ACE Showcase - 9/29/24


ACE Showcase - 9/29/24

We kick off from the ESPN Wide World of Sports at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, with James Graham and Conway Marshall greeting the fans. Conway, however, is visibly distracted, more eager to talk about the highly anticipated ACE Fall-Out event, set to stream tonight on Hulu. Graham, trying to keep the focus on the action at hand, teases Marshall, saying, “Don’t let tonight’s big show steal your focus, Conway! We’ve got some serious action here on ACE Showcase to get through first!”

Marshall chuckles but admits, “I can’t help it, James. Fall-Out’s got the real fireworks. But let’s see what these guys can bring this morning.”

The Gambler Slim Elroy vs. Obsidian Black

The first match of the night is a grudge match, following last week’s confrontation between the sly veteran The Gambler Slim Elroy and the fresh, powerful newcomer Obsidian Black. Slim Elroy makes his entrance with his signature poker chip jacket, a sly smirk across his face as he struts down the ramp. The crowd boos him, but he relishes it, soaking in the jeers. Meanwhile, Obsidian Black, dressed in all black and oozing athleticism, gets a huge pop from the crowd as he steps into the ring. His size and confidence are intimidating, and he’s clearly out to prove that the wily veteran won’t get the better of him tonight.

The bell rings, and Elroy, the veteran heel, tries to outsmart Obsidian early, using his ring awareness to avoid getting into a direct confrontation with Black’s size and strength. Elroy taunts the younger competitor, using cheap shots and dirty tactics to take control in the opening minutes. He pokes Obsidian in the eyes when the referee’s back is turned, then ties him up in a headlock, wrenching it in tight to slow the pace of the match.

Elroy stays in control with his conniving tactics, even targeting Black’s legs with stomps and dropkicks to cut down the big man. Every time Black tries to power out of a hold, Elroy finds a way to use his experience to stay on top. However, the crowd is firmly behind Obsidian Black, and their energy begins to fuel the young athlete.

Black starts to mount a comeback, using his raw athleticism to power out of Elroy’s holds. He drives Elroy into the corner with a series of hard-hitting shoulder tackles, then delivers a crushing clothesline that nearly flips Elroy inside out. The crowd pops big as Obsidian takes control, tossing Elroy around with ease, including a powerful spinebuster that shakes the ring.

As Obsidian lines up for a big move, Elroy once again tries to cheat. He pulls something out of his trunks—a pair of brass knuckles—and swings for Obsidian, but Black ducks! Elroy stumbles forward, and Black seizes the opportunity, grabbing him and lifting him high into the air for his devastating Onyx Slam (a powerful spinning side slam). Elroy crashes hard to the mat, and Obsidian covers him for the pin.

1… 2… 3! Obsidian Black wins via pinfall at 7:25.

Just as Obsidian Black begins celebrating his hard-fought victory, the crowd suddenly boos as The Wild Stallion Cody Montana storms the ring. Carrying his bull rope, Montana blindsides Black, cracking him across the back with the rope! The attack is vicious and relentless as Montana drives his cowboy boots into Obsidian’s ribs, stomping him repeatedly.

Slim Elroy, still recovering from the match, sees Montana and grins. Elroy picks himself up and joins in on the assault, putting the boots to Obsidian Black alongside Montana. The crowd rains boos down on the two heels as they stomp away at the young star.

Montana pulls Black up and holds him in place as Elroy slaps him across the face, taunting the rookie. The two continue the beatdown until Elroy grabs the mic. “You thought you could outsmart me? The Gambler always wins, kid!”

Cody Montana then grabs the bull rope and wraps it around Obsidian’s neck, choking him with it as Elroy watches with a satisfied smirk. Finally, after leaving Black laid out in the center of the ring, Montana shakes hands with Slim Elroy, forming a new and dangerous alliance.

James Graham on commentary exclaims, “This is despicable! Obsidian Black just had a great showing, and now this? Someone has to put a stop to this alliance!”

Conway Marshall, grinning, adds, “Well, James, looks like Slim Elroy just played his best hand yet. And with Cody Montana by his side, Obsidian Black better watch his back.”

The segment ends with Montana and Elroy standing tall, leaving Obsidian Black lying in the ring, gasping for breath, as the crowd boos. What does this new alliance mean for the future of ACE Showcase?

We return from the break and are taken backstage where Sammy Vice, decked out in his slick Miami-inspired gear, is standing with a smug grin. Shania Wheatley is about to ask a question, but Vice snatches the mic, turning his attention directly to the camera.

“Listen up, Conway Marshall,” Vice sneers. “You need to quit daydreaming about your precious ‘Fall-Out’ and start paying attention to the real stars right here on Showcase—like me.” He gives a cocky smirk, adjusting his sunglasses. “Sammy Vice is the future of ACE, and I’m gonna show the whole world what Ican do when I step into the ring for the Tournament of Aces. So keep your eyes open, Conway, ‘cause my rise to the top starts now!”

Vice drops the mic and struts off screen, clearly full of confidence and attitude.

Fuerza Mistica (Dark Phoenix & Dragon Mask) vs. Asombrosa & Tanji Michio

We head back to the ring for our next match of the night. Fuerza Mistica, the masked tandem of Dark Phoenix and Dragon Mask, makes their entrance first to a mix of cheers and boos. Known for their flashy moves and seamless teamwork, they look laser-focused as they climb into the ring.

Next up is Asombrosa and Tanji Michio. The crowd pops loudly for Asombrosa, who still has the fans on his side after calling out Odyssey last week. Tanji Michio follows close behind, his calm, collected presence showing that he’s ready to even the score with Fuerza Mistica after Odyssey’s betrayal.

The bell rings, and Dark Phoenix starts the match against Tanji Michio. Right from the start, Fuerza Mistica puts on a clinic in tag team wrestling. Using quick tags and double-team maneuvers, they isolate Michio in their corner, keeping him away from Asombrosa. Dragon Mask shows off his speed, hitting a springboard dropkick that sends Michio reeling, while Dark Phoenix follows up with a snap suplex into a running knee strike.

Fuerza Mistica’s flawless teamwork keeps Michio grounded, with Dark Phoenix and Dragon Mask tagging in and out every few seconds, not letting Michio catch his breath. The pace is frenetic, and it’s clear that Mistica has the upper hand.

Just when it seems like Michio is in serious trouble, he manages to roll out of the way of a high-flying elbow drop from Dark Phoenix. Michio crawls to his corner and makes the hot tag to Asombrosa, who bursts into the ring like a house of fire.

Asombrosa knocks Dragon Mask off the apron with a flying forearm and then lays into Dark Phoenix with a series of stiff strikes, followed by a thunderous spinning backbreaker. The crowd roars as Asombrosa takes control, launching into his signature offense, including a spinning plancha onto Dragon Mask at ringside.

Back in the ring, Asombrosa connects with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors on Dark Phoenix, sending him crashing into the turnbuckles. With momentum on their side, Asombrosa and Michio turn the match in their favor, showing resilience and teamwork of their own.

However, Fuerza Mistica is far from done. Dragon Mask slides back into the ring and hits a springboard hurricanrana on Asombrosa, catching him off guard. Dark Phoenix follows up with a stiff running knee strike to Michio’s face, regaining control for the masked duo.

The quick tags continue as Fuerza Mistica uses their high-flying arsenal to keep Michio on the defensive. A double superkick from both Dragon Mask and Dark Phoenix sends Michio tumbling into the ropes, and it looks like Fuerza Mistica is about to seal the deal.

Just as Dark Phoenix lines up for the finish, Tanji Michio digs deep and counters with a spinning back elbow, knocking Phoenix off balance. Michio takes advantage and delivers a picture-perfect German suplex.

With the crowd behind him, Michio and Asombrosa are back in it. Asombrosa takes control of Dragon Mask on the outside, sending him crashing into the barricade with a suicide dive, leaving Tanji Michio alone with Dark Phoenix.

Michio wastes no time and, in one fluid motion, picks up Dark Phoenix and drives him down with his devastating Michinoku Driver. The crowd erupts as Michio hooks the leg for the 1… 2… 3!

Tanji Michio pins Dark Phoenix at 12:39, giving his team the victory.

After the match, the camera cuts backstage, where we see Odyssey standing face-to-face with The Technician, Royce Cage.

“You think you’re special, huh?” Odyssey sneers at Cage, who remains calm in the face of the challenge. “You think all that technical nonsense is gonna save you in the ring? I want you in that ring next week on ACE Showcase. Let’s see how well you wrestle when you’ve got me coming at you.”

Cage smirks, unfazed. “Odyssey, I’ll take you on anytime, anywhere. But next week, it’s not just about proving myself—it’s about showing you what real wrestling is.”

The tension between the two is palpable as the challenge is laid down for next week’s ACE Showcase, setting up another must-see encounter.

ACE Fall-Out Preview

The screen cuts to black before roaring to life with an electrifying montage of action-packed highlights, signaling the imminent arrival of ACE Fall-Out, later tonight on Hulu. The pulse-pounding music sets the tone as we see fast-paced recaps of the most intense rivalries that have reached a boiling point, setting the stage for the night’s biggest matches.

Calgary Hart vs. Cael Gardner – ACE Television Championship

The video opens with a shot of Calgary Hart, the fan-favorite technical wizard, holding up the ACE Television Championship as his previous triumphs flash across the screen. His journey as champion has been marked by fierce competition, but standing in his way now is the cold and calculating Cael Gardner. A former Olympic gold medalist turned villainous grappler, Gardner is shown locking in his brutal submission holds, leaving his past victims writhing in agony.

“Tonight, Hart will need every ounce of his technical prowess to fend off Gardner,” the narrator booms. “But will Gardner’s relentless pursuit of gold be too much for the champion to handle?”

Himalaya vs. Beulah Roy

Next, the screen transitions to the giant Himalaya, his monstrous form towering over opponents, smashing them into oblivion under the direction of the devious General Zhang. Opposite him, the tough and streetwise veteran Beulah Roy flashes across the screen, his fists flying as he battles his way through the Foreign Legion to earn this showdown.

“In the shadow of Mount Everest stands Himalaya, a beast driven by destruction. But Beulah Roy’s been fighting his whole life, and nothing will stop him from reaching the top of this mountain.”

Roy’s defiance and Himalaya’s sheer brute strength have created an epic David vs. Goliath clash, and tonight, these forces will collide at Fall-Out.

Reverend Elijah Cross vs. Ambassador Patrick Ford

We now see Reverend Elijah Cross, his hands outstretched as he delivers a fiery sermon, his presence commanding as he declares himself the moral authority of ACE. But the music shifts to a more patriotic tone as Ambassador Patrick Ford appears, a proud symbol of justice and integrity, ready to silence Cross’s tyranny once and for all.

“It’s a battle of righteousness—one man claims to save souls, the other fights for truth. Tonight, Reverend Elijah Cross meets Ambassador Patrick Ford in a fight for the soul of ACE.”

Their clash will be a war of ideals, as Ford seeks to humble Cross and restore dignity to the ring.

Chase Barclay vs. Amir Fayez

The atmosphere changes as we cut to the arrogant Chase Barclay, the millionaire playboy who’s used his influence and power to dominate opponents. Barclay’s smirking face fills the screen as clips of his underhanded tactics and backstage schemes are shown, setting up his next challenge. The scene then shifts to Amir Fayez, better known as The Sultan, a noble and fierce warrior of Arabian heritage who stands for honor, pride, and strength. Fayez’s devastating wrestling moves and martial arts strikes are on full display, showing his capability to end any match in a heartbeat.

“Chase Barclay has manipulated his way to the top, but tonight, Amir Fayez fights not just for himself but for every fan who’s suffered at Barclay’s hand. Will the Sultan bring Barclay to his knees?”

Their battle at Fall-Out promises to be a clash of egos, with Fayez seeking to silence the villainous businessman once and for all.

Fargo and Allen vs. Nigerian Hit Squad – ACE World Tag Team Championship

The video then turns to the ACE World Tag Team Champions—Jarvis ‘The Genius’ Allen and Arn Fargo—who are shown celebrating in the ring, smug as ever with their titles on their shoulders. But standing in their path are two powerful figures—the Nigerian Hit Squad, Rhino Rafiq and Midnight Panther—determined to rid ACE of the cheating ways of the Barclay Investment Group.

“This is more than just a title match. This is a battle for the future of ACE’s tag team division. Will the Hit Squad deliver justice, or will Fargo and Allen escape with their gold once again?”

As the video shows highlights of their previous clashes, the tension between the two teams is palpable, and tonight could be the Nigerian Hit Squad’s moment to dethrone the champions.

Keme Dakotah vs. Belial Fish

The scene shifts to the ever-popular Keme Dakotah, a proud Native American warrior who stands tall after weathering a year of highs and lows in ACE. Standing opposite him is the sly and unpredictable Belial Fish, whose unorthodox style and mind games have frustrated his rivals time and time again.

“Keme Dakotah’s journey has been one of honor, but Belial Fish is a master of chaos. Can Dakotah overcome Fish’s tricks, or will Belial catch the young warrior off guard?”

With both men looking to cement their place in ACE, their match promises to be a wild and unpredictable fight.

Johnny Roach vs. Tavita Silk – ACE World Championship

The video’s final segment focuses on the biggest prize in ACE—the ACE World Championship—held by the hard-nosed brawler Johnny Roach. Clips of Roach’s fiery title defenses are shown, but so are images of his recent struggles against the Sons of Samoa, led by the vicious Tavita Silk. Silk, the leader of the group, along with the Samoan Warriors, has been relentless in his pursuit of Roach, attacking him at every turn and declaring that he’ll take the World Title by any means necessary.

“The World Champion Johnny Roach is no stranger to a fight, but tonight, he faces his toughest challenge yet. Tavita Silk has torn through the competition, and now, with the Samoan Warriors by his side, he plans to leave Fall-Out as the ACE World Champion.”

With Roach’s legacy on the line and Silk’s dominance growing, their no-holds-barred battle promises to be an explosive main event.

The hype video ends with a dramatic crescendo as the camera zooms in on the ACE Fall-Out logo, reminding fans that tonight’s event is one they can’t afford to miss. The screen fades to black, but the energy lingers in the air, setting the stage for what will be an unforgettable night of action.

Simbi Loa vs. Judge Joe Ridge

As the camera pans across the arena, a sense of anticipation fills the air. The main event of ACE Showcase is set to be a highly personal clash between the ruthless Voodoo Priest Simbi Loa and the proud Judge Joe Ridge, whose rivalry has been intertwined with the ongoing feud between Reverend Elijah Cross and Ambassador Patrick Ford.

Simbi Loa makes his eerie entrance, the lights dimming as haunting voodoo music echoes through the arena. He carries a skull on a chain, his ominous presence sending chills through the crowd. The Voodoo Priest is not alone in spirit, with dark forces seemingly empowering him as he approaches the ring, his sinister grin plastered across his face.

Judge Joe Ridge steps out next to a roaring ovation from the crowd. The no-nonsense enforcer of justice walks down the aisle, looking focused and ready for revenge after weeks of suffering at the hands of Loa and Reverend Cross. He clutches his signature gavel as a symbol of the justice he intends to deliver.

As Ridge climbs the steps and enters the ring, Loa moves quickly, snatching the gavel from Ridge’s grasp. A wicked grin spreads across Loa’s face as he holds the gavel high and, in a shocking act of disrespect, smashes it onto the mat, splintering it to pieces. The audience gasps in unison, and Judge Ridge’s face twists with rage.

The bell rings, and Ridge charges at Loa like a man possessed. Fueled by anger and the destruction of his beloved gavel, Ridge dominates the opening minutes of the match, delivering a series of powerful strikes and slams. The crowd cheers wildly as the Judge brings the fight to the Voodoo Priest, finally getting his revenge.

Loa, ever the cunning villain, soon turns the tide. Using underhanded tactics, he gouges Ridge’s eyes when the referee’s back is turned and begins choking him with the remnants of his voodoo chain. With the referee hesitant to interfere too much due to Loa’s unpredictable nature, the Voodoo Priest takes full advantage, wearing down Ridge with kicks, punches, and sinister submission holds.

As Ridge struggles to recover, the crowd rallies behind him, chanting his name. Slowly but surely, Ridge mounts a comeback, countering Loa’s offense with his powerful grappling. Ridge hits Loa with a series of clotheslines and shoulder blocks, gaining momentum. The fans erupt as Ridge hoists Loa up and delivers a spine-tingling backbreaker.

But Simbi Loa refuses to go down quietly. He rakes Ridge’s eyes again and attempts to hit him with his skull weapon, but Ridge ducks the blow. As Loa staggers, Ridge grabs him and powers him up into the air. With the crowd fully behind him, Ridge hits his devastating finisher, The Verdict, a bone-crushing powerslam, and covers Loa for the pin.

1… 2… 3!

The crowd explodes as the referee’s hand slams the mat for the final count. Judge Joe Ridge wins at 9:12, finally securing some justice against Simbi Loa.

However, Ridge’s victory celebration is short-lived. Before he can catch his breath, the menacing figure of Reverend Elijah Cross storms into the ring. With his twisted sense of morality, Cross blindsides Ridge, attacking his already injured ribs. The crowd boos as Cross stomps and drives his knee into Ridge’s torso, reinjuring him and leaving him writhing in pain on the mat.

Simbi Loa gets back to his feet and joins in the assault, standing over Ridge with a sick grin as Cross and Loa exact their revenge. The two villains stand tall, with Cross proclaiming that Ridge will never escape his twisted judgment.

As officials rush to break up the attack and attend to Ridge, the camera cuts to Conway Marshall, who tries to shift the tone back to tonight’s main event: ACE Fall-Out.

Conway Marshall: “Folks, what we just witnessed was absolute chaos, and we can only expect more tonight at Fall-Out! Don’t miss it live on Hulu, where all the biggest rivalries will come to a head. The ACE Television Championship on the line, the brutal showdown between Beulah Roy and Himalaya, and of course, the ACE World Championship match between Johnny Roach and Tavita Silk! We’ll see you tonight at Fall-Out!”

The show fades to black as we cut to the final shot of a battered Judge Joe Ridge, surrounded by medical staff, while Simbi Loa and Reverend Cross smugly leave the ring, their message delivered.


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