis continues to rev them up.

“And I’m not just here to hang out, dude. I’m not just here to shake hands and kiss babies. No, no, no! I’m here to prove that I’m still the man! And I’m gonna prove it in the greatest tournament in all of wrestling—the Tournament of Aces, brother!”

Adonis holds the mic high in the air, pointing to the tournament bracket on the screen.

“Sammy Vice, let me tell you somethin!” Adonis shouts. “You better bring everything you got, because when we step into that ring in Quebec, dude, I’m comin’ for ya! And I don’t care who I have to go through—whether it’s Slim Elroy, Simbi Loa, or even my man Keme Dakotah! The bottom line is, when all is said and done, there’s only gonna be one man standin’ tall at November Reign, and that’s Austin Adonis, brother!”

The crowd roars as Adonis flexes his biceps again, his energy unmatched. He runs the ropes one more time before stopping in the center of the ring, cupping his hand to his ear as the fans continue chanting his name.

“And when I get my shot at the ACE World Championship at Parade of Champions, bro, there ain’t nobody that can stop me, dude! So to all the Austin Adonis fans out there, get ready, because the Tournament of Aces is just the beginning”

The crowd is on their feet, chanting as Adonis poses, flexing his muscles and pointing to the sky as the scene fades to commercial, leaving the fans in a frenzy for the debut of Austin Adonis.

As we come back from commercial, the crowd is still buzzing about the electrifying introduction of Austin Adonis. The atmosphere is electric, but the energy in the building only intensifies as Atlas Championship Entertainment transitions to the highly anticipated main event. Tonight, it’s a rematch for the ACE World Tag Team Championships—Jarvis “The Genius” Allen and Arn Fargo of the Barclay Investment Group will defend their titles against the hungry challengers, the Nigerian Hit Squad, Rhino Rafiq and Midnight Panther. The air is thick with tension after the controversy at Fall-Out, where questionable officiating from referee Carl Simmons played a role in the champions retaining the titles. But tonight, Carl Simmons is not in the ring, and the Nigerian Hit Squad is ready to right the wrongs from Sunday.

Midnight Panther and Rhino Rafiq are already in the ring, pacing like caged animals, clearly eager to settle the score. These two men, multi-time ACE World Tag Team Champions and winners of the prestigious Atlas Cup, are legends in their own right, and tonight, they’re here to prove why.

Suddenly, the familiar music of Miss Cavendish hits, and the crowd erupts in boos as she struts out onto the stage, microphone in hand, wearing her usual confident smirk. She tells the crowd to “shut up” in her signature sassy tone, drawing even more heat from the fans.

“Ladies and gentlemen, save your breath,” Miss Cavendish sneers. “What happened at Fall-Out was not because of the referee—it was because Jarvis Allen and Arn Fargo are simply better! And tonight, they’re going to prove it again! The Barclay Investment Group is untouchable!”

With that, Chase Barclay, Arn Fargo, and Jarvis “The Genius” Allen make their entrance. The champions, smug and self-assured, march down to the ring, all smiles as they prepare to defend their titles once more. Chase Barclay, the mastermind behind this dominant faction, is right there to support his men, flashing his trademark arrogant grin at the jeering crowd.

The bell rings, and the main event is underway.

The match starts at a frenetic pace, with both teams showcasing why they are at the top of the tag team division. Midnight Panther and Rhino Rafiq use their combination of raw power and explosive agility to keep the champions on their heels. The challengers take early control, working like a well-oiled machine, tagging in and out with precision. The crowd is fully behind them, chanting “Nigerian Hit Squad!” with every move they make.

But the champions, Allen and Fargo, are no strangers to adversity. Using their technical brilliance and cunning teamwork, they turn the tide with some crafty double-team maneuvers, cutting Midnight Panther off from his partner and isolating him in their corner. The crowd boos as Miss Cavendish shouts instructions from ringside, gloating every time Allen and Fargo gain the upper hand.

As the match progresses, the Barclay Investment Group begins to wear down Midnight Panther. They target his legs, clearly trying to take away his speed and neutralize his high-flying offense. Arn Fargo locks him in a vicious knee bar, wrenching on the leg while Jarvis Allen distracts the referee, preventing Rhino Rafiq from breaking up the hold.

The situation looks grim for Midnight Panther, but with the crowd rallying behind him, he digs deep and manages to escape the hold, crawling desperately toward his corner. The fans are on their feet as he stretches out his arm—just inches away from tagging in Rhino Rafiq—but Allen runs in to cut him off. However, Midnight Panther summons one last burst of energy, hitting a lightning-quick enziguri that staggers Allen.

Finally, he makes the hot tag to Rhino Rafiq, and the powerhouse explodes into the ring like a freight train! The crowd erupts as Rafiq clears house, taking out both Allen and Fargo with powerful strikes. He levels Arn Fargo with a devastating clothesline and follows it up with a spinebuster that shakes the ring.

The match kicks into high gear as both teams throw everything they’ve got at each other. There are multiple close pin attempts, with each team breaking up the other’s covers in the nick of time. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, knowing they’re witnessing a tag team classic.

Late in the match, with the Nigerian Hit Squad building momentum, Chase Barclay decides to get involved, jumping up onto the apron to distract the referee. But Rhino Rafiq isn’t having any of it. He spots Barclay and charges across the ring, knocking him off the apron with a thunderous shoulder block! The crowd roars as Barclay crashes to the floor.

With Barclay neutralized, the Nigerian Hit Squad smells blood. They set their sights on Jarvis Allen, isolating him in the ring. Midnight Panther climbs to the top rope while Rhino Rafiq hoists Allen up for their devastating double-team finisher—the Nigerian Death Drop! In perfect unison, Midnight Panther delivers a crushing diving neckbreaker as Rhino Rafiq plants Allen with a thunderous sit-out powerbomb!

The crowd explodes as Midnight Panther hooks the leg for the cover. The referee slides into position— 1… 2… 3! We have new ACE World Tag Team Champions!

At the 25:37 mark, the Nigerian Hit Squad has done it! The crowd erupts into wild celebration as Rhino Rafiq and Midnight Panther stand tall in the ring, raising the ACE World Tag Team Championship belts high above their heads.

Miss Cavendish, Arn Fargo, and Chase Barclay retreat up the ramp, furious and humiliated. But in the ring, it’s all about the Nigerian Hit Squad. Rhino Rafiq and Midnight Panther celebrate their hard-fought victory, and as the show goes off the air, the crowd is left cheering for the new champions, who have once again cemented their place in Atlas Championship Entertainment history.


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