ACE Showcase - 10/20/24

ACE Showcase - 10/20/24

As James Graham and Conway Marshall welcome viewers back to the ESPN Wide World of Sports at Walt Disney World, the excitement is palpable for another thrilling episode of ACE Showcase. The action kicks off immediately as The Technician Royce Cage faces off against the powerful Harold Mack. The tension between these two has been building for weeks, with Mack continuously inserting himself into Cage’s affairs—first, by turning Cage’s match against Odyssey into a triple threat, and then by ambushing Cage after his one-on-one victory last week.

As the bell rings, Harold Mack wastes no time, using his size and brute strength to dominate the early portion of the match. He muscles Cage into the corners with thunderous strikes and slams, showing why he’s such a dangerous opponent. However, Royce Cage, known for his incredible endurance and technical skill, weathers the storm. At around the four-minute mark, Cage begins to mount a comeback, using quick strikes and expert grappling to outmaneuver Mack. A series of precision holds and counters leave the bigger man off balance, and the momentum swings in Cage’s favor.

By the eight-minute mark, Cage looks poised to secure a victory. He hits Mack with a beautifully executed snap suplex, followed by a springboard dropkick that sends Mack crashing to the mat. Cage signals to the crowd, getting ready to lock in his finisher, the STF.

Suddenly, the arena is drowned in boos as General Zhang emerges at the top of the ramp, leading his destructive faction, The Foreign Legion. With him are Himalaya, Cael Gardner, Nikita Petrov, and Count Hammerli Von Fluker. The towering presence of Himalaya strikes fear into everyone as they march to the ring with malicious intent.

James Graham: “This can’t be good, Conway. General Zhang and The Foreign Legion are here, and we know what that means!”

Conway Marshall: “This isn’t a good situation for Cage or Mack, James. When Zhang and his Legion show up, nothing but chaos follows!”

Without hesitation, the Foreign Legion storms the ring, and the referee is powerless to stop the assault. Himalaya grabs Harold Mack and, with terrifying ease, hoists him up into the air before delivering a devastating Chokeslam from Everest, flattening Mack in the center of the ring. At the same time, Cael Gardner, the disgraced Olympic gold medalist, wraps his arms around Royce Cage and hits him with a crushing Olympic Slam, leaving Cage writhing in pain.

Petrov and Von Fluker, ever the enforcers of the group, waste no time in tossing both Mack and Cage out of the ring, clearing the canvas of their battered bodies. The Foreign Legion stands tall in the ring as General Zhang grabs a microphone, the crowd booing loudly at their dominant display.

General Zhang: “Ward Rees! You think you can just walk into our business? You think you can stop what the Foreign Legion has built? You’ve meddled in our affairs for the last time!”

Zhang paces around the ring, his voice dripping with venom.

General Zhang: “Rees, I am challenging you to face the most dangerous force in Atlas Championship Entertainment! At Shoot to Thrill, it will be you against Himalaya—the true mountain of destruction!”

The crowd erupts, shocked by the challenge. The prospect of Ward Rees facing Himalaya has the fans buzzing, but the threat is clear. Zhang smirks as Himalaya stands menacingly behind him, his eyes locked on the camera.

General Zhang: “But know this, Rees: once you step into that ring with Himalaya, there will be no escape. You will fall, just like all who stand before the Foreign Legion!”

The boos from the crowd intensify as Zhang drops the mic and the Foreign Legion stands united in the ring, their message clear and ominous.

James Graham: “Can you believe this, Conway? Ward Rees vs. Himalaya at Shoot to Thrill! That’s going to be a battle of titans!”

Conway Marshall: “Rees is a legend, but I don’t know if anyone can stop Himalaya. This could be the biggest challenge of Rees’ career!”

The scene fades out as the Foreign Legion exits the ring, leaving behind a path of destruction and a monumental challenge issued to one of the greatest names in ACE history. The stage is set for a showdown at Shoot to Thrill, with Ward Rees potentially walking into the lion’s den against Himalaya.

As we return to ACE Showcase, James Graham and Conway Marshall set the stage for the next match, hyping up the upcoming tag team bout between the high-flying duo of Fuerza Mistica, composed of Dark Phoenix and Dragon Mask, against a mysterious and brand-new team in ACE: The Shadows. The Shadows—identified only as Shadow #1 and Shadow #2—are almost impossible to tell apart, both wearing full black gear, masks, and boots. Their enigmatic nature immediately grabs the crowd’s attention.

James Graham: “We’ve seen a lot of new teams here in ACE, but these guys? I don’t know what to make of them, Conway. They’re a mystery!”

Conway Marshall: “All black, no names, no identities? They could be anyone, James. That’s the intrigue with The Shadows.”

As the bell rings, it’s Shadow #1 who steps into the ring first, facing off against Dragon Mask. From the outset, it’s clear that Fuerza Mistica plans to utilize their signature luchador style, dazzling the crowd with their speed and aerial maneuvers. Dragon Mask wastes no time in showing off his agility, delivering quick arm drags and hurricanranas that disorient Shadow #1. The Shadows, however, are not without their own tactics. They expertly switch in and out of the ring without the referee or audience being able to tell who’s legal, frustrating both the fans and their opponents.

James Graham: “It’s near impossible to tell which of The Shadows is which! They’re really playing the referee and the crowd here.”

Conway Marshall: “That’s the brilliance of their strategy. They’re using confusion as a weapon!”

The Shadows soon take control of the match, grounding Dark Phoenix with solid teamwork and strategic wrestling. They focus on quick tags, ensuring they always have the freshest man in the ring while executing seamless double-team maneuvers. Shadow #2 hits a well-executed backbreaker, followed by Shadow #1 leaping off the second rope for a diving elbow drop. They continue to target Dark Phoenix’s back, making sure to keep him isolated from Dragon Mask, cutting off the ring like seasoned veterans.

Just when it seems like Fuerza Mistica is in serious trouble, Dark Phoenix fights back, using his speed to evade a clothesline from Shadow #1 and hitting a springboard dropkick that sends the masked man flying across the ring. Phoenix scrambles and makes the hot tag to Dragon Mask, who comes in like a house of fire. He hits both Shadows with a series of high-flying moves: a spinning headscissors, a tornado DDT, and a springboard moonsault that brings the crowd to their feet.

The momentum is now fully in Fuerza Mistica’s favor. Dragon Mask and Dark Phoenix unleash their high-flying assault, with Dragon Mask hitting a picture-perfect suicide dive through the ropes to take out Shadow #2 on the outside. Inside the ring, Dark Phoenix keeps Shadow #1 at bay with a series of lightning-quick strikes.

As the match reaches its climax, Dragon Mask scales the top rope, preparing for his signature maneuver. With Shadow #1 staggering in the middle of the ring, Dragon Mask leaps off and executes a flawless top rope frankensteiner, sending Shadow #1 crashing to the mat. The crowd erupts as Dragon Mask quickly hooks the leg for the pinfall.

1… 2… 3!

At 10:43, Fuerza Mistica picks up the victory.

James Graham: “What a victory by Fuerza Mistica! They weathered the storm from The Shadows and came out on top!”

Conway Marshall: “I’m impressed with The Shadows, though. Despite being new, they had Fuerza Mistica on the ropes. Something tells me we haven’t seen the last of them.”

As Fuerza Mistica celebrate their win, the crowd response is mixed. Some cheer for their high-flying prowess, while others remain unsure of their tactics. Dark Phoenix and Dragon Mask soak in the reaction, raising their arms in victory, clearly satisfied with their performance.

As we head to commercial, the announcers speculate about what’s next for both Fuerza Mistica and The Shadows, leaving the door open for a potential rematch or deeper rivalry in the weeks to come.

As we return from commercial, Shania Wheatley is standing backstage in front of the ACE logo, ready to address the audience. Beside her is Rebel Jimmy Lee, and just behind him loom the intimidating figures of Reverend Elijah Cross and Simbi Loa, the Voodoo Priest. The trio stands in unison, exuding a sense of dark unity, with Cross donning his signature preacher’s collar and a knowing grin, while Simbi Loa clutches his chain of skulls, staring menacingly ahead.

Shania Wheatley: “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time—Rebel Jimmy Lee. Jimmy, the last few weeks have seen a dramatic change in you. You’ve accepted Reverend Elijah Cross’ teachings, turned your back on your longtime friends Ambassador Patrick Ford and Judge Joe Ridge, and now you’re set to face Calgary Hart in your upcoming Tournament of Aces match. Tell us, what brought on this transformation?”

Jimmy Lee sneers at the camera, his Southern drawl dripping with conviction.

Rebel Jimmy Lee: “Shania, let me set the record straight for you, and for all the fools out there who still believe in the lies peddled by Ford and Ridge. See, they walk around like they’re holier than thou, but the truth? The truth comes from Reverend Cross right here. He opened my eyes, showed me the light that I was blind to all these years. And as for Ford—he already met his fate. He stood up to the good Reverend in that ring, and now? He’s an afterthought. A footnote in the story of the rise of true righteousness.”

Cross nods approvingly behind him, while Simbi Loa continues to remain silent but ominous, a looming presence of dark energy.

Rebel Jimmy Lee: “And don’t get me started on Judge Ridge. The man thinks he’s justice personified, but what he didn’t realize is that justice only comes from above, and Reverend Cross is the only one who holds that power. As far as I’m concerned, Ridge and Ford both got what they deserved.”

Shania presses on, unfazed by the intensity.

Shania Wheatley: “And what about your match against Calgary Hart? Many say that he’s one of the most promising young stars in ACE and that he’ll give you one of your toughest tests yet in the Tournament of Aces.”

Jimmy Lee scoffs at the mention of Hart’s name.

Rebel Jimmy Lee: “Calgary Hart? Let me tell you something, Shania, Hart might think he’s destined for greatness, but his fate’s already been written. He can throw all the punches and all the holds he wants, but I’ve got something he’ll never have—the power of Reverend Cross guiding me. And right there in the Crescent City, not terribly far from where not I and Reverend Cross call home, we don’t take kindly to false prophets like Hart. This is the heart of the South, where the people understand true faith, true power.”

Jimmy Lee gestures back to Simbi Loa, who steps forward, his skulls clanking ominously.

Rebel Jimmy Lee: “And speaking of power, look at my brother here, Simbi Loa. He’s gonna tear through Asombrosa just like the voodoo spirits command him to. And after he’s done with that, no one in ACE is gonna stand in our way. Loa’s power comes from something far beyond wrestling moves. This is the power of the ancient ways, and anyone who stands in front of it is gonna fall, just like Calgary Hart will.”

Shania turns to Reverend Cross, his smile widening.

Shania Wheatley: “Reverend Cross, what do you make of Jimmy Lee’s path ahead, and how do you see the future of your alliance?”

Cross steps forward, placing a hand on Jimmy Lee’s shoulder, his voice smooth yet unsettling.

Reverend Elijah Cross: “Shania, I see Jimmy’s future as clear as the light of day. He has accepted the truth, and with that truth, he shall conquer. The Tournament of Aces is just the beginning. It’s a stepping stone on the path to a greater destiny—a destiny ordained by forces higher than any of us. Jimmy Lee, Simbi Loa, they are my disciples, and through them, the world will see the light.”

Lee looks into the camera with steely eyes, addressing Calgary Hart directly.

Rebel Jimmy Lee: “Calgary, it’s not too late to see the light. Accept your fate, boy. Accept what’s comin’ to you. Or get ready to be another name in my list of those who couldn’t see the truth.”

As the segment ends, Simbi Loa grins wickedly, and Reverend Cross looks on with satisfaction. The camera fades out as the trio stands together, the power they believe in palpable.

James Graham (voiceover): “Jimmy Lee has aligned himself with some dark forces, Conway, and it seems like he’s fully committed to this new path. I’m not sure Calgary Hart knows what he’s walking into.”

Conway Marshall: “If you ask me, Jimmy Lee’s never been more dangerous, and with Reverend Cross and Simbi Loa behind him, the sky’s the limit for him in this tournament.”

With that, we head into the final commercial break before the main event.

As we return from the final commercial break, the atmosphere is electric for the main event. The camera pans over the crowd at the ESPN Wide World of Sports, who are buzzing in anticipation. The entrance music of The Enchantment Rico Cruz hits, and the flamboyant, cocky superstar struts his way down the aisle, grinning from ear to ear. Dressed in a flashy sequined jacket, Cruz makes his way into the ring, snatches a microphone, and cuts a promo with a swagger that oozes arrogance.

Rico Cruz: “Ladies and gentlemen, you are witnessing greatness. You’re looking at the future of this company, the future of this entire business—The Enchantment, Rico Cruz! Tonight, I’ve got myself a match against Beulah Roy, but let’s be real here—Roy is washed up. He’s over the hill! Beulah’s time is over, and it’s time for the new blood to take over. So, Beulah, if you think you’ve still got it, come on out here and let me show you why I’m the next big thing.”

Cruz smirks and tosses the mic aside as the crowd boos loudly. Suddenly, the unmistakable music of Beulah Roy hits, and the crowd erupts in a deafening cheer! The veteran brawler from New York City storms out, his fists clenched and ready for a fight. The camera catches a quick shot of Beulah’s determined expression as he walks down the ramp, feeding off the energy of the fans.

James Graham: “Listen to this crowd, Conway! Beulah Roy is one of the most respected competitors in ACE, and the fans know what he’s all about!”

Conway Marshall: “He’s had a storied career, but Rico Cruz might just be right. The question is, can Beulah still hang with these young bucks?”

The bell rings, and the match kicks off with Beulah Roy charging at Cruz, using his size and power to immediately take control. Roy lands several heavy strikes, backing Cruz into the corner and working him over with stiff body shots and forearms. The crowd rallies behind Roy as he dominates the early portion of the match, showcasing his toughness and veteran instincts.

However, Cruz manages to create an opening after a well-timed reversal. He ducks under a clothesline and delivers a lightning-fast dropkick that catches Roy off guard. Cruz then uses his speed and agility to frustrate Beulah, dodging the veteran’s strikes and landing quick hits of his own. Cruz mocks Roy with cocky taunts, making the crowd boo even louder.

James Graham: “Cruz is fast, and he’s making Beulah chase him around the ring. This is where youth comes into play.”

Conway Marshall: “That’s right, James. Cruz is showing that he’s not just talk—he’s got the skills to back it up.”

Cruz continues his flurry, hitting a springboard crossbody and going for a quick cover, but Roy powers out at two. Cruz smirks, clearly enjoying the moment, but his arrogance gets the better of him. As he climbs to the top rope for a high-flying move, Roy quickly recovers and catches him mid-air with a devastating spinebuster that shakes the ring! The crowd explodes as Roy rises, a look of fire in his eyes.

With Cruz reeling, Beulah Roy hoists him up and delivers his signature finisher—the Beulah Bomb—a thunderous powerbomb that plants Cruz in the middle of the ring! Roy covers, and the referee counts:

1… 2… 3!

James Graham: “And that’s it! Beulah Roy with the victory!”

Conway Marshall: “He may be older, but Beulah’s still got that strength, and he just showed Rico Cruz who’s boss.”

The crowd erupts in cheers as Beulah Roy stands tall, his arm raised in victory at 8:28. Rico Cruz rolls out of the ring, clutching his back in pain, clearly humbled by the veteran. Beulah Roy takes in the adulation of the fans for a moment before turning his attention to the commentary desk.

He walks over to Commissioner Conway Marshall, who has taken off his headset, clearly intrigued by what’s happening. Beulah leans in and whispers something in Marshall’s ear, too quiet for the cameras to pick up. Marshall’s expression changes from one of curiosity to one of serious contemplation. The show fades to black with Marshall looking deep in thought, leaving fans wondering just what Beulah Roy had to say.

James Graham (voiceover): “What did Beulah Roy just tell the Commissioner? And what could it mean for the future of ACE? We’ll have to wait and see!”

Conway Marshall: “I’ll tell you this, James. Whatever Roy said, it’s important. You don’t just drop a bomb like that without a reason.”

The ACE logo flashes on the screen as the show goes off the air, leaving the audience with more questions than answers.


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