ACE Showcase - 10/13/24


ACE Showcase - 10/13/24

We open with an overhead shot of the ESPN Wide World of Sports at Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL, where the latest episode of ACE Showcase is set to take place. James Graham welcomes viewers, setting the stage for a program of thrilling action, and introduces his broadcast partner, Conway Marshall.

James Graham: “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to ACE Showcase! We’re here from the heart of Orlando at Walt Disney World, and boy, do we have an exciting lineup for you tonight!”

Conway Marshall: “Thank you, James, and I’d like to take a moment to address our fans here in Florida. We know it’s been a difficult week with the hurricane passing through, and from all of us at ACE, we’re sending our best wishes for a speedy recovery. Stay strong, Florida!”

The fans cheer, showing their resilience as they wave signs and show off their ACE gear.

Conway Marshall then pivots to another topic.

Conway Marshall: “Now, I have to address some wild rumors floating around, courtesy of that so-called Dirt Sheet. Some of you may have read it, talking about ‘outside help’ supposedly coming in to ‘run things.’ Let me make one thing very clear: I’m in total control here at ACE, and I’ve got things covered. There’s no need for any outsiders meddling in our business.”

The fans react with a mixed response, sensing tension around Marshall’s comments.

James Graham: “Strong words from Mr. Marshall, folks! But let’s get right to the action—our first match is set to kick things off as Royce Cage, ‘The Technician,’ makes his way to the ring!”

Royce Cage’s music hits, and he strides confidently down the ramp. The commentary team reminds fans about last week’s match where Cage had to contend with Harold Mack being inserted into his one-on-one bout with Odyssey, but Cage still pulled off the victory. Now, Cage is looking for the fair fight he originally wanted.

Before the bell rings, we cut to pre-recorded comments from Odyssey. He’s standing backstage, arms crossed, clearly frustrated.

Odyssey: “Cage, you got lucky last week. But today? There’s no Mack, no distractions. It’s just you and me, and I’m going to show you why this is my Showcase.”

The camera zooms in on his intense glare before cutting back to the arena, where the bell rings to signal the start of the match.

James Graham: “Odyssey’s not happy about how things went down last week, and he’s looking to take that frustration out on Royce Cage right here, right now!”

The match starts fast, with Cage using his technical prowess to control the pace early on. He hits quick arm drags, transitions into wrist locks, and targets Odyssey’s legs with precision strikes. Odyssey, however, counters with his speed, using dropkicks and fast-paced offense to even the playing field. He keeps Cage on his toes, forcing him to switch up his strategy.

As Odyssey starts to build momentum, he hits a springboard crossbody that gets a close two-count. Cage, showing his experience, quickly regains control by dodging a second aerial attempt and locking in a punishing STF submission. Odyssey writhes in pain, desperately crawling toward the ropes. After what seems like an eternity, he finally reaches the bottom rope, forcing the break.

James Graham: “Odyssey barely makes it to the ropes! That STF from Cage can end matches in an instant.”

Conway Marshall: “But Odyssey’s hanging on, showing a lot of heart.”

Cage remains relentless, however, dragging Odyssey back to the center of the ring and setting him up for his patented High Knee. As Odyssey stumbles to his feet, Cage charges forward and connects with the devastating strike, sending Odyssey crumbling to the mat. Cage hooks the leg, and the referee counts the 1… 2… 3 at 9:39.

James Graham: “Royce Cage picks up the win! A clean, decisive victory here tonight on Showcase!”

Cage celebrates as the fans applaud his impressive performance, but just as he’s making his way back up the entrance ramp, Harold Mack blindsides him from behind! Mack, still furious over his loss last week, pummels Cage with vicious stomps and punches. The crowd boos as Mack grabs Cage by the hair and yells at him, clearly out for revenge.

James Graham: “Oh, come on! What a cowardly attack by Harold Mack!”

Conway Marshall: “I don’t condone this at all! Mack’s actions are out of line, and if he wanted another shot at Cage, he should’ve done it the right way.”

Security rushes down to break up the attack as Mack finally backs away, a smirk on his face, knowing he’s made his point. As Cage slowly gets to his feet, clutching his ribs, Conway Marshall gets on the mic.

Conway Marshall: “Alright, Mack, you’ve made your feelings clear. You want a piece of Cage? Fine. But you’re going to do it the right way. Next week, right here on Showcase, it’s going to be Royce Cage versus Harold Mack, one-on-one! And this time, I expect you to keep it in the ring!”

The fans cheer as Mack glares back at Cage, clearly ready for another showdown. As we go to commercial, the tension between the two continues to build.

James Graham: “What a match that’s going to be! Next week, Cage and Mack settle this the right way, but for now, folks, we’ll be right back after this commercial break!”

We return from commercial to the next match of the night—Russian Riot Nikita Petrov and Count Hammerli Von Fluker, accompanied by the ever-strategic Anastasia, taking on the high-flying duo Air Raid (Talon Towns and Hawk Hensley), alongside their valet, Scarlett McCaw.

As the teams make their way to the ring, Anastasia makes her presence felt right away. Before the bell even rings, she confidently approaches Scarlett McCaw and gets right in her face, exchanging heated words. Without warning, Anastasia slaps Scarlett hard across the face, sending a shockwave through the crowd. Scarlett stumbles back, holding her cheek in pain, as Air Raid charges toward Anastasia, furious. The referee quickly steps in, preventing the situation from escalating further and forcing both teams to their respective corners.

James Graham: “What a cheap shot from Anastasia! Scarlett McCaw didn’t see that coming, and Air Raid is livid!”

Conway Marshall: “Anastasia knows how to push buttons, and she just lit a fire under Talon Towns and Hawk Hensley! But they’ll have to focus on the task at hand if they want to take down Petrov and Von Fluker.”

With tensions high, the bell finally rings, and the match gets underway. Nikita Petrov starts off for his team, using his brute strength to dominate Hawk Hensley early. Petrov methodically picks Hensley apart with stiff strikes and a vicious suplex, showcasing his power and precision. Tagging in Von Fluker, the two heels display excellent teamwork, cutting off the ring and isolating Hensley from his partner. They execute double-team maneuvers, including a crushing double shoulder block that leaves Hensley gasping for air.

Despite the punishment, Hensley manages to hit a desperation dropkick on Petrov, buying just enough time to make the hot tag to Talon Towns. Towns storms the ring with a burst of energy, hitting Von Fluker with a series of quick strikes and a spinning heel kick. Just when it looks like Air Raid might turn the tide, Count Von Fluker counters Towns’ offense with a brutal clothesline, regaining control. After a series of high-impact moves, Von Fluker plants Towns with a devastating powerbomb, folding him up for the pin. The referee counts the 1… 2… 3, and the heels secure the victory at 5:42.

James Graham: “What a dominant performance from Petrov and Von Fluker! Air Raid just couldn’t overcome the power and brutality of this dangerous duo.”

As Nikita Petrov and Count Hammerli Von Fluker stand victorious, it looks like they might go in for a post-match assault on the already beaten Air Raid. But before they can act, Conway Marshall rushes into the ring, getting between the teams and signaling for them to back off.

Grabbing a microphone, Marshall addresses the crowd.

Conway Marshall: “Let’s keep things civil, gentlemen! This is a time to celebrate what makes Atlas Championship Entertainment the best in the business—not focus on trivial matters like whether I’m ‘tough enough’ on these guys.”

Marshall smirks, clearly responding to the rumors circulating from the Dirt Sheet. He then turns his attention back to the fans.

Conway Marshall: “But let me tell you what is worth focusing on—the 2024 Tournament of Aces! We’ve got three incredible matches coming up this Tuesday on Marquee, live from Quebec, as part of our Canadian tour. And one match you do not want to miss… is the debut of the man everyone’s been talking about—none other than Austin Adonis!”

The crowd cheers as the spotlight shifts to the upcoming debut of Adonis, and we cut to a well-produced vignette highlighting the superstar.

The vignette begins with footage of Austin Adonis in his college football days as a dominant defensive lineman at UCLA. We see clips of him tackling opponents with raw power and intensity, cementing his place as a key player for the Bruins. From there, the vignette transitions to Adonis’ surprising stint as the lead singer of the rock band ThunderLips, showcasing his charismatic stage presence and larger-than-life persona.

The video then shifts focus to his rise through the ranks of the wrestling world, where Adonis captured titles in both Pacific Coast Wrestling and American Pro Wrestling. Footage of him holding championship gold in both promotions plays, along with clips of him delivering his signature and finishing moves, The Hollywood Slam Rock Bottom, followed by the Big Leg Drop, to stunned opponents.

As the vignette wraps up, we cut to a sit-down interview between Austin Adonis and legendary ACE commentator Darrell Ryland. The two are seated in a sleek studio setting, and Ryland kicks off the interview with a question about Adonis’ expectations for his time in Atlas Championship Entertainment.

Darrell Ryland: “Austin, you’ve conquered both the football field and the wrestling world across multiple promotions. Now, you’ve arrived in ACE, where the competition is tougher than ever. What are your expectations as you make your debut in the Tournament of Aces?”

Austin Adonis: (smiling confidently) “Darrell, I’ve always been a competitor, no matter the stage—football, music, wrestling. ACE is the biggest stage yet, bro, and I’m here to prove that I belong at the top. My expectations? I’m going to win. And it all starts this Tuesday.”

Ryland nods, intrigued by Adonis’ confidence.

Darrell Ryland: “Your first match is against Sammy Vice, who has made it clear that he’s not impressed by all the hype surrounding you. How do you plan to respond to that in the ring?”

Austin Adonis: (smirking) “Look, Vice can talk all he wants, but the moment that bell rings, reality’s going to hit him. I’ve faced trash-talkers before, and they all ended up flat on their backs, looking up at the lights as the ref counts the 1-2-3, brother. Vice is no different. On Tuesday night, I’m going to show him and everyone watching why I’m the future of ACE.”

The vignette ends with a shot of Adonis standing in front of an ACE banner, looking focused and ready for battle. His voice echoes in the background.

Austin Adonis: “Sammy Vice… I’ll see you in Quebec.”

The screen fades to black as the anticipation for Adonis’ debut builds. We cut back to the arena, where James Graham and Conway Marshall hype up the next episode of Marquee and the Tournament of Aces matches.

James Graham: “Folks, you’re not going to want to miss it! Tuesday night on Marquee, Austin Adonis debuts against Sammy Vice in the Tournament of Aces, plus so much more!”

Conway Marshall: “The tournament is shaping up to be the most exciting event in ACE history, and I can’t wait to see what happens next!”

With that, we head into the final moments of the show, leaving fans eager for what’s to come.

We return from commercial to the main event of the show: a clash between the monstrous Himalaya and the skilled Gentleman Geoffrey Hastings. The stakes are high, as tensions have been brewing between Hastings and ACE executive Conway Marshall over the last month, and heightened ever since last Tuesday’s controversial ending to Hastings’ Tournament of Aces match against Cael Gardner. After a pre-match sneak attack by Gardner, Hastings had been locked in Gardner’s Crossface Lock when Marshall ordered the bell to be rung early, much to Hastings’ fury.

As Geoffrey Hastings makes his entrance, the disdain is written all over his face as he locks eyes with Conway Marshall, standing near the announcer’s table. Marshall, ever the showman, grabs the house mic.

Conway Marshall: “Well, well, Hastings. I know you’re still upset about Tuesday, but what’s fair is fair. I’ll tell you what—if you manage to defeat that mountain of a man in the ring here, you’ll earn yourself a shot at the ACE World Championship in the coming weeks. Good luck—you’re gonna need it.”

The crowd buzzes with excitement as the stakes are raised. Hastings glares at Marshall, clearly motivated, but aware of the monumental task ahead of him.

The arena lights dim, and a massive presence takes the stage. Himalaya, flanked by his manager General Zhang and his stablemate Cael Gardner, makes his way down the ramp. The towering figure of Himalaya, a 7-foot-plus beast from the base of Mount Everest, looks as imposing as ever. Zhang directs Himalaya forward while Gardner taunts Hastings from ringside.

James Graham: “This is going to be an absolute war, Conway! Himalaya is nearly unstoppable, but Geoffrey Hastings has the heart of a lion!”

Conway Marshall: “Yeah, but heart alone won’t be enough against this monster, James. Hastings is in for the fight of his life.”

The bell rings, and the match begins. Himalaya immediately takes control, using his overwhelming size and strength to back Hastings into a corner. With clubbing blows, Himalaya hammers Hastings down, showing no mercy. He lifts Hastings high into the air and slams him to the mat with a military press slam, rattling the ring.

But Hastings isn’t one to go down easily. He’s a savvy technician, and after surviving an early onslaught, he begins to use his speed and smarts to mount a comeback. Dodging a wild swing from Himalaya, Hastings lands several hard forearm strikes to the chest, followed by a swift dropkick to the knee, which staggers the giant. Hastings keeps the pressure on, attempting to take the big man off his feet.

As the momentum starts to shift, Cael Gardner tries to interfere, hopping onto the apron and attempting to rush into the ring to aid Himalaya. But the referee, Jerome Perkins, sees him and isn’t having any of it. Perkins immediately orders Gardner to leave the ringside area, sending him to the back amid loud cheers from the fans!

With Gardner out of the picture, the match continues in the ring with a more even flow. Hastings fights valiantly, hitting Himalaya with everything in his arsenal, but no matter what he throws at him, he can’t seem to get Himalaya off his feet. The giant shrugs off clotheslines and punches like they’re nothing, and Hastings looks for another opening.

Just when it seems like Hastings might be able to turn the tide, General Zhang climbs onto the apron, looking to cause a distraction. Zhang’s presence looms large, and it seems like he’s ready to use his signature cane to turn the match in Himalaya’s favor. But before Zhang can act, the crowd erupts as Ward Rees, legendary wrestler and now ACE color commentator, makes his way down the ramp.

James Graham: “It’s Ward Rees! Rees is coming down to even the odds! What’s he doing here?”

Rees, a longtime fan favorite and no stranger to controversy, steps into the fray. Himalaya turns his attention away from Hastings and toward Rees, the two stars engaging in a heated confrontation outside the ring. The tension is palpable as Rees and Himalaya come head to head, or as close to it as Rees can be with Himalaya, the crowd roaring with excitement. But referee Jerome Perkins won’t allow this chaos to continue—he orders both Rees and Zhang to leave ringside!

In a sudden turn, General Zhang, incensed by the situation, strikes Perkins with his cane, knocking the referee to the mat! The crowd is in shock as the ref immediately calls for the bell, signaling a disqualification win for Geoffrey Hastings at 10:11.

James Graham: “Unbelievable! Zhang just struck the referee with that cane—Himalaya’s been disqualified! Hastings wins the match!”

Conway Marshall: “Well, that wasn’t exactly the ending we expected, but rules are rules. Hastings has earned himself a shot at the ACE World Championship!”

As soon as the bell rings, Himalaya, seething with anger, looks ready to tear Hastings apart. He steps toward Hastings, who braces himself for the impending assault. But before Himalaya can strike, Ward Rees slides into the ring and stands between them, staring down Himalaya with fierce determination.

The two giants standoff in the middle of the ring, the crowd on their feet in anticipation of what could be an explosive confrontation. Rees and Himalaya exchange heated glares, the tension at a boiling point, as the show goes off the air with the cliffhanger of these two titans potentially colliding in the near future.

James Graham: “What a night, and what a way to end it! Ward Rees and Himalaya in a stare-down—what’s going to happen next?”

Conway Marshall: “I don’t know, but I guarantee you this: you won’t want to miss it!”

With the image of Ward Rees and Himalaya still locked in their intense stare-down, the screen fades to black, leaving the audience eager for what’s to come in the world of Atlas Championship Entertainment.


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