ACE Marquee - 10/8/24

 ACE Marquee - San Antonio, TX - 10/8/24

ACE Marquee kicks off in San Antonio, Texas, with the legendary voice of Darrell Ryland welcoming viewers, alongside his broadcast partner and former ACE World Champion, Ward Rees.

“Welcome to ACE Marquee, live from San Antonio, Texas! I’m Darrell Ryland, and joining me is my partner, a former ACE World Champion and Tournament of Aces winner, Ward Rees!”

“That’s right, Darrell! It’s always exciting this time of year—the Tournament of Aces is where legends are made! Winning it launched my career to the next level, and I know these competitors are looking to do the same.” Rees says, speaking from his own experience with a sense of pride.

Ryland follows, “Tonight, we kick off the 2024 Tournament of Aces with three huge first-round matchups, and if history is any indication, this tournament is going to be full of drama, excitement, and career-defining moments!”

Without wasting time, the camera pans to the ring where Belial Fish and Tanji Michio are already making their entrances. The intensity is palpable. As both men meet in the center of the ring, they exchange heated words, their faces inches apart. Fish points aggressively at Michio, while Michio, never one to back down, stands firm and retaliates with his own verbal barrage. The crowd loves every second of it, knowing they’re about to witness something special.

“These two are raring to go, Ward! No love lost between them!” Ryland comments.

“Fish and Michio have a history of disdain, and this is only going to escalate tonight!” Rees adds.

As the bell rings, Tanji Michio immediately takes control with his lightning-quick speed, dazzling the crowd with his agility and crisp strikes. He hits a beautiful series of armdrags and dropkicks, keeping Belial Fish off balance. The crowd is solidly behind Michio, cheering with every move as he flies around the ring, connecting with a spinning heel kick that sends Fish reeling into the corner.

“Michio’s taking it to Fish early! That speed of his is hard to counter.” Ryland observes.

However, Belial Fish is a veteran of the game, known for his cunning and underhanded tactics. As Michio builds momentum, Fish slyly slips a hidden object—brass knuckles, perhaps—from his trunks, positioning it in his hand without the referee noticing. As Michio charges in, Fish lands a sneaky shot to the ribs, using the concealed weapon behind the referee’s back. Michio stumbles, his momentum completely halted as the crowd boos.

“There it is! Fish using those dirty tricks again! The ref didn’t see a thing!” Rees calls out in frustration.

From there, the match takes on a back-and-forth rhythm, with Fish relying on his technical prowess and veteran instincts to keep Michio grounded. He slaps on a side headlock, wrenching down on Michio’s neck, slowing the pace to his liking. The crowd rallies behind Michio, but every time the Japanese high-flyer tries to mount a comeback, Fish shuts him down with more underhanded tactics—a rake to the eyes here, a cheap shot there.

“Belial Fish is in control, and when he’s in control, it’s bad news for anyone in the ring with him,” Ryland notes.

After several minutes of back-and-forth exchanges, Fish senses the end is near. He traps Michio in the middle of the ring and locks in his devastating submission finisher—the Black Cloverleaf, a modified Texas cloverleaf that cranks the lower back and legs of his opponent with brutal force. The crowd erupts, trying to will Michio to the ropes, but the pain is too much. Tanji Michio taps out at 8:58, securing Belial Fish as the first man to advance in the 2024 Tournament of Aces.

“And that’s it! Belial Fish advances to the next round!” Ryland exclaims.

“Fish using those underhanded tactics again, but you can’t deny that submission—it’s lethal!” Rees adds.

As Belial Fish stands tall in the ring, the camera cuts to the entrance ramp, where Commissioner Conway Marshall steps out to address the crowd. Wearing a sharp suit and holding a microphone, Marshall congratulates Fish on his win.

“Ladies and gentlemen, let’s hear it for your winner, Belial Fish!” Marshall begins, but the crowd’s reaction is mixed, still sour over Fish’s cheating tactics. Marshall continues, “This tournament is about proving you’re the best of the best, and tonight, Belial Fish took his first step toward greatness!”

However, Fish isn’t interested in the fanfare. With a smug look on his face, he walks right past Marshall without even acknowledging him, his focus solely on advancing further in the tournament. The crowd boos as Fish makes his way up the ramp, arrogantly ignoring the commissioner’s praise.

“That’s Belial Fish for you—he doesn’t care about respect. All he cares about is winning.” Ryland states as the camera focuses on Fish disappearing backstage.

Marshall, visibly miffed but maintaining his composure, addresses the crowd one last time. “This tournament is just getting started, folks. There’s a lot more action to come tonight, so stay tuned!”

The camera cuts back to the announcers’ desk, with Ryland and Rees hyping up the next two Tournament of Aces matchups as the show rolls on.

“Belial Fish moves on, and we still have two more tournament matches tonight! You won’t want to miss what’s coming up next!” Ryland concludes as the show heads to a commercial break.

As ACE Marquee returns from commercial, we see the towering figure of Obsidian Black already standing in the ring, pacing back and forth, ready for his upcoming match. The lights in the arena dim as a western-style guitar riff blares through the speakers. The Wild Stallion Cody Montana makes his entrance, swaggering down the ramp with his signature black cowboy hat, a cocky grin on his face. Accompanying him is the seasoned veteran and notorious gambler, Slim Elroy, who tips his hat to the crowd with a smirk.

“And here comes Cody Montana, Darrell, with Slim Elroy by his side. These two have been riding a wave of momentum since their win on ACE Showcase last Sunday,” Rees notes.

Ryland adds, “That’s right, Ward. Montana and Elroy managed to outsmart Obsidian Black and Alex Archer on Showcase, and tonight, Montana’s looking to repeat that success and advance in the Tournament of Aces.”

As Montana enters the ring, he exchanges a few words with Slim Elroy, who gives him a confident pat on the back before stepping to ringside. The bell rings, and Obsidian Black wastes no time charging at Montana. Black is clearly fired up, seeking revenge for the loss on Sunday. He uses his raw power to toss Montana around the ring, delivering heavy blows that shake the very foundation of the mat. Black throws Montana into the corner and hits him with a flurry of body shots and forearms, the crowd firmly behind him.

“Obsidian Black is starting off hot tonight!” Ryland exclaims. “He wants to send a message after last week!”

Montana, however, manages to slip out of the ring, trying to slow the pace. But Black is relentless, following him outside and looking to continue the assault. As Black approaches, Slim Elroy steps in his path, feigning concern for his partner. The referee quickly tries to keep Elroy back, but the distraction is all Montana needs. With Black focused on Elroy, Montana delivers a nasty forearm to the back of Obsidian Black’s head, sending him crashing into the steel ring post.

“That wily Slim Elroy! Always up to no good, and now Black’s in trouble!” Rees calls out.

With Obsidian Black dazed, Montana doesn’t let up. He grabs Black and drives him into the ringside barricade, eliciting groans from the crowd as Black’s spine collides with the steel. The referee begins his count as Montana drags Black back into the ring. Now in control, Montana methodically stomps on his opponent, targeting Black’s ribs and back, softening him up for what’s to come.

“Montana’s taking his time now. He knows once he’s in control, he’s dangerous.” Ryland observes.

Obsidian Black, however, refuses to stay down. The crowd rallies behind him as he begins to fight back, landing stiff right hands to Montana’s midsection, creating some separation. Black whips Montana into the ropes and hits a big back body drop, sending the cowboy high into the air. The crowd roars as Black mounts a comeback, connecting with a powerful spinebuster that shakes the ring. He goes for a pin:

“1… 2…” but Montana kicks out just in time.

Slim Elroy pounds the mat, urging Montana to get back into the fight. Sensing the urgency, Montana uses his ring awareness and rakes the eyes of Black behind the referee’s back, blinding him momentarily. Seizing the opportunity, Montana sets up for his signature Hangman Rope DDT. He drapes Obsidian Black over the middle rope, hooks the head, and drives him face-first into the mat with authority.

“There it is! The Hangman Rope DDT! This could be it!” Rees yells as Montana goes for the cover.

“1… 2… 3!”

Cody Montana secures the victory at 7:46, advancing to the next round of the Tournament of Aces. Slim Elroy jumps into the ring, celebrating with his partner as the referee raises Montana’s hand.

“The Wild Stallion advances, and it looks like he’s not done yet!” Ryland warns as Montana and Elroy turn their attention back to Obsidian Black.

After the match, Montana and Elroy launch a vicious assault on Obsidian Black, stomping him into the mat repeatedly. Elroy taunts the crowd while Montana continues the beatdown, clearly sending a message that they intend to dominate.

But just as things seem bleak for Black, the crowd suddenly erupts as Keme Dakotah sprints down the ramp! Dakotah slides into the ring, and Montana and Elroy quickly scatter, retreating to the outside. The fans cheer as Dakotah stands tall, daring Montana to get back into the ring.

“Here comes Dakotah! We know he’s got his eyes set on Slim Elroy next week in a first round matchup, and it looks like things between him and Montana are far from over!” Ryland declares.

“Dakotah’s making a statement tonight—he’s not going to let the numbers game stop him!” Rees adds.

Cody Montana and Slim Elroy back up the ramp, exchanging heated words with Dakotah, who helps Obsidian Black to his feet. The tension between Dakotah and Montana is clear, especially after their confrontation at Fall-Out, and with Dakotah set to face Elroy next week, things are about to get even more personal.

With the crowd buzzing, the show heads to a commercial break, setting the stage for more drama in the coming weeks.

As ACE Marquee returns from commercial, the camera cuts to Shania Wheatley standing backstage alongside The Chaos Riders, the formidable tag team of Mastadon and Inferno. Both men are in their full biker gear, looking as intense as ever. Mastadon crosses his arms, towering over Wheatley, while Inferno leans casually against the wall, a cocky grin on his face.

Wheatley wastes no time getting to the point. “Chaos Riders, some critics have said that you’ve lost your edge lately. That you’ve softened up, trying to be heroes and crowd favorites. What do you have to say about that?”

Mastadon grunts before leaning in toward the microphone, his deep voice rumbling. “We’ve never cared about what people say, Shania. Critics can run their mouths all they want, but we ain’t here to play hero. We’re here to hurt people. You think just ‘cause the crowd’s behind us that we lost our bite?” He glares into the camera. “Think again. Anyone who steps in that ring with us is gonna feel the same pain they’ve always felt.”

Inferno smirks, adjusting his black gloves. “We’re still the nastiest, toughest sons of guns in this business. And tonight, we’re about to remind everyone—Fuerza Mistica, Sons of Samoa, and anyone else—that we’re still the kings of this tag division.”

With that, the Chaos Riders head off toward the ring as the crowd roars in anticipation. Their music hits, and the two make their way through the curtains to a thunderous ovation. The fans may be cheering for them now, but as Mastadon and Inferno march down the ramp, there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that they mean business.

In the ring, Fuerza Mistica—Dragon Mask and Dark Phoenix—wait, bouncing on their feet, ready for action. The two luchadors look confident, despite the intimidating presence of the Chaos Riders.

Just as the referee is about to signal the start of the match, the arena lights dim slightly, and the Sons of Samoa’s music hits. Tavita Silk, dressed in a sharp suit, makes his way out to the stage, accompanied by his massive enforcers, Kimo and Tua. Silk casually saunters down to the commentary table, flashing a smirk as he takes a seat next to Darrell Ryland and Ward Rees. The Samoan Warriors, Kimo and Tua, stand like statues behind him, their arms folded, watching the ring intently.

“Oh, this should be interesting,” Ryland says as Silk puts on his headset. “Tavita, what brings you out here tonight?”

Silk leans back, making himself comfortable. “Just here to enjoy the show, Darrell. I want to see if these so-called ‘Chaos Riders’ still have what it takes or if they’re just riding the wave of nostalgia.”

As the bell rings, it’s clear that the presence of the Sons of Samoa has distracted the Chaos Riders. Dragon Mask and Dark Phoenix seize the moment, blitzing their larger opponents with quick, high-flying maneuvers. Dragon Mask springboards off the ropes and hits Inferno with a flying crossbody, while Dark Phoenix lands a swift dropkick that sends Mastadon staggering back.

“You see that, Darrell?” Silk comments with a chuckle. “The Chaos Riders are too busy looking over their shoulders, worried about us. They’re not the force they used to be.”

The Chaos Riders, however, aren’t down for long. Mastadon grabs Dragon Mask and hurls him into the corner with authority, while Inferno uses his strength to muscle Dark Phoenix into a headlock. Slowly but surely, they start to turn the tide, with Mastadon landing stiff punches that send Dragon Mask reeling.

But when Inferno turns his back to jaw at Tavita Silk and the Sons of Samoa, it costs him. Dragon Mask sneaks up from behind and chop blocks Inferno’s knee, sending him crashing to the mat. Silk chuckles into his mic. “That’s rookie stuff right there. You never take your eyes off the match.”

Ryland responds, “It looks like the Riders are still trying to balance that edge with keeping their focus, but Fuerza Mistica isn’t going to let them off easy.”

As the action heats up, Mastadon tags back in and begins to blur the line between legal and illegal tactics, throwing heavy forearm smashes and holding onto Dragon Mask well past the referee’s five-count. He slams Dragon Mask to the mat and grinds his boot into his throat, while the referee admonishes him. The crowd, though, seems to love the rougher, no-nonsense style that the Chaos Riders are known for.

“That’s more like it!” Rees exclaims. “They’re showing they’ve still got that edge.”

“Edge? Please,” Silk scoffs on commentary. “They’re playing pretend tough guys. We’ll show them what real domination looks like soon enough.”

The Chaos Riders take control, with Mastadon hitting a vicious spinebuster on Dark Phoenix. They set up for their finishing move, the Doomsday Device. Inferno climbs the top rope while Mastadon hoists Dark Phoenix on his shoulders. They connect with the devastating clothesline, and Inferno goes for the pin:

“1… 2…—” but Dragon Mask dives in at the last second to break up the pin.

The Chaos Riders aren’t deterred. They reset, delivering a second Doomsday Device to Dragon Mask this time, and it’s lights out. Mastadon covers:

“1… 2… 3!”

At 13:10, the Chaos Riders stand victorious, having proved their point. But before they can celebrate, the Sons of Samoa waste no time storming the ring. Kimo and Tua slide under the ropes, fists raised, ready for a fight. Tavita Silk scrim a the rings steps and enters slowly, watching with a sly grin.

Just as it looks like a brawl is about to break out, the crowd explodes as Johnny Roach, the ACE World Champion, charges down the ramp! Roach slides into the ring, evening the odds for the Chaos Riders. The Sons of Samoa pause, realizing the numbers are no longer in their favor.

“Here comes Roach!” Ryland shouts. “This thing’s about to explode!”

Silk raises a hand, signaling Kimo and Tua to back off. The Sons of Samoa slowly retreat, but not before Silk locks eyes with Johnny Roach, a smug look on his face. The tension between the two sides is palpable, and it’s clear that this war is far from over.

The camera fades to commercial with the two groups staring each other down, the crowd buzzing with anticipation.

As we return from commercial, Darrell Ryland and Ward Rees set the stage for the next match in the 2024 Tournament of Aces. This first-round bout pits the current ACE Television Champion, Cael Gardner, against fan-favorite Gentleman Geoffrey Hastings. Ryland mentions how Hastings has been on a rough patch lately, but tonight is his chance to prove his doubters wrong—including Conway Marshall, who has been publicly critical of him on ACE Showcase.

Before Gardner makes his entrance, Hastings steps into the ring, looking determined yet composed. He grabs a microphone and addresses the crowd.

“For the past few weeks, I’ve been hearing the words of a man who doesn’t know what it means to fight with honor.” Hastings begins, his tone calm but pointed. “Conway Marshall thinks I don’t have what it takes to climb to the top in Atlas Championship Entertainment. Well, tonight, I’m going to prove him wrong!” The crowd cheers as Hastings continues. “But what I can’t stand is the hypocrisy—Marshall, you stand there and do nothing while your corrupt ref, Carl Simmons, bastardizes matches left and right.  Then have the gall to suspend those that take action!  And also you have General Zhang and his Foreign Legion attack wrestlers from all angles, break every rule, and undermine what this sport stands for!”

The crowd is fully behind Hastings now as he takes a deep breath and glares towards the entrance. “I’ve had enough of you looking the other way, Marshall. Tonight, I’m going to show you what real heart looks like!”

Before Hastings can say more, Conway Marshall storms out onto the stage, his face twisted in anger. “That’s enough, Hastings!” Marshall shouts, as he marches down the ramp. “You don’t get to run your mouth about me or this company!” Marshall demands the production team to cut Hastings’ mic, but Hastings remains defiant, standing tall in the ring.

As Marshall approaches ringside, General Zhang and the monstrous Himalaya appear on stage, flanking Cael Gardner, who’s holding the ACE Television Championship over his shoulder. Gardner walks with a smug confidence, backed by the dangerous presence of Zhang and Himalaya.

“Here we go, Ryland. Cael Gardner isn’t coming alone—he’s got the Foreign Legion by his side tonight!” Rees says, clearly concerned about Hastings’ chances.

Gardner, Zhang, and Himalaya make their way to ringside, with Gardner smirking as Marshall continues to yell at Hastings from the outside, Hastings’ full attention on the commissioner. Seizing the moment, Gardner slides into the ring and attacks Hastings from behind, sending him crashing to the mat with a vicious Olympic Slam.

“Oh, come on! That’s a cheap shot!” Ryland exclaims as the crowd boos.

Conway Marshall shouts at the referee, “Ring the bell! Start the match!” Referee Carl Simmons, looking hesitant, reluctantly signals for the match to officially begin.

With Hastings still dazed from the surprise attack, Gardner wastes no time. He locks in the Crossface Lock immediately, wrenching back on Hastings’ neck. Hastings struggles to break free, but the hold is too tight, and he’s already weakened from the pre-match assault.

Before Hastings can even attempt to power out, Conway Marshall signals for the bell again. “Ring it! This match is over!” Marshall barks, and the referee calls for the bell, awarding Gardner the victory in a Tournament of Aces record-setting 13 seconds.

“This is a complete travesty!” Rees shouts. “Hastings didn’t even get a chance to fight back!”

Cael Gardner rises to his feet, smirking arrogantly as the crowd showers him with boos. General Zhang enters the ring alongside Himalaya, who looms over Hastings, still recovering on the mat.

Marshall, now standing by the ring apron, grabs a microphone and sneers at Hastings. “You want to question me, Hastings? You want to challenge my authority? This is what happens!” Marshall yells, clearly relishing the situation.

Suddenly, General Zhang nods toward Himalaya, and the towering giant steps forward, grabbing Hastings by the throat. The crowd gasps as Himalaya lifts Hastings high into the air before slamming him down with a devastating Chokeslam from Everest! The ring shakes with the impact as Hastings lies motionless on the canvas.

“This is despicable! First the cheap shot, then the screwjob, and now this brutal assault by Himalaya!” Ryland exclaims, outraged.

With Hastings laid out in the ring, Gardner, General Zhang, and Himalaya stand tall, the Foreign Legion once again asserting their dominance. Conway Marshall, still fuming, looks satisfied as he surveys the carnage.

“Geoffrey Hastings never stood a chance, not with the odds stacked against him like this,” Rees laments. “This is a dark day for fairness and competition in ACE!”

The camera captures a final shot of Hastings lying in the ring as the Foreign Legion stands victorious, Marshall glaring down at Hastings with contempt as we fade to commercial.

We return from commercial to see the lights dimmed and the stage set for The Dish with Miss Cavendish, the popular yet always controversial interview segment hosted by the ever-smug Miss Cavendish. Her theme music hits, and she struts out onto the stage in a tailored designer suit, accompanied by the menacing trio of Chase Barclay, Jarvis “The Genius” Allen, and Arn Fargo. All three members of the Barclay Investment Group have smug grins as they saunter to the set, soaking in the chorus of boos from the San Antonio crowd.

Miss Cavendish picks up the microphone, waiting as the crowd’s jeers intensify. She rolls her eyes dramatically and brings the mic to her lips.

“Now, now, San Antonio,” she begins, her voice dripping with condescension. “I expected a bit more class from you people. But then again, we’re in Texas, aren’t we?” The crowd erupts with louder boos as Cavendish smirks.

“I suggest you all quiet down,” she continues, “because tonight, you have the privilege of seeing the greatest tag team in ACE history—the future three-time ACE World Tag Team Champions, Jarvis ‘The Genius’ Allen and Arn Fargo!”

The crowd rains down boos, but Cavendish isn’t fazed. “Now, let’s get to the matter at hand—the injustice that was done when my men were robbed of the ACE Tag Team Championships last week here on ACE Marquee. But don’t worry, because very soon, the Barclay Investment Group will put things right.”

At this point, Chase Barclay steps forward, adjusting his suit and speaking confidently. “It’s only a matter of time before Allen and Fargo get those belts back, and once they do, the world will finally recognize that no one—and I mean no one—is on the level of Barclay Investment Group.”

The smug trio along with a their Executive Secretary Miss Cavendish laugh amongst themselves, but their laughter is soon interrupted by the booming entrance music of The Nigerian Hit Squad! The arena explodes into cheers as Rhino Rafiq and Midnight Panther step out onto the stage, the ACE Tag Team Championship belts proudly displayed around their waists.

Rafiq grabs a mic as he marches toward the set with Midnight Panther at his side. The champions waste no time.

“Cut the crap, Cavendish!” Rhino Rafiq snarls, his voice commanding and filled with disdain for the Barclay Investment Group. “We’re not here for your games or your lies. We’re here because we’re the best tag team in ACE history, and these belts prove it!”

The crowd roars as Rafiq steps closer, staring down Allen and Fargo. Midnight Panther steps up beside him, his presence intimidating as he raises his own mic.

“You two want another shot at these belts?” Midnight Panther says, his voice calm but menacing. “Well, guess what—we’re not giving them back anytime soon. I don’t care what tricks the Barclay Investment Group has up their sleeves; we beat you once, and we’ll do it again.”

This sets off Jarvis Allen, who lunges forward, but Rafiq holds his ground. Arn Fargo steps in, jawing at Rafiq, while Midnight Panther and Jarvis Allen exchange heated words. The tension is palpable as the crowd cheers for the Nigerian Hit Squad to get physical.

Miss Cavendish, sensing things escalating, tries to take control of the situation. “Boys, boys!” she says with mock concern. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. After all, fighting is for the ring, not my beautiful set.”

But her words fall on deaf ears as the situation boils over. Rafiq shoves Fargo hard, sending him stumbling back, which sparks an all-out brawl! Allen tackles Midnight Panther, and soon, both teams are exchanging blows on the stage as the crowd erupts in cheers!

“Here we go! These teams aren’t waiting for the rematch—they’re going at it right here on The Dish!” Rees exclaims from the commentary table as the fists fly.

As Miss Cavendish and Chase Barclay retreat to the side, casually discussing their next move, the fight continues to rage between the two teams. Rafiq throws Fargo into the set furniture, while Midnight Panther drives his knee into Allen’s midsection. The chaos unfolds in front of a roaring crowd.

Finally, referees and stage crew rush onto the set, pulling the two teams apart before the brawl can escalate further. Jarvis Allen screams at Midnight Panther as he’s restrained, while Rhino Rafiq motions for Fargo to come back for more.

As the chaos settles, Miss Cavendish regains her composure and steps back in front of the camera with a sly smile.

“Well, ladies and gentlemen, I guess that’s all the time we have for tonight’s show!” she says mockingly. “But rest assured, the Barclay Investment Group will be taking back those belts sooner than you think. Goodnight, San Antonio!”

With that, we fade to another commercial, the intense confrontation between the Barclay Investment Group and the Nigerian Hit Squad leaving the audience wanting more.

As we return from commercial, Miss Cavendish is now standing in the ring alongside Chase Barclay, both exuding their usual arrogance. Cavendish takes the microphone, and without missing a beat, addresses the hostile San Antonio crowd.

“Listen up, you classless ingrates!” she shouts over the jeers. “I told you once, and I’ll tell you again—shut up when I’m speaking!” The crowd responds with even louder boos, but Cavendish ignores them with a smirk.

“Now,” she continues, pacing the ring with a hand on her hip, “let’s talk about something truly despicable—The Sultan Amir Fayez.” The mention of Fayez’s name draws cheers from the crowd, but Cavendish’s face twists in disgust. “That brute had the nerve, the audacity, to attack an ACE referee and disrespect the company itself!”

The camera cuts to Chase Barclay standing beside her, now wearing his ring gear and sporting a smug grin. Cavendish continues her rant. “He got what he deserved—a suspension! But there’s one problem: Fayez was supposed to get embarrassed by Chase Barclay at Fall-Out! And now? Now, he’s hiding behind his suspension like a coward!”

Barclay nods in agreement as Cavendish leans into the mic. “Fayez had the gall to question Chase’s integrity, and the integrity of the Barclay Investment Group!” She shakes her head in mock disbelief. “As if we’d ever need to pay off a referee! Fayez is just making excuses for why he couldn’t beat the best!”

Miss Cavendish pauses, letting the crowd’s boos fuel her performance. She raises her hand to silence them once more.

“But now,” she says, her voice cold and calculating, “with Fayez out of the picture, Chase Barclay has no one left to beat down. So we’re issuing an open challenge. Anyone in the back…anyone in this arena who dares think they can take on Chase Barclay—step up! Come give it your best shot!”

The crowd murmurs in anticipation, but no one comes out. Barclay and Cavendish exchange arrogant smiles as Cavendish turns her attention back to the fans. “I didn’t think so,” she sneers. “Typical.”

Just as Cavendish is about to continue, the lights flicker and a masked figure suddenly appears in the ring, standing behind them! The crowd erupts in excitement as the mysterious man waves to the referee, signaling that he’s answering the open challenge!

“What the… who is this?!” shouts Ward Rees on commentary. “He’s…he’s answering the challenge!”

The referee quickly consults with the ring announcer, who steps forward and declares: “Ladies and gentlemen, introducing…The Sandman!”

The masked man, who bears a striking resemblance in build and demeanor to The Sultan Amir Fayez, stands confidently in the ring, wearing a brown body suit and mask, much to the fury of Miss Cavendish and Chase Barclay.

“That’s Fayez!” Rees exclaims. “It has to be!”

“You think so, Rees?” adds Darrell Ryland. “That’s definitely The Sultan under that mask!”

Barclay is livid, yelling at The Sandman and demanding to know who he really is. Cavendish shouts orders, pointing furiously at the masked man, while the referee calls for the bell.

The second the bell rings, Barclay charges at The Sandman, unleashing a furious barrage of strikes—punches, kicks, and chops—backing him into the corner. But The Sandman fights back, delivering stiff punches of his own, forcing Barclay to retreat as the crowd gets behind him.

As the fight intensifies, Jarvis “The Genius” Allen and Arn Fargo make their way down to ringside, trying to tilt the odds in Barclay’s favor. Their presence distracts the referee, allowing Barclay to land a cheap shot on The Sandman, sending him writhing in pain near the ropes. Cavendish sees an opportunity and rushes toward The Sandman, trying to pull off his mask.

“She’s trying to unmask him!” Rees shouts. “That’s gotta be Fayez!”

But before Cavendish can succeed, The Nigerian Hit Squad’s music hits, and the arena explodes in cheers! Rhino Rafiq and Midnight Panther charge down to the ring, running off Allen and Fargo to prevent them from interfering further.

“Here comes backup!” Ryland exclaims. “The Nigerian Hit Squad isn’t letting Barclay Investment Group get away with anything tonight!”

Barclay and The Sandman take the fight to the outside, continuing to trade blows as the referee lets the action spill out. Barclay, in a moment of rage, lands a sucker punch on Rhino Rafiq, which sparks an all-out brawl between the two factions!

The crowd erupts as Rafiq tackles Fargo into the barricade, while Midnight Panther takes the fight to Allen, throwing wild punches as they spill into the crowd. Meanwhile, Barclay and The Sandman brawl up the ramp, exchanging blows as security rushes to separate the chaos.

The referee has no choice but to call for the bell. The ring announcer steps forward: “Ladies and gentlemen, the referee has ruled this match a double count-out!”

But the decision does nothing to stop the brawl. The Sandman and Chase Barclay continue to fight all the way up the ramp, trading stiff shots, while Rafiq and Fargo are at ringside, throwing haymakers at each other. Allen and Midnight Panther are in the crowd, fighting through the sea of fans!

“It’s absolute mayhem!” Rees exclaims. “We’ve lost control here in San Antonio!”

As the camera zooms in on the chaotic scene, Ryland urges the audience: “You don’t want to miss next week, folks—tune in as ACE goes live from Quebec, Canada! It’s going to be another wild one!”

With the brawl still raging on, the show fades to black, leaving the audience on the edge of their seats.


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