ACE Showcase - 10/6/24


ACE Showcase - 10/6/24

ACE Showcase kicks off with a bang as James Graham and Conway Marshall welcome the crowd from the ESPN Wide World of Sports at Walt Disney World. Both commentators are buzzing with excitement as they announce that the 2024 Tournament of Aces is set to begin this Tuesday on Marquee, live from San Antonio, Texas. But before the tournament action kicks off, they assure fans there’s plenty to look forward to right here on Showcase.

As the duo starts hyping up the first match of the night, which is scheduled to be The Technician Royce Cage versus Odyssey, the show takes an unexpected turn. Harold Mack, a grizzled veteran with a chip on his shoulder, storms onto the stage. Mack, dressed in worn-out wrestling gear that shows the years of wear and tear, grabs a microphone and interrupts the commentary team, directing his frustration at Conway Marshall.

Harold Mack: “I’m tired of being overlooked! I’ve been busting my tail in this business longer than some of these young punks have been alive, and it’s about time I get the respect I deserve! You’ve been holding me down for too long, Marshall. If you don’t give me a match, I’ll take one!”

Conway Marshall, never one to back down from confrontation, stands from the commentary desk and responds with a firm tone.

Conway Marshall: “You want a match, Mack? You’ve got it. You’re in! This match is now a triangle match—Royce Cage, Odyssey, and Harold Mack! Let’s see if you can earn that respect!”

The crowd roars in surprise as Mack drops the mic and makes his way to the ring, now officially part of the opening contest. Royce Cage, a calm, calculated technician, is already inside the ring, rolling his neck and sizing up his new opponent. Odyssey, the athletic high-flyer, follows next, looking irritated by the sudden change in plans but ready for the challenge.

The bell rings, and Royce Cage takes immediate control. Known for his technical prowess, Cage expertly works both Mack and Odyssey with swift takedowns and grapples, showing why he’s one of the best pure wrestlers in ACE. He uses chain wrestling to ground Odyssey with a headlock takedown before quickly transitioning to an armbar on Mack, keeping both opponents at bay.

But Odyssey isn’t one to be outdone. With his incredible athleticism, he soon powers out of Cage’s hold and springs to his feet. After ducking a clothesline, Odyssey counters with a series of fast-paced moves, including a dropkick that sends Mack tumbling into the corner and a spinning heel kick to Cage. The fans pop for Odyssey’s agility, as he starts to build momentum.

Just as Odyssey is getting into his groove, Harold Mack makes his presence felt. Using his size and strength, Mack bulldozes through both men, delivering clubbing forearms to Odyssey before hitting a huge spinebuster that sends Cage crashing to the mat. Mack’s brute force is on display as he dominates the middle portion of the match, throwing his opponents around like rag dolls.

The match quickly becomes chaotic as all three men battle for supremacy. Mack’s power, Odyssey’s speed, and Cage’s technical skill clash in a whirlwind of action. Mack nearly pins Odyssey after a massive running powerslam, but Cage breaks up the pinfall at the last second, keeping the match alive.

As the match enters its final moments, Cage bides his time, waiting for the right moment to strike. With both Mack and Odyssey dazed, Cage finally seizes his opportunity. After Odyssey misses a high-flying maneuver, Cage delivers a precision German suplex that leaves Odyssey stunned. He then turns his attention to Mack, hitting him with a series of rapid-fire elbows to the jaw before setting him up for his finisher.

With a surge of adrenaline, Cage sprints off the ropes and delivers his High Knee finisher square to Harold Mack’s face. Mack collapses to the canvas, and Cage covers him for the pin.

1… 2… 3!

Royce Cage wins at 10:41. The referee raises his hand in victory, but the technician’s face shows no sign of satisfaction. Even in victory, Cage looks agitated, his mind still fixated on Odyssey.

After the bell, Cage stares down Odyssey, who’s still recovering on the mat. Instead of celebrating, Cage grabs a microphone and vents his frustrations.

Royce Cage: “This wasn’t supposed to be a triangle match! This was supposed to be me versus you, Odyssey. And I’m not satisfied with this. Mack forced his way in tonight, but I want you—one-on-one—no more distractions, no more interruptions. I’m not done proving that I’m the best technician in this business.”

The crowd buzzes as Cage drops the mic, his challenge laid out in no uncertain terms. Odyssey, though still a bit worn from the match, nods in acceptance, signaling that this rivalry is far from over.

James Graham: “Well, it looks like Royce Cage still has some unfinished business with Odyssey! What a way to kick off ACE Showcase!”

After the commercial break, we return to see Shania Wheatley standing outside the locker room with a microphone in hand. Standing beside her are Obsidian Black and his tag team partner for tonight, Alex Archer. Black, looking focused and intense, takes the lead as Shania asks him about their upcoming tag match against The Wild Stallion Cody Montana and Slim Elroy.

Obsidian Black: “Last week, Cody Montana blindsided me after I beat Slim Elroy in the middle of the ring. But here’s the thing… I don’t forget, and I sure as hell don’t back down. Montana, you think you can push me around, but I’m not going anywhere. As for tonight, I’ve got confidence in Alex Archer as my partner. But more importantly, I’ve got confidence in me. I’ll get through this tag match tonight, and then on Marquee, I’m taking you out, Wild Stallion. Not only that—I’m advancing in the Tournament of Aces and proving to everyone that Obsidian Black is here to stay.”

Black gives a final, intense glare into the camera before walking off with Archer, ready for action.

As the competitors make their entrances, it’s clear that the tension between Black and Montana is palpable. Black locks eyes with Montana as he storms down to the ring, and Archer follows, trying to stay composed.

When the bell rings, though, it quickly becomes obvious that Cody Montana and Slim Elroy have the advantage in terms of experience working together. They cut off the ring early, isolating Archer with a series of smooth, seamless double-team maneuvers. Montana and Elroy are vicious, showing no hesitation as they work over Archer with hard strikes and punishing moves.

Elroy, the sly veteran, uses every opportunity to cheat, whether it’s raking the eyes, pulling the tights, or distracting the referee. Archer fights valiantly, but he’s simply outmatched by the chemistry and aggression of Montana and Elroy.

Finally, after wearing Archer down with several double-team moves, Elroy hits The Flush, his patented finishing move, a devastating spinning neckbreaker. Elroy covers Archer, and the referee counts the 1… 2… 3 at 6:35, giving the win to Cody Montana and Slim Elroy.

The crowd boos as Montana and Elroy celebrate their win, smugly taunting the fans as they leave the ring. Obsidian Black, who had been knocked off the apron in the final moments of the match, pulls himself up, glaring at his opponents as they exit up the ramp. He motions toward Montana, clearly signaling that their issue is far from over.

Backstage, the camera cuts to Asombrosa, who stands in front of the Tournament of Aces bracket, eyeing it carefully. The masked luchador looks focused but clearly agitated as he turns to address the camera.

Asombrosa: “Cody Montana, Slim Elroy—I see how you’ve been acting, how you’ve been using shortcuts to get ahead. Last week, you attacked Obsidian Black after the match, and this week, you cheat your way to another victory. That’s not how we do things in ACE… not where I come from. But I’m not worried about you right now. First, I have my own goal—to advance in the Tournament of Aces and show the world that Asombrosa is the true embodiment of what it means to be a champion. But after I take care of that… once the Tournament is over, I’m coming for you both. And when I do, there will be no more cheap shots. Just me, standing tall, and you two on the mat.”

Asombrosa gives a confident nod before turning away from the camera, ready to focus on his upcoming tournament matches but keeping a watchful eye on Montana and Elroy.

James Graham: “Strong words from Asombrosa! He’s focused on the Tournament of Aces, but you know he’s not going to let Montana and Elroy’s actions go unanswered.”

Conway Marshall: “That’s the kind of fire you need to win this tournament. Asombrosa has a long history of making good on his promises, and I wouldn’t want to be Cody Montana or Slim Elroy when he’s done with them.”

James Graham: “We’ll see how this all plays out, but right now, all eyes are on the Tournament of Aces—and it’s shaping up to be one of the most competitive events in ACE history!”

Up next, the screen fades to black before transitioning into an eerie scene. The camera pans slowly through a desolate cemetery, its gravestones casting long shadows under the pale light of a full moon. A thick fog rolls in, swirling around the graves as the faint sounds of distant whispers and crows echo in the background. Standing amongst the tombstones is none other than Belial Fish, dressed in his usual gothic attire—a long black coat, dark eyeliner, and his disheveled hair hanging over his face. His expression is cold, detached, as he stands before an ancient grave, running his fingers along the cracked stone.

Belial Fish: “This… this is where I feel alive. Among the dead, among the forgotten. Where the rest of the world finds fear, I find peace. Where others tremble at the thought of the end, I revel in it. Because you see, death… death is just another form of transformation.”

His voice is low and almost haunting, filled with an eerie calmness. He kneels beside a freshly dug grave, running his fingers through the loose soil as he speaks, his gaze fixated on the earth below him.

Belial Fish: “Tanji Michio… on Tuesday, in the Tournament of Aces, you will face me. But what you don’t understand—what you cannot grasp—is that stepping into that ring with me is like stepping into this cemetery. It’s cold, it’s lonely, and no matter how hard you fight, no matter how much you resist, you’ll eventually realize… there’s no escape.”

He slowly rises to his feet, his eyes now piercing through the camera.

Belial Fish: “You and I, we’re not so different. We both walk the line between worlds. But the difference is… I embrace the darkness. I invite the shadows. You still fight it, cling to the light like it can save you. But it can’t. The ring on Tuesday… it will be your grave. And in that moment, you’ll know what true despair feels like.”

Fish begins to walk through the fog, his footsteps barely audible as he passes through the gravestones, his hands brushing over the cold stone. The camera follows closely behind him as he speaks, his tone becoming even more sinister.

Belial Fish: “This tournament is just the beginning for me. It’s the place where I will show the world that Belial Fish is not just a man… I am a force. I am the shadow that creeps at the edge of your consciousness, the cold chill that runs down your spine. And when you’re lying on that mat, looking up at the lights, wondering where it all went wrong… you’ll realize, Tanji, that you were always meant to end up here.”

He stops in front of an open grave, turning slowly to face the camera, a small, twisted smile forming on his lips.

Belial Fish: “I’ll see you soon, Tanji. And when the final bell rings, only one of us will walk away… and the other? Well, let’s just say this place has plenty of room for another soul.”

The camera zooms in on Fish’s face as he smirks, before cutting to a shot of the open grave behind him. As the eerie sound of crows cawing fills the air, the screen fades to black, leaving only the unsettling image of the dark, mist-covered cemetery in the viewer’s mind.

James Graham: “What a chilling message from Belial Fish! You can feel the darkness just radiating off of him.”

Conway Marshall: “There’s something about that guy that makes your skin crawl. Tanji Michio better be ready, because Belial Fish looks like he’s ready to bury anyone standing in his way in the Tournament of Aces.”

James Graham: “Fish may be creepy, but he’s also dangerous. Tuesday night on Marquee, it’s Tanji Michio vs. Belial Fish in what promises to be one of the most intense first-round matchups. You don’t want to miss it!”

We return from the commercial break, and the arena is buzzing with anticipation for the main event of the show. James Graham and Conway Marshall are at ringside, hyping up the match.

James Graham: “It’s time for our main event, folks! Former ACE Television Champion Calgary Hart is looking to regain momentum after dropping his title to Cael Gardner at Fall-Out, but standing in his way is none other than Sammy Vice, who’s aiming to prove he belongs at the top of the heap.”

Conway Marshall: “Hart’s gotta get his mind right, James. Losing that title is tough, but this is the Tournament of Aces season! It’s time to refocus. Meanwhile, Sammy Vice… man, this guy’s got a mouth on him, but he’s also got the skills to back it up.”

As Sammy Vice makes his way to the ring, swaggering in his Miami-inspired gear, the crowd rains down boos. He takes it all in stride, loving the attention, and snatches a mic from the ring announcer just as Calgary Hart’s entrance music hits.

Sammy Vice: “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold up! Before you make your grand entrance, Hart, let’s get something straight. You’re out here, trying to pick up the pieces after Cael Gardner dropped you on your head and took your title. Meanwhile, I’m on the rise, and let’s face it, I’m going to do the exact same thing to Austin Adonis in the Tournament of Aces!”

The crowd boos louder, but Vice grins, pacing the ring.

Sammy Vice: “You hear that, Austin? You might be Conway’s new golden boy, but when you step in the ring with me, you’ll learn real quick this isn’t a fairy tale. You’re stepping into a world of pain, and I’m the man who’s going to send you packing before your so-called ‘moment’ even gets started!”

Hart finally makes his way down the ramp, unphased by Vice’s tirade. The fans cheer him on as he steps into the ring, laser-focused on the task at hand.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. Calgary Hart and Sammy Vice circle each other, with the crowd on the edge of their seats. They lock up, and Hart immediately gains the upper hand with his technical wrestling, grounding Vice with a series of headlocks and armdrags. Vice, showing his agility, counters with a quick arm drag of his own, then follows up with a dropkick, but Hart dodges and takes control again with a snap suplex.

Conway Marshall: “Hart’s looking sharp early on. He’s showing that he’s not going to let that title loss hold him back.”

Hart continues to work Vice over, hitting a few chain wrestling maneuvers, until Vice suddenly flips the script. With a sneaky thumb to the eye, Vice breaks free and rolls to the outside, yelling at the fans and collecting himself. He shakes off the pain and gets back in the ring, but now he’s fired up, his cocky demeanor replaced with intensity.

The back-and-forth action picks up as Vice starts using underhanded tactics to gain control, choking Hart on the ropes when the referee isn’t looking and stomping on Hart’s knee to slow him down. Vice’s agility shines as he nails a running knee in the corner followed by a swinging neckbreaker, but Hart kicks out at two.

In a huge moment, Calgary Hart fights back, stunning Vice with his own special move, a spinning neckbreaker! Vice, clearly rattled, rolls out of the ring again, his confidence shaken.

James Graham: “What a move by Calgary Hart! He just took Vice out with his own maneuver! Vice doesn’t know what hit him!”

Sammy Vice paces outside the ring, shaking his head in frustration as he tries to regroup. He slowly makes his way back into the ring, his attitude more focused now. The two trade blows, with Hart rallying the crowd behind him and mounting a comeback with a series of hard-hitting moves—European uppercuts, a snap DDT, and a picture-perfect crossbody from the top rope that nearly gets him the win.

But Vice isn’t done yet. He bides his time and capitalizes when Hart makes a rare mistake, sending him shoulder-first into the ring post. Seizing the opportunity, Vice locks in his signature Vice Lock submission hold, wrenching back on Hart’s neck with malicious intent.

Conway Marshall: “That’s the Vice Lock! He’s got it cinched in tight!”

Hart fights desperately, the crowd chanting his name, but the pain is too much. He’s forced to tap out at 11:29, giving Sammy Vice the victory.

As Vice’s hand is raised, he grabs the mic again, standing over the fallen Calgary Hart.

Sammy Vice: “Austin Adonis, you watching this? Take notes, because when we meet, this is exactly how you’re going down!”

Vice drops the mic and walks off, grinning from ear to ear as Hart rolls out of the ring, nursing his neck.

James Graham: “A big win for Sammy Vice here tonight, but you’ve gotta wonder—where does this leave Calgary Hart as we head into the Tournament of Aces?”

Conway Marshall: “Hart’s in a rough spot, no doubt. He’s got Rebel Jimmy Lee in the first round, and if he doesn’t get his head straight, it could be a short night for him in that tournament.”

As the show fades out, the camera lingers on Calgary Hart, sitting on the outside of the ring, clearly frustrated. The crowd cheers for him, but doubt is creeping in. Can he turn things around in time for the Tournament of Aces?

James Graham: “We’ll see you this Tuesday on Marquee for the first round of the Tournament of Aces! Don’t miss it!”

The screen fades to black as the ACE Showcase logo appears, ending the show.


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