ACE Marquee - 10/15/24


ACE Marquee - Quebec, Canada - 10/15/24

Darrell Ryland: “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to ACE Marquee! We’ve got an unbelievable night of action ahead of us with more Tournament of Aces matches, but before we dive into it, I’ve gotta ask you, Ward… after what went down on ACE Showcase with you and Himalaya, the whole wrestling world is buzzing. Rumors are flying about you possibly getting back in the ring! Are you thinking about making a return?”

Ward Rees, adjusting his headset, leans back in his chair, clearly not eager to dive into the topic.

Ward Rees: chuckling “You know, Darrell, I’ve heard the rumors too. It seems everyone has an opinion. But let me make one thing clear—whether it’s Himalaya, or anyone else for that matter—I’ve never backed down from a challenge in my life. But as far as stepping back into the ring full-time? Well, I’m here at the announce table for a reason, Ryland.”

Ryland: “Fair enough, but you sure didn’t look like a guy ready to hang it up when you went toe-to-toe with Himalaya last Sunday!”

Rees: grinning “Old habits die hard, Darrell. Let’s leave it at that.”

Ryland: “Alright, alright, I won’t push it—for now! But I’ve gotta say, the fans might be clamoring for one more run from Ward Rees.”

Rees: nodding “We’ll see, Ryland. We’ll see.”

Ryland: “Well, there you have it folks. The legend himself may not be ruling out anything just yet!”

Rees adds, “Darrell, back to the incredible matchups that we do know are happening tonight, but before the action begins, here comes Conway Marshall!”

The fans’ attention turns toward the entrance as Conway Marshall, the head of Atlas Championship Entertainment, makes his way down the ramp with a confident strut. Dressed in a sharp suit, he enters the ring and takes a microphone, the crowd buzzing in anticipation.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Marshall begins, beaming as he looks around the arena, “we are here for a night of great wrestling, but first, I want to introduce someone who is destined for greatness!”

Marshall turns to the entrance, his hand gesturing grandly. “Quebec, please welcome… Austin Adonis!”

The lights dim as the dramatic entrance music of Austin Adonis blares through the arena. The towering newcomer steps onto the stage, a chiseled figure of athleticism and arrogance, exuding the aura of a star. With every confident step down the ramp, the Quebec crowd reacts—some impressed, others clearly skeptical of his bravado.

“This man,” Conway continues as Adonis reaches the ring, “has the look, the strength, and the talent to become a future champion here in ACE!”

Adonis strikes a pose for the cameras, his cocky grin directed toward the audience. “And tonight,” Marshall adds, “he’s going to prove it in his debut Tournament of Aces match!”

The camera pans to the entrance once more as Sammy Vice, the quick and crafty hustler from Miami, makes his way down to the ring. Vice, clearly outsized but not intimidated, jogs to the ring, ready to give his all in this tournament match.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. Austin Adonis immediately takes control, using his size advantage to dominate Vice. Adonis effortlessly manhandles his smaller opponent, throwing him around the ring like a rag doll. A powerful shoulder tackle floors Sammy Vice, followed by a hard-hitting clothesline that sends Vice tumbling to the mat.

Ryland notes Adonis’s strength on commentary: “Look at the sheer power of Austin Adonis! Vice can’t find an opening!”

Vice tries to use his speed to create some space, landing a quick dropkick that staggers Adonis briefly. Vice follows up with a series of jabs and a running knee, trying to build some momentum. The crowd cheers for Vice, hoping for an upset, but Adonis simply brushes off the shots, almost unfazed.

“Adonis is just too powerful!” Rees chimes in. “Sammy Vice needs to dig deep if he’s going to find a way past this monster!”

Adonis quickly regains control, tossing Vice into the corner with such force that he bounces off the turnbuckle and stumbles into a massive scoop slam. Adonis taunts the crowd, flexing his muscles before lifting Vice for the Hollywood Slam—a devastating Rock Bottom variation. Vice hits the mat hard, and the crowd gasps as Adonis follows up with his signature move, the Big Leg Drop.

Ryland exclaims, “That’s gotta be it!”

Adonis confidently hooks the leg, and the referee counts the pinfall. 1… 2… 3!

The bell rings at 6:17, and Austin Adonis raises his arms in victory, a cocky smile on his face as he soaks in the reaction from the crowd. Some fans boo, but others applaud the dominant debut performance.

“What a debut for Austin Adonis!” says Rees. “He just steamrolled through Sammy Vice!”

As Adonis stands in the ring celebrating his victory, the ominous theme music of General Zhang begins to play. The crowd’s attention shifts to the stage, where Zhang, with his ever-present scowl, appears alongside his protégé, Cael Gardner. Gardner stands tall and focused, his gaze locked on Adonis.

Ryland notes, “Well, the first matchup for round two is set—Austin Adonis versus Cael Gardner! This is going to be a battle of power and skill!”

Adonis, still in the ring, turns toward the stage, pointing directly at Gardner and Zhang. He gestures confidently, making it clear that he’s ready for whatever the Foreign Legion has in store for him.

Gardner doesn’t flinch, simply staring back with an icy focus, while General Zhang whispers something in his ear, no doubt strategizing for their upcoming match.

“Adonis vs. Gardner in the second round?!” Rees says. “I can’t wait for that one!”

With the tension building and the crowd buzzing in anticipation of their future clash, the show heads to commercial.

As ACE Marquee returns from commercial, Darrell Ryland and Ward Rees are hyping the next matchup.

“Up next, we’ve got tag team action as Calgary Hart teams up with Asombrosa to take on Rebel Jimmy Lee and Simbi Loa!” Ryland announces. “And don’t forget, next week, Hart faces Lee and Asombrosa goes one-on-one with Loa in their Tournament of Aces matches!”

But before the match begins, Reverend Elijah Cross makes his presence known. Dressed in his signature preacher’s attire, he leads his team, Rebel Jimmy Lee and Simbi Loa, down the ramp to a chorus of boos from the crowd. Cross, with a twisted grin, steps into the ring with a microphone in hand.

“The battle is not with flesh and blood, but with principalities, powers, and… Calgary Hart and Asombrosa!” Cross twists scripture with his usual sinister flair. He continues, “These two are not just opponents, they are distractions sent by evil forces to keep the truth from prevailing. And then there’s that so-called Ambassador Patrick Ford, who tonight will be judged by the righteous hand of the Lord.”

The crowd boos louder, clearly not buying into Reverend Cross’s warped religious rhetoric. He smirks, unfazed, and hands the mic to Jimmy Lee before exiting the ring to the floor.

As the bell rings, Calgary Hart starts the match, taking control with his speed and technical skill. He puts on a clinic, hitting Jimmy Lee with a series of arm drags, followed by a sharp dropkick that sends Lee reeling into the corner. Hart presses his advantage, locking in an armbar, keeping Lee grounded.

Ryland notes on commentary, “Calgary Hart is really showing why he’s one of the top competitors here. He’s controlling the pace!”

Simbi Loa is soon tagged in, and the Voodoo Priest immediately shifts the momentum with his raw power. Loa drives Hart into the corner with a hard shoulder block, then whips him across the ring with force, sending Hart crashing into the opposite turnbuckle. Loa follows up with a thunderous clothesline, taking Hart off his feet.

Rees chimes in, “You can never count out the power of Simbi Loa. Hart needs to keep his distance, but that’s easier said than done.”

Rebel Jimmy Lee gets tagged back in and begins to mount his offense, using dirty tactics behind the referee’s back. Reverend Cross grabs a microphone from ringside again, quoting more scripture but twisting the words, distracting Hart as Jimmy Lee and Loa work together to wear him down. Asombrosa, frustrated, tries to rally the crowd, and the fans respond with loud chants of “Hart! Hart! Hart!”

Just as the situation looks bleak for Hart, he makes a desperate tag to Asombrosa, who springs into the ring with a flurry of high-flying moves. The luchador uses his speed and agility to take down Simbi Loa, stunning the big man with a series of quick kicks, followed by a headscissors takedown. The crowd is on its feet as Asombrosa climbs the ropes and hits a spectacular springboard crossbody, crashing down on Loa and sending him tumbling to the mat.

Ryland shouts, “Asombrosa is on fire! He’s turning this match around!”

Reverend Cross, seeing his team in trouble, leaps onto the apron, causing a distraction. As the referee turns his attention to Cross, Rebel Jimmy Lee sneaks into the ring and delivers a vicious low blow to Asombrosa, unseen by the official. The crowd erupts in boos as Lee capitalizes, taking advantage of the situation.

Jimmy Lee rolls up Calgary Hart, who had just tagged back in, using the tights for leverage. The referee, unaware of the cheating, counts the 1… 2… 3!

The bell rings at 9:52, and Rebel Jimmy Lee steals the victory for his team.

Rees is disgusted, “Unbelievable! Jimmy Lee cheats again, and now he and Simbi Loa pick up the win.”

As Lee and Loa celebrate in the ring, flanked by Reverend Cross, they aren’t done yet. Cross grabs a microphone, starting to gloat about their victory, but before any further damage can be done, Ambassador Patrick Ford storms down the ramp. The crowd erupts in cheers as Ford slides into the ring, causing Cross, Lee, and Loa to quickly retreat.

Ford grabs a microphone of his own, glaring at Reverend Cross.

“Cross! You keep talking about righteousness, but all I see are your lies and cheap tricks,” Ford says. “I heard what you said earlier about me, and believe me, I’ll deal with you tonight in our Tournament of Aces match!”

The crowd cheers as Ford continues, “But I’m also starting to wonder about these promises of fairness and order from certain officials around here. If they won’t restore order, then maybe it’s time I do it myself!”

Cross and his team back up the ramp, smirking but clearly unnerved by Ford’s intensity. Hart and Asombrosa recover in the ring as Ryland reminds the viewers to stay tuned for Ford vs. Cross later in the night.

With tensions high and rivalries building, the show heads to commercial once more, leaving fans on the edge of their seats.

As ACE Marquee returns from commercial, the crowd is buzzing in anticipation for another Tournament of Aces matchup. Darrell Ryland and Ward Rees hype up the next bout.

“Up next, it’s Keme Dakotah taking on Slim Elroy, and don’t forget, Slim’s been hanging around with that troublemaker, Cody Montana,” Ryland reminds viewers.

Before the match kicks off, Keme Dakotah makes his way to the ring to loud cheers from the crowd. Grabbing a microphone, Dakotah cuts a fiery promo, his voice full of passion.

“Slim Elroy, Cody Montana…you two may think you’re clever, but I’ve dealt with worse than a couple of wannabe cowboys,” Dakotah begins, pacing back and forth. “You know, rivalries as old as time, cowboys and Indians, right? Well, I’m here to tell you, this isn’t the Wild West, and I’m not backing down. Tonight, I’m taking out Slim Elroy. And Cody Montana, you can try whatever you want, but just know this—you and your bull rope don’t scare me. When this is over, I’m coming for you next!”

The crowd erupts into cheers, fully behind Dakotah as he tosses the mic aside, ready for action.

The bell rings, and Slim Elroy, with his wiry frame and veteran instincts, comes out trying to use his speed to get the upper hand. He throws quick jabs, aiming to outmaneuver the more powerful Dakotah. However, Dakotah stands tall, brushing off Elroy’s strikes like they’re nothing, catching him with a heavy right hand that drops him to the mat.

“Dakotah’s strength is something else, folks. Elroy’s gotta change his game plan, or this is going to be a quick one!” Rees comments.

Keme Dakotah stays in control early, using his size and power advantage to dominate Elroy. He sends Slim into the ropes with an Irish whip and catches him on the rebound with a big back body drop, sending Elroy crashing to the mat. The fans cheer as Dakotah taunts Elroy, motioning for him to get back up.

Slim Elroy, despite the punishment, uses his veteran cunning to slow the pace. He ducks a clothesline and slides outside the ring, taking a breather as the referee starts the count. Elroy takes his time, drawing Dakotah into a chase. As Keme slides out of the ring to grab him, Elroy quickly rolls back in and catches Dakotah with a dropkick to the knees as he re-enters the ring, momentarily slowing the big man down.

“Smart strategy by Slim Elroy. He’s using his experience to find an opening,” Ryland notes.

With Dakotah on one knee, Elroy tries to build momentum, delivering rapid-fire kicks to Dakotah’s chest, followed by a running knee strike. Elroy climbs the turnbuckle, attempting a crossbody, but Dakotah catches him in mid-air! With a thunderous slam, Keme plants Elroy into the mat, regaining control of the match.

“And just like that, Keme Dakotah turns things around! The power of this man is unreal!” Rees shouts.

With the momentum back on his side, Keme Dakotah climbs to the second rope and delivers a Tomahawk Chop to Elroy, sending him crashing to the mat. Slim Elroy barely manages to kick out at two, but Dakotah wastes no time. He quickly grabs Elroy’s legs and locks him into his signature Indian Deathlock submission hold, tightening the grip.

Elroy struggles, desperately clawing at the mat, but the pain is too much. He taps out at 9:14, giving Keme Dakotah the victory and advancing him to the next round of the Tournament of Aces.

“Keme Dakotah with an impressive win tonight! Slim Elroy gave it his best shot, but Dakotah’s just too strong, too skilled,” Ryland comments.

As Dakotah celebrates in the ring, raising his arms in victory, the familiar sound of Wild Stallion Cody Montana’s theme music hits. The crowd immediately shifts to boos as Montana, holding his bull rope, saunters out onto the stage. With a sneer on his face, Montana slowly walks down the ramp, keeping his eyes locked on Dakotah.

Montana, without stepping into the ring, helps Slim Elroy to his feet, all the while shouting at Dakotah.

“You think this is over, Keme?” Montana yells from the outside. “This is just the beginning! Next time, you’re not going to be so lucky!”

Dakotah leans over the ropes, glaring at Montana, daring him to step into the ring. The tension is palpable, but Montana opts to retreat with Elroy, leaving Dakotah to stand tall in the ring as the fans cheer him on.

“The rivalry between Keme Dakotah and Cody Montana is heating up, and you just know this isn’t the last time these two will cross paths,” Rees says as the show cuts to another commercial, leaving fans eager for more.

The match is over, but the war between Dakotah and Montana has only just begun.

As ACE Marquee returns from commercial, the lights dim, and the crowd’s boos fill the arena as the elegant but arrogant Miss Cavendish makes her way to the stage, flanked by Chase Barclay, Arn Fargo, and Jarvis “The Genius” Allen. Miss Cavendish, holding a microphone, waves off the audience as they continue to jeer.

“Oh, you Canadians think you’re so special, don’t you?” she begins with her signature sass, flipping her hair back. “But we all know what you really are—irrelevant! Just like every other pathetic city that doesn’t measure up to the grandeur of the Barclay Investment Group!”

The crowd boos even louder, but Cavendish ignores them, turning to the camera.

“Now, let’s get to what really matters. Last week, we all witnessed something absolutely ridiculous!” she says, with mock disbelief. “Chase Barclay, the most powerful, the most intelligent, the richest man in all of wrestling—was forced to face a fraud! A fraud! The Sandman, who was so obviously Amir Fayez in some cheap disguise!”

Chase Barclay, clearly fuming, snatches the mic from Cavendish. The crowd’s reaction intensifies as he begins to speak.

“I demand answers, Conway Marshall!” Barclay barks, pacing back and forth in the ring. “You’ve let this company spiral out of control, and now you’re hiding behind some cowardly ‘open challenge’ charade! How is it that I, Chase Barclay, the face of ACE, was duped into facing that masked loser, The Sultan Amir Fayez, under some ridiculous alias?”

The fans begin chanting “Fayez! Fayez! Fayez!”, much to Barclay’s annoyance.

“You’re all idiots! That wasn’t The Sandman! That was Amir Fayez trying to get back at me because he knows he can’t cut it around here anymore!” Barclay snaps, motioning to Allen and Fargo, who nod in agreement.

Just then, Conway Marshall’s theme music hits, and the ACE Commissioner strides out onto the stage, microphone in hand. The crowd cheers for him as he pauses, shaking his head with a smirk.

“Barclay, you’ve got some nerve complaining about control when you’ve been out here week after week bending the rules to your advantage,” Marshall begins, eliciting cheers from the audience. “But you want answers? Fine. Let me give you some. You want Amir Fayez reinstated? Is that it? Would that make you happy, Chase? Would you feel better if I put him back on the roster, and maybe you two could settle this in the ring?”

The crowd cheers wildly at the idea, but Barclay, taken aback, quickly shakes his head.

“No, no, no, I don’t want him reinstated! I don’t want him anywhere near this company!” Barclay yells, holding up his hands in protest. “I just want someone—anyone—to take control around here! You’re so concerned with being Mr. Nice Guy that you let these kinds of things happen!”

Just as Marshall opens his mouth to respond, the crowd suddenly erupts into a huge cheer. A figure appears behind Barclay in the ring—it’s The Sandman, clearly Amir Fayez once again donning the mask!

The Sandman doesn’t waste any time. He blindsides Barclay with a vicious clothesline, sending him crashing to the mat! Fargo and Allen react too late, as The Sandman slips out of the ring, hopping over the barricade and escaping into the crowd before the two can get their hands on him.

“What in the world—” Rees exclaims from commentary. “The Sandman strikes again!”

The fans go wild as Chase Barclay stumbles to his feet, completely irate, while Miss Cavendish is screaming at the top of her lungs.

“Marshall! You’re responsible for this! Do your job!” Cavendish shrieks, pointing a manicured finger at the commissioner.

Marshall, clearly amused by the chaos, gives a small shrug and an innocent smile.

“Seems like control’s the last thing you have, Chase,” Marshall quips before turning and walking backstage to roaring approval from the fans.

The camera captures Chase Barclay holding his head in frustration as Miss Cavendish, Allen, and Fargo huddle around him. ACE Marquee cuts to commercial with Cavendish still yelling, Barclay seething, and the crowd chanting “Fayez! Fayez! Fayez!”.

As ACE Marquee returns from commercial, the tension in the arena is palpable, with fans on their feet for the final Tournament of Aces match of the night. The animosity between Reverend Elijah Cross and Ambassador Patrick Ford is well-documented, stemming from their intense clash at Fall-Out, and the crowd is buzzing for this highly anticipated rematch.

Reverend Elijah Cross makes his way to the ring first, Bible in hand, with a smug expression on his face as he soaks in the boos from the crowd. As he walks down the ramp, he spouts twisted scripture, as always, taunting the fans. “Tonight, the Ambassador shall once again face divine retribution! His so-called ‘truth’ is no match for the will of the righteous!” he declares, before entering the ring, ready to take on his old foe.

The crowd then erupts as Ambassador Patrick Ford strides out to his patriotic theme, waving the American flag proudly. Ford looks determined, his face a mask of focus, ready to get payback for his loss at Fall-Out. He walks around the ring, high-fiving fans, before locking eyes with Cross, knowing that this is about more than just advancing in the Tournament of Aces—it’s personal.

The bell rings, and the two men waste no time, charging at each other and locking up in the center of the ring. Ford gains the early advantage, using his technical prowess to outmaneuver Cross, twisting him into a wristlock and transitioning into a snapmare takedown. Ford keeps the pressure on, focusing on Cross’ arm to limit his power moves. The crowd cheers Ford’s sharp execution, but Cross counters with a thumb to the eye, drawing jeers.

The momentum shifts, with Cross taking control through underhanded tactics. He stomps Ford viciously in the corner, taking full advantage of the referee’s five-count before backing off. The Reverend barks at the crowd, quoting twisted scripture between strikes. “And the weak shall fall before the strength of the chosen!” he yells, adding insult to injury.

Ford, however, is not easily shaken. After an Irish whip reversal, he ducks under a clothesline and bounces off the ropes to deliver a flying crossbody, gaining a near fall. He keeps the pressure up, showcasing his agility with a series of dropkicks and a swinging neckbreaker that puts Cross on the defensive. The audience is fully behind Ford as he goes for a cover—1…2…, but Cross kicks out.

The match spills to the outside after Ford sends Cross through the ropes with a hard clothesline. Ford follows him out, sending Cross into the barricade with a thunderous thud. The two brawl around ringside, exchanging stiff shots before Cross catches Ford with a sneaky low blow, behind the ref’s back. Cross smirks, quickly capitalizing by ramming Ford into the steel steps.

Back in the ring, Cross goes for a cover, but Ford kicks out at two. Growing frustrated, Cross attempts to wear down Ford with a series of submission holds, including a camel clutch. The crowd rallies behind Ford, who refuses to quit. He powers out of the hold and begins his comeback, mounting a flurry of offense, including a beautiful standing dropkick and a springboard forearm. The fans are electric as Ford gains momentum, setting up Cross for the Ambassador’s Declaration, his signature running knee strike.

As Ford charges in, Cross counters at the last moment with a vicious spinebuster! Ford writhes in pain, and Cross wastes no time, signaling for his finisher. He hoists Ford up and delivers The Revelation (a swinging side slam), driving him hard into the mat.

But Cross isn’t done. He gets to his feet and mockingly “preaches” to the audience, “And so it is written… the chosen will deliver salvation to the sinners!” He turns back to Ford, hauling him up and delivering The Salvation (a modified lifting reverse DDT) with authority. The referee counts: 1…2…3!

Reverend Elijah Cross secures the victory at 17:43, advancing in the Tournament of Aces.

After the match, Cross stands tall in the ring, arms raised in victory. Grabbing a microphone, he continues his mock sermon, his voice dripping with arrogance. “Once again, the Ambassador has fallen at the hands of the divine! Let this be a lesson to all—there is no escape from the judgment of the righteous!”

As Cross smugly walks back up the ramp, his “flock” of fans booing him relentlessly, Patrick Ford slowly rises in the ring, visibly disappointed but not broken. The camera lingers on Ford, who looks out into the crowd, knowing his fight with Cross is far from over.

ACE Marquee cuts to another commercial as Reverend Elijah Cross continues his self-satisfied march backstage, clearly basking in his hard-fought victory.

As ACE Marquee returns from commercial, ACE World Champion Johnny Roach makes his way to the announcers’ table, greeted by fans with a roar of approval. He takes a seat next to Darrell Ryland and Ward Rees, and they waste no time asking him about his upcoming title defense against Gentleman Geoffrey Hastings next week on Marquee. Roach, always cool and confident, praises Hastings for earning the shot by beating Himalaya on Showcase, but he makes it clear that once they step in the ring, Hastings will learn what it takes to beat the champion.

Meanwhile, inside the ring, The Sons of Samoa—Tavita Silk, Kimo, and Tua—are waiting, their intimidating presence setting the tone for the match. Their opponents tonight, Gentleman Geoffrey Hastings and The Chaos Riders (Mastadon and Inferno), make their entrance to loud cheers. Hastings, a respected competitor, stands tall alongside the hard-hitting Chaos Riders, who’ve come to the aid of Johnny Roach in recent weeks in his war against the Sons of Samoa.

As the bell rings, the match immediately showcases the Sons of Samoa’s devastating teamwork. The three Samoans work like a well-oiled machine, using quick tags, double-team moves, and brutal strikes to isolate Inferno. They keep him grounded with powerful slams, chops, and vicious headbutts, while Tavita Silk yells instructions from the corner. Kimo and Tua hit a massive double suplex, leaving Inferno in agony on the mat. The Samoans then focus their attacks on Hastings, seemingly injuring his ribs as he crumples to the floor outside. Roach gets up from commentary to check on Hastings, concern etched across his face.

Suddenly, Roach has had enough. He sheds his leather jacket, hops onto the ring apron, and calls for a tag. The crowd explodes as Mastadon makes the tag, and Johnny Roach charges into the ring like a man possessed. Roach is a house of fire, leveling Tua with a flying forearm, sending Kimo over the top rope with a clothesline, and going toe-to-toe with Silk. The momentum shifts back and forth as the match descends into chaos. The Chaos Riders and the Samoan Warriors spill to the outside, brawling all over the arena. Chairs, barricades, and anything else in sight become weapons as the two teams tear into each other with reckless abandon.

Inside the ring, Roach and Tavita Silk slug it out, their bitter rivalry fueling every punch. They fight their way up the entrance ramp, trading stiff blows until the referee’s count reaches ten. The official rules the match a double countout, but no one is stopping the brawl. Back towards the ring, Roach tackles Silk and begins hammering him with strikes. The arena is in a frenzy as security struggles to keep the two teams apart.

Just then, ACE Commissioner Conway Marshall storms out onto the stage, grabbing a microphone. “Enough! You all want to tear each other apart? Fine! At Shoot to Thrill, it’ll be the Sons of Samoa versus Johnny Roach and The Chaos Riders in a six-man tag team match!” The crowd erupts at the announcement, but the brawl continues. Roach seizes the opportunity, nailing Tavita Silk with his finisher, The Infestation (a devastating leaping DDT). Silk is left lying in the middle of the ring, out cold.

As Roach stands tall, Geoffrey Hastings pulls himself back into the ring, clutching his ribs. He confronts Roach, anger flashing in his eyes. “What do you think you’re doing, Roach? Taking my place like that? This was my match!” The tension rises as the two stare each other down, their upcoming title bout looming large. The fans are on edge, sensing the combustible energy between them.

At the announcers’ table, Darrell Ryland and Ward Rees hype up the confrontation. “Next week on Marquee, it’s Johnny Roach defending the ACE World Championship against Geoffrey Hastings! You won’t want to miss it!” shouts Ryland. Rees chimes in, “And with Shoot to Thrill on the horizon, things are about to get even more explosive!”

The show fades to black with Johnny Roach and Geoffrey Hastings still locked in a tense staredown, the stage set for their epic showdown next week.


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