ACE Marquee - 10/22/24


ACE Marquee - New Orleans, LA - 10/22/24

As ACE Marquee opens live from New Orleans, Louisiana, the crowd is buzzing, and Darrell Ryland and Ward Rees are front and center to kick off the show.

Darrell Ryland: “Good evening, wrestling fans, and welcome to ACE Marquee, live from the Big Easy! We’re on Hulu tonight, and boy, do we have an action-packed show for you!”

Ward Rees: “That’s right, Darrell. We’ve got the last two first-round Tournament of Aces matches coming your way tonight, and we’ll cap it all off with the ACE World Championship on the line when Johnny Roach defends his title against Gentleman Geoffrey Hastings!”

Ryland: “But first, let’s get things rolling with the first Tournament of Aces match of the night—Calgary Hart takes on Rebel Jimmy Lee!”

As Ryland finishes his words, Ambassador Patrick Ford and Judge Joe Ridge make their way out to a warm reception from the crowd. They’re in Calgary Hart’s corner tonight to counter the threat of Reverend Elijah Cross and Simbi Loa, who are accompanying Rebel Jimmy Lee to the ring.

Once Ford and Ridge reach ringside, Ambassador Ford grabs a microphone, and his tone is fiery from the start.

Patrick Ford: “It’s a disgrace what we’ve seen out of these three lately—Cross, Lee, Loa—you’ve poisoned this place with your lies and your ignorance! I warned you last week, and I’ll say it again: ACE leadership has failed to keep control, but I’m not here to watch anymore—I’m here to fight! Cross, your false sermons and lack of respect for this sport and this country will not stand!”

Ford’s words fire up the crowd, drawing loud cheers. The camera then shifts to Reverend Cross, who stands unbothered, a smirk on his face. With tensions high at ringside, the referee calls for the bell, and the match gets underway.

Ryland: “Strong words from Ford, and you can feel the tension already! Let’s see how Calgary Hart fares against the vile Rebel Jimmy Lee.”

Hart takes control early, using his technical prowess to outmaneuver Lee. His crisp strikes and calculated grappling have Lee on the defensive. However, a quick, underhanded cheap shot from Lee turns the tide.

Rees: “Classic Rebel Jimmy Lee. He’ll stoop to any level to get the advantage.”

Lee grabs a microphone mid-match, ignoring the referee’s warnings, and launches into a tasteless, politically incorrect rant.

Jimmy Lee: “Look at this! The so-called ‘Ambassador’ backing a Canadian like Hart? And let’s not forget Asombrosa, that Mexican jumping bean, getting a pass here too! Simbi, take care of that one tonight while I beat on this Canuck! North America’s gone soft!”

His insults are aimed not just at his opponents but at the broader state of North America. His tirade is filled with offensive rhetoric, clearly designed to provoke. The audience reacts with loud boos, and even the commentary team falls silent in shock for a moment.

Ryland: “This is… beyond poor taste. Jimmy Lee’s showing his true colors here, and none of them are any good.”

Lee’s hateful words fuel Calgary Hart’s fury, and he channels that anger into a relentless comeback. With the crowd fully behind him, Hart rallies, hitting Lee with a barrage of offense. He applies the Sharpshooter, but Lee manages to reach the ropes, forcing a break.

Meanwhile, outside the ring, Reverend Cross tries to intervene, tripping Hart at ringside. This sparks Ambassador Ford and Judge Ridge to make their way toward Cross and Simbi Loa, but security rushes down to prevent a full-on brawl from breaking out.

Rees: “Looks like things are about to explode on the outside! Ford and Ridge have had enough of Cross’ antics!”

Despite the chaos at ringside, Hart stays laser-focused inside the ring. He delivers a stunning second-rope flying forearm to Jimmy Lee, securing the victory at 15:14!

Ryland: “What a victory for Calgary Hart! He’s moving on in the Tournament of Aces, and the crowd is on their feet!”

As the crowd celebrates, Reverend Elijah Cross helps a dazed Jimmy Lee out of the ring. Grabbing the mic, Cross begins yet another twisted sermon.

Reverend Cross: “Rejoice, Brother Jimmy, for this loss is but a minor test in the grand plan! The divine path is still clear, and we shall walk it together! No defeat can sway us from our purpose!”

The crowd boos as Cross continues his sermon of falsehoods, while Hart, Ford, and Ridge stand tall in the ring. The tension remains high as we head into the commercial break.

Ryland: “This war is far from over, folks. Stick with us—there’s plenty more to come tonight on ACE Marquee!”

We return from commercial break, the atmosphere tense as General Zhang and Anastasia make their way down the ramp. The two walk with an air of authority, leading Russian Riot Nikita Petrov and Count Hammerli Von Fluker—two imposing figures representing Zhang’s Foreign Legion—toward the ring. The crowd boos, but they remain unbothered, their focus on the task ahead.

Darrell Ryland: “Well, folks, we’re back, and the Foreign Legion is on their way to the ring. But before we get into this match, Ward, I have to ask—this past weekend on ACE Showcase, General Zhang threw out a challenge for you to face Himalaya at Shoot to Thrill. What’s your response to that?”

Ward Rees shifts in his chair, clearly not entirely comfortable with the question, but he doesn’t back down.

Ward Rees: “Look, Darrell, I’ve been out of the ring for a while now, and I’m not exactly jumping at the chance to lace up the boots again. Zhang can issue all the challenges he wants, but I’m just not ready for that yet. Doesn’t mean I’ll back down if it comes to it, though.”

The crowd can be heard reacting to Rees’ words, murmuring with anticipation as the topic of his return hangs in the air. Ryland presses no further as the action is about to begin.

Inside the ring, Nigerian Hit Squad (Rhino Rafiq and Midnight Panther), the ACE World Tag Team Champions, stand ready. This non-title match is crucial, serving as a tuneup for their upcoming defense at Shoot To Thrill against Jarvis “The Genius” Allen and Arn Fargo of the Barclay Investment Group. The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Ryland: “Big opportunity here for the Nigerian Hit Squad to pick up some momentum before their title defense at Shoot to Thrill. Petrov and Von Fluker, though, are no pushovers.”

Right from the start, the Nigerian Hit Squad uses their cohesive tag team strategy to take control. Quick tags between Rhino Rafiq and Midnight Panther keep the pressure on Count Von Fluker, who can’t seem to keep up with their fluid teamwork. Double-team maneuvers and swift strikes keep the crowd engaged.

Rees: “This is why these guys are tag champs—they know how to work together. They’re cutting the ring in half and keeping Von Fluker isolated.”

At one point, Midnight Panther goes for a pin attempt after a crushing back suplex, but Nikita Petrov storms into the ring and breaks up the count, preventing the match from ending early. From there, the tide shifts, with Petrov using his brute strength to turn the momentum. He grabs Midnight Panther in a massive bear hug, squeezing the life out of him while Von Fluker recovers in the corner. The crowd watches in anticipation as Panther’s energy seems to drain.

Ryland: “Look at Petrov! That bear hug is sapping Panther’s strength, and this crowd is feeling the shift!”

But Panther digs deep, feeding off the energy of the crowd, and manages to break free. Stumbling to his corner, he makes the hot tag to Rhino Rafiq, who storms into the ring like a house of fire. He levels both Petrov and Von Fluker with powerful clotheslines and body slams. The crowd is on its feet as Rafiq clears the ring of Von Fluker and sets up for the Nigerian Death Drop.

Petrov, though, once again breaks up the pin attempt, refusing to stay down. The frustration mounts for the Nigerian Hit Squad, but they remain calm and composed, knowing they’re still in control. They regroup quickly, delivering a second Nigerian Death Drop to Von Fluker—this time, Petrov is too late to intervene. The referee counts the three, and the Nigerian Hit Squad secures the win at 8:28.

Ryland: “What a win for Rhino Rafiq and Midnight Panther! They’re sending a message ahead of Shoot to Thrill—they’re ready for Fargo and Allen.”

But just as the Nigerian Hit Squad celebrates their hard-fought victory, the music of Himalaya hits, and the monstrous giant from Nepal makes his way down the ramp. The arena buzzes with anticipation as Himalaya slowly approaches the ring. Ward Rees is noticeably tense at the announce table, shifting in his seat as the towering figure draws closer.

Ryland: “Uh oh… here comes Himalaya! Ward, is this—?”

Rees: “Don’t worry, Darrell, I’m not going anywhere, but if he gets too close…”

Rees stands up, clearly ready for a confrontation if it comes. The tension builds as Himalaya locks eyes with Rees from ringside, an unspoken challenge hanging in the air. The crowd is on edge, unsure if the former champion will step back into the ring to confront the giant.

As the scene continues to build, we fade into commercial, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats.

As we return from break, Darrell Ryland and Ward Rees are hyping up the next big match of the evening—the ACE Television Championship bout between the champion Cael Gardner and the challenger Royce Cage. Ryland reminds viewers about what went down over the weekend on ACE Showcase when Himalaya and Gardner brutally attacked Cage and Harold Mack after their match, leading to General Zhang’s challenge for Ward Rees to face Himalaya at Shoot to Thrill. The tension has only been building since then.

Ryland: “This has been boiling over ever since Showcase, Ward. Cage was taken out by Gardner and Himalaya, but tonight he’s getting his shot at revenge and the ACE Television Title!”

Rees: “You better believe I’ve got my eyes on them tonight, Darrell. Zhang, Gardner, Himalaya—all of them. They won’t be getting away with their underhanded tactics.”

As Rees makes that comment, General Zhang and Himalaya are joined by Cael Gardner in the ring. Zhang eyes Rees from across the arena, a smirk playing on his lips. The tension between Rees and the Foreign Legion continues to simmer, but Rees stays put at the commentary desk for now.

The bell rings, and we’re underway. Gardner, the reigning champion, takes the early lead in this technical showcase, using his wrestling expertise and ruthless aggression to keep Cage grounded. But Royce Cage, the ever-resilient challenger, fights back, showing why he’s earned the moniker The Technician. The back-and-forth is intense, with both men landing quick strikes and grappling maneuvers, giving the crowd a masterclass in technical wrestling. Cage nails a beautiful arm drag, followed by a precision dropkick, but Gardner answers with a German suplex into a bridge pin for a near fall.

Ryland: “This is turning into a technical masterpiece! Gardner has the advantage now, but Royce Cage is no slouch.”

Rees: “Cage is always dangerous. If Gardner lets his guard down for even a second, this match could turn in a heartbeat.”

The momentum shifts in Cage’s favor after a well-timed reversal, and he begins to mount his comeback. The crowd is behind him as he hits Gardner with a rapid series of strikes, culminating in his signature High Knee finisher. Gardner is laid out flat in the center of the ring, and it looks like Cage is about to win the ACE Television Championship. The referee drops to the mat to make the count…



Suddenly, Himalaya reaches into the ring and yanks the referee out, breaking up the count at the last possible second! The crowd erupts in boos, and Ward Rees is beside himself at the commentary table.

Rees: “Oh, come on! That’s absolute garbage!”

Rees throws off his headset and storms away from the desk. He marches toward Himalaya, the two staring each other down for only a moment before fists start flying. Rees and Himalaya are exchanging hard blows at ringside, the crowd on its feet as Rees takes the fight to the giant!

Meanwhile, inside the ring, with the referee down, General Zhang seizes the moment, tossing his cane into the ring. Gardner, recovering from the High Knee, grabs the cane and without hesitation, smashes it across Cage’s head. Cage crumples to the mat as the crowd boos furiously. The referee, now back in the ring and unaware of what just happened, counts the three.

Ryland: “No! Not like this! Gardner retains, but you’ve got to be kidding me with this nonsense!”

The match officially ends at 9:36, with Cael Gardner retaining the ACE Television Championship. The Foreign Legion’s tactics have stolen yet another victory, but the night isn’t over.

After the match, Gardner exits the ring and joins Himalaya, the two towering over Ward Rees. At General Zhang’s behest, they begin to beat down Rees, delivering blow after blow. The situation seems dire, but then the crowd erupts into a deafening cheer.

Austin Adonis charges down the ramp at full speed! The fan-favorite star slides into the ring, and Gardner and Himalaya back off for just a moment, unsure how to handle this new threat. Adonis explodes into action, taking the fight to Gardner and Himalaya. He lands a massive clothesline on Gardner and a big forearm to Himalaya, sending the Foreign Legion retreating.

Ryland: “It’s Austin Adonis! Listen to this crowd! Adonis is here, and he’s standing tall with Ward Rees!”

The Foreign Legion retreats up the ramp, but they’re not gone for good. From the entranceway, Zhang looks back, his eyes narrowing as he surveys the scene in the ring. Meanwhile, Adonis and Rees stand tall together, the crowd going wild for their alliance.  Rees confers with Adonis for a second.

Rees grabs a microphone, breathing heavily but resolute.

Rees: “Zhang—you’ve been running your mouth for weeks. I’m tired of it, and I’m tired of your lackeys. So I’ll accept your challenge to face Himalaya at Shoot to Thrill—but only if we make it a tag team match! Himalaya and Gardner versus me and Austin Adonis!”

The crowd erupts in cheers as Rees lays down the gauntlet. Zhang, standing at the top of the ramp, sneers but gives a slight nod of approval. The match is on. Rees and Adonis vs. Gardner and Himalaya at Shoot to Thrill! The Foreign Legion disappears into the back, their plans now set in motion as we head to another commercial.

Ryland: “Oh, it’s on now, folks! Ward Rees coming out of retirement to team up with Austin Adonis to take on the Foreign Legion at Shoot to Thrill! You do NOT want to miss this!”

As we return from commercial, Darrell Ryland and Ward Rees are amped up, talking about the final first-round match in the 2024 Tournament of Aces that’s about to begin. The arena is buzzing with excitement as Asombrosa waits in the ring, bouncing on his toes, ready for the fight of his life.

Ryland: “It’s time for the last of our first-round Tournament of Aces matches, Ward, and what a clash we have lined up. Asombrosa, the high-flying sensation from Mexico, against the terrifying Simbi Loa, the Voodoo Priest.”

Rees: “Asombrosa’s going to have his hands full tonight, Darrell. Loa’s size and power are going to be tough to overcome, but if anyone can do it, it’s the masked marvel.”

Suddenly, the lights in the arena dim, and an eerie, haunting melody fills the air. The atmosphere shifts as Simbi Loa makes his entrance, his face hidden behind his menacing voodoo skull mask, a string of bones rattling in his hands. The crowd immediately unleashes a torrent of boos, drowning out Loa’s music with their disdain. The shadowy figure strides down the ramp, methodically making his way to the ring, as Reverend Elijah Cross and Rebel Jimmy Lee watch from the back with cold smiles.

Ryland: “Listen to this crowd! They’re letting Simbi Loa know exactly how they feel about him!”

Rees: “The fans may not like Loa, but you can’t deny the impact he’s had in ACE. This guy is dangerous, plain and simple.”

The bell rings, and the match is underway. Loa immediately uses his size and power advantage, locking up with Asombrosa and tossing him to the mat with a show of brute strength. The early moments are all Loa, who clubs Asombrosa with heavy strikes, grounding the high-flyer and keeping him on the defensive. The crowd continues to boo, but Loa thrives on the negativity, sneering as he punishes Asombrosa with a series of body slams and a backbreaker that leaves the masked luchador writhing in pain.

Ryland: “Simbi Loa is just manhandling Asombrosa here in the early going. This is a dangerous spot for the high-flying sensation.”

Just as it seems like Asombrosa is done for, he taps into the energy of the crowd. The fans rally behind him, chanting his name, and slowly but surely, he begins to fight back. Using his incredible speed and agility, Asombrosa escapes Loa’s grasp, ducking under a clothesline and bouncing off the ropes to deliver a lightning-fast dropkick to Loa’s knee. Loa stumbles but doesn’t fall, and Asombrosa keeps up the pressure, launching himself off the ropes with a springboard crossbody that finally sends the big man crashing to the mat!

Rees: “That’s what Asombrosa needs to do! Use his speed to keep Loa off balance!”

Asombrosa continues his high-flying assault, flipping and diving around the ring with breathtaking moves, including a moonsault that gets the crowd on its feet. Loa looks rattled as Asombrosa lands strike after strike, culminating in a spectacular hurricanrana that sends the crowd into a frenzy. Asombrosa goes for the cover, but Loa kicks out with authority at two.

Ryland: “Asombrosa is giving it everything he’s got! The crowd is firmly behind him, but can he put away the Voodoo Priest?”

The match turns into a back-and-forth affair, with Loa using his power to regain control after a devastating sidewalk slam. He hoists Asombrosa into the air and plants him with a huge spinebuster, taking the wind out of the luchador. Loa begins to toy with his prey, dragging Asombrosa around the ring before signaling for The Ritual, his devastating finishing move.

Rees: “This is bad news for Asombrosa. If Loa hits The Ritual, it’s over.”

Loa lifts Asombrosa high into the air and delivers The Ritual with bone-crunching impact. The crowd groans as Loa covers Asombrosa for the pin.




Simbi Loa wins the match at 12:20, advancing to the next round of the Tournament of Aces.

Ryland: “And just like that, Simbi Loa moves on in the tournament. Asombrosa fought valiantly, but the Voodoo Priest was just too much to overcome.”

Rees: “Loa’s a force, no doubt about it. Whoever faces him next is in for a world of trouble.”

After the match, Loa stands tall in the ring, raising his arms in victory as the crowd continues to shower him with boos. But the action isn’t over. Reverend Elijah Cross and Rebel Jimmy Lee start making their way down the ramp, looking like they’re ready to pounce on the fallen Asombrosa and send a message.

Suddenly, the mood changes. Ambassador Patrick Ford, Judge Joe Ridge, and Calgary Hart march out from the back, ready to back up Asombrosa and prevent Cross and Lee from making their move. The two groups stare each other down, tension building, but before anything can explode into a full brawl, ACE security floods the ringside area to keep them apart.

Ryland: “Here we go again! It’s about to break down between these two sides!”

Rees: “Ford, Ridge, and Hart aren’t letting Cross and his group get away with anything tonight, but security’s on the scene to keep the peace—for now.”

As the tension simmers, security successfully keeps the two sides from coming to blows, but the message is clear: this war is far from over. We head to commercial with both groups glaring at each other, knowing that sooner or later, they’ll settle things in the ring.

We return from commercial to the extravagant setup of The Dish with Miss Cavendish. A lush velvet couch and a gleaming backdrop display her signature style, complete with golden accents. The Barclay Investment Group—Jarvis “The Genius” Allen, Arn Fargo, and the man himself, Chase Barclay—flank her as she takes center stage, microphone in hand. Dressed in a sleek, sharp suit, Miss Cavendish immediately begins berating the New Orleans crowd, her voice dripping with sarcasm and disdain.

Miss Cavendish: “Oh, New Orleans… I must say, you all have such… charm.”

She rolls her eyes, letting the insult hang in the air as the audience erupts with boos. The louder the jeers, the wider her smirk grows.

Miss Cavendish: “But let’s not dwell on your incredibly poor taste—because we’re moving on to something far more important. This Sunday, at Shoot to Thrill in Washington, D.C., the Barclay Investment Group will make history once again. Specifically, my brilliant coworkers —Jarvis “The Genius” Allen and Arn Fargo—will reclaim what is rightfully theirs, the ACE World Tag Team Championships. After all, the Nigerian Hit Squad are nothing more than placeholders, and their days are numbered!”

As the crowd boos louder, Cavendish rolls her eyes again and waves dismissively.

Miss Cavendish: “You see, these so-called ‘champions’ got lucky. Lucky when they won the titles after Fall-Out, in a match that should never have taken place! It was pure luck—and that luck runs out this Sunday. Jarvis and Arn will take back those titles fair and square. And that, my friends, is not an opinion. It’s a fact.”

She hands the mic to Jarvis Allen, who calmly adjusts his tie before speaking. His tone is confident, methodical, and filled with an air of superiority.

Jarvis Allen: “When you’re as brilliant as I am, it’s only a matter of time before success returns to your grasp. The Nigerian Hit Squad may hold those belts for now, but they don’t have the intelligence, the strategy, or the class to keep them. We, on the other hand, are proven winners. This Sunday, the Barclays Investment Group will prove it once again—efficiently and without any room for error.”

Miss Cavendish takes the mic back, her expression one of smug satisfaction as she gestures toward Chase Barclay, signaling the next topic on her agenda.

Miss Cavendish: “And that brings us to the matter of Chase Barclay and his unfortunate situation with that coward Amir Fayez.”

The mention of Fayez’s name draws a roar from the crowd, but Cavendish keeps going, undeterred.

She hands the mic to Chase Barclay, who steps forward with a confident grin, his eyes narrowing as he begins to address the situation.

Chase Barclay: “Only a coward hides behind a mask. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again—Amir Fayez is nothing but a coward, too scared to face me like a man. But I always knew that about him. His suspension just proves what I’ve been saying all along. He hides because he’s afraid—afraid of me, afraid of the truth.”

The crowd grows restless, some chanting Amir Fayez’s name, but Barclay ignores them and continues.

Chase Barclay: “Now, since Fayez got himself suspended and can’t face me himself, I’ve decided to challenge the Sandman to a match at Shoot to Thrill. I’m going to beat him in the middle of the ring, prove to the world what I already know—that Fayez has been playing Conway Marshall and all of you for fools. After Sunday, the mask comes off.”

Just as Barclay finishes his speech, the lights in the arena abruptly go out. The crowd gasps, murmurs of excitement buzzing through the arena. Then, the AtlasTron flickers to life, and in the center of the screen, a strange image begins to appear—words being drawn slowly in the sand. The camera zooms in, revealing the message:

“I accept.”

The screen flickers once more before going completely black again, and the crowd erupts into a frenzy of cheers and excitement. The lights return, revealing the stunned faces of the Barclay Investment Group.

Ryland: “WHAT?! Did we just witness Amir Fayez—or the Sandman—accept Chase Barclay’s challenge?!”

Rees: “It sure looks like it, Darrell! It’s official—Chase Barclay versus the Sandman at Shoot to Thrill!”

The camera cuts to a shot of Chase Barclay, who tries to mask his nervousness with a smirk, but the crowd can sense the unease. As Miss Cavendish tries to maintain control, shouting at the fans and claiming victory is inevitable, the Barclay Investment Group slowly regroups.

Ryland: “This is huge! The Sandman, or is it actually Amir Fayez under a mask, will meet Chase Barclay at Shoot to Thrill! What a match that’s going to be!”

As the tension simmers in the arena, we head to another commercial break.

We return from the final commercial break, the atmosphere in the arena electric as the crowd prepares for the main event of the evening—an ACE World Championship match featuring the champion, Johnny Roach, defending his title against the self-assured challenger, Gentleman Geoffrey Hastings. The fans buzz with anticipation, knowing that Roach has been embroiled in a heated feud with Tavita Silk and the Sons of Samoa, but tonight he must first overcome Hastings, a man looking to seize his moment after being knocked out of the Tournament of Aces in the first round.

Darrell Ryland: “Folks, this is what it’s all about—the ACE World Championship on the line! Geoffrey Hastings is one of the finest technical wrestlers we have, and tonight, he’s got a shot at glory.”

Ward Rees: “Hastings earned this shot by beating Himalaya—although by disqualification—but don’t forget, Roach has been riding high as the champ since capturing that title earlier this year. This could go either way!”

With Hastings already in the ring, Johnny Roach makes his entrance, the ACE World Championship proudly slung over his shoulder as the crowd erupts in cheers. Roach steps into the ring, grabs a microphone, and begins to speak, his words dripping with confidence as he addresses not only the audience but his rival, Tavita Silk.

Johnny Roach: “Y’know, as much as I respect the sport, as much as I live and breathe for these moments, I gotta say—tonight’s just a pit stop on my road to Shoot to Thrill. Yeah, I’m talking to you, Tavita Silk! You and your Sons of Samoa thought you could jump me, thought you could take me out? This title? It’s staying right here with Johnny Roach! And this Sunday, me and the Chaos Riders—we’re rolling right over you.”

The camera cuts to Geoffrey Hastings, who is standing in his corner, glaring at Roach with a look of disbelief and growing frustration. Hastings clenches his fists as Roach continues, clearly irritated at being dismissed so easily.

Johnny Roach: “But hey, first I gotta take care of some business tonight. Gentleman Geoffrey, no hard feelings, but you’re just another body in my way. Let’s get this over with, shall we?”

The crowd cheers, but Hastings is fuming as he steps forward, visibly seething at Roach’s nonchalant attitude.

Ryland: “Roach seems to be looking right past Gentleman Geoffrey Hastings—that could be a mistake.”

Rees: “You’re not kidding, Darrell. Hastings is no pushover, and this could come back to bite Roach if he’s not careful.”

Before the match gets underway, we see Beulah Roy come out to the top of the entrance ramp, standing on the stage looking on, arms folded.  Ryland and Rees wonder what he’s doing out here, and wonder if it has anything to do with what Beulah Roy whispered into Conway Marshall’s ear on ACE Showcase.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. Hastings, fueled by Roach’s disrespect, comes out strong, using his technical expertise and European wrestling style to gain the upper hand early. He weaves Roach into submission holds, utilizing grapples, chain wrestling, and methodical strikes to slow the champion down. Roach, known for his resilience, fights back with his brawler style, mixing in stiff punches and power moves to regain momentum.

It’s a classic back-and-forth affair, with both men showing their strengths—Hastings with his calculated offense and Roach with his relentless fighting spirit. At one point, Hastings nearly scores the upset victory after connecting with a vicious European Uppercut followed by a Dragon Suplex. The crowd gasps as Referee Carl Simmons counts, but Roach barely manages to kick out at the last second.

Ryland: “We were this close to seeing a new ACE World Champion! Hastings is on fire tonight!”

Rees: “He’s showing the champ why you never overlook a competitor, especially someone with the skill of Geoffrey Hastings. And in a pleasant development Carl Simmons seems to be calling things down the middle and fair and square.”

And now the Sons of Samoa appear on stage, but Beulah Roy stands in their way, he’s not letting them past, to come down and interfere in this matchup!  Is Beulah Roy providing Conway Marshall with an enforcer to ensure things are running without interference?  Silk is shouting at Roy and pointing towards the ring but Beulah is having none of it.  The Sons of Samoa back off and head back to the locker room!

Despite Hastings’ best efforts, Roach begins to turn the tide, countering Hastings’ technical attacks with sheer power and aggression. The two trade blows, each man giving as good as they get, until Roach ducks under a clothesline from Hastings, bounces off the ropes, and delivers a devastating Infestation—his move!

The crowd explodes as Roach covers Hastings, and referee Carl Simmons counts the three. Roach retains the ACE World Championship at 11:34.

Ryland: “What a match! Johnny Roach proves once again why he’s the champion, but you’ve got to hand it to Hastings—he put up one heck of a fight!”

Rees: “No doubt, Darrell. Hastings nearly had him, but the champ came through when it mattered most.”

After the match, Johnny Roach isn’t finished. He grabs the mic once again, pacing around the ring as the crowd chants his name. His expression shifts from triumph to intense focus as he turns his attention back to Tavita Silk and the Sons of Samoa.

Johnny Roach: “Tavita Silk, Kimo, Tua—you’re all on notice! This Sunday, at Shoot to Thrill, you boys better be ready, because me and the Chaos Riders? We’re coming to dismantle you! You think you’re gonna walk out of D.C. with your heads held high? You won’t even be able to walk when we’re done with you!”

The crowd roars in approval as Roach continues, fire in his eyes.

Johnny Roach: “The ACE World Championship stays right here with me. You want a war? You got it. I’ll see you Sunday night.”

As the fans go wild, the camera pans to Ryland and Rees at ringside, who are hyping up the final moments of the show.

Ryland: “Johnny Roach is fired up, and so are we! The ACE World Champion has laid down the gauntlet for Shoot to Thrill—he and the Chaos Riders are ready to take on the Sons of Samoa!”

Rees: “You don’t want to miss this one, folks! Tune in to Hulu this Sunday for Shoot to Thrill! It’s going to be an unforgettable night of action, and it all goes down in Washington, D.C.!”

The camera cuts back to Johnny Roach, standing tall in the ring with the ACE World Championship hoisted above his head, as the crowd chants his name. The show fades to black with the final image of the reigning champion staring down the camera, ready for the war ahead.


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